Despite the fact that Daigle was treated for his own injuries before he was booked last night, Trent Locke says he never hit him. He also says that he still loves the reality star cum gay porn cowboy who reportedly gave him a concussion outside WeHo’s The Abbey.
Here’s Locke:
I just want to say that I love Steven Daigle and am so upset and deeply embarrassed that things happened the way they did. I have so much respect for him, I would never take a swing at him. And I did not. I know he is hurting too, and my heart just goes out to him, especially while in custody. It’s times like this I try to put my faith in some kind of higher power to help both of us through them.
My head and my heart are both hurting and I feel lost, confused, and afraid. While I know all will heal in time, I appreciate all of the support I’ve been receiving.
Daigle’s arraignment is scheduled for tomorrow morning, and it sounds like Locke won’t be pressing charges on his own (it’s yet to be determined whether or not the city of West Hollywood will). Stay tuned.
(Note: I can, unfortunately, predict exactly what kind of negative comments Trent Locke’s statement might inspire in some of you, and I won’t be publishing any of them. Not because they’re mean-spirited, but because they’re boring and you’ve probably already read it or said it on the first post. If you have something to say, be creative. Surprise me.)
Besides both Trent Locke & Steven Daigle having a little publicity & fame, I think underneath it all they seem like 2 nice guys. We can’t help who we love, that’s why love is the biggest mystery of all.
Let everyone remember their are two sides to every story and when in the spotlight theses situations may not always be what they seem. I’m just saying …
It should be noted Trent was not rushed to the hospital, he was drinking at the bar all night and then allegedly took himself to the hospital after partying all night. His story is getting fishier by the moment, about as fishy as that pussy his exbf steven fucked in that straight for pay scene
Anybody who hits you in a relationship is just one step away from killing you. Get out and get safe.
Wow. Never thought I would be discussing this on a gay porn blog, but I kinda know how Trent feels. Me and my bf have….a dramatic relationship to say the least. I think the big difference is that my bf is a Marine combat vet so I think many of his issues stem from that. And yes, he has hit me. I never understood why some people stayed with their abusers but now I think I know. I’m not saying he beats me on a daily basis, but in our 4 yr relationship, he has taken a swing on my on at least 3 occasions. Of course, I swung back and in all cases he came out just as bad as I did. I like to believe that it’s his PTSD that is responsible for this because when we fight, its like he is a complete stranger. The look in his eyes is almost blank. And like Trent, I always felt partly responsible afterwards. Maybe if I didn’t get him mad, or hadn’t had said the things I did, things would turn out differently. But I stick with him bc I believe that this is his PTSD demons that I’am fighting. He has been taking medication but it turns him into a zombie so he stopped taking him. I don’t want to leave him in his time of need so I stick it out. Am I wrong for this? Does it make me weak? I honestly don’t know…
I agree that Trent sounds a little battered-wife-ish there. An abuser will get violent then try to portray himself as the victim, but Trent sounds a bit brainwashed to get assaulted then say “my heart goes out to him”.
Trent, if you see this, I’m not being critical of you because I’ve been there, but I’ve got one word of advice for you: RUN!
I didn’t really get into the fray and make any bitchy comments before, even though I was disgusted by what happened here. And just as my crystal ball predicted, Locke is not pressing charges. If these two decide to work it out, I hope for both their sakes they seek some counseling before they get back together. I know couples fight all the time and then get back together. But when two people can no longer express themselves in words and resort to physical violence, well, it’s time for professional help. I’m not a fan of either one, but I wish them the best. They’re going to need it, especially Trent.
I would never say that I know them so well that I can make an opinion, but I have been in a similar situation (no hospital stay, thank god) but I decided that I needed to take a break from that person. This might be the best for you two. Everyone, porn actor or not, JUST STOP GETTING INTO THESE FUCKING SITUATIONS!!!!!!!!!! If you’re not happy or having a problem, just back up until you are able to express those emotions in a civil manner!!! GOD this is getting annoying!
My heart goes out to him. Believe me when I say even when the person hits you or beats you, a part of your heart still stays with them. You can’t deny those very real emotions.
In the same breath,you also have to realize that the bad outweighs the good. Daigle put Trent in the hospital and whatever apologies he’s given, from personal experience I can tell you that if he does it once, he’ll do it again, and again, while being “sorry” afterwords.
Trent you will feel all of the emotions you described, but for your own well being, please know you are doing the right thing in leaving the relationship. Someone who is willing to hit you doesn’t truly love you.
I really hope he is not blaming himself for what happened. When I was in college I volunteered at a public health clinic and a shelter/safe house for domestic violence victims. So many times I heard “It was my fault,” “I did something to provoke him”, “It won’t happen again, he promised”. None of it was true of course, but as much as we begged, reasoned, and pleaded with these women not to go back to their abusers they wouldn’t listen, and we would see the same women a few months later. Fortunately, most of them did eventually get out of these relationships and were able to build up the strength, courage, and will to get out of the abusive cycle of a co-dependent and unhealthy relationship.
I hope Trent can find the courage and strength in himself not to continue with this relationship. Trent may have love and respect for Steven, but Steven’s actions show that the feeling is not mutual. There is nothing logical or rational to justify what Steven did, and I hope Trent knows this or can one day be in a place emotionally and mentally that where he sees that what happened is not is fault. Trent work on loving yourself and hopefully you will find someone that does give you the love and respect that you deserve and deserves YOU!