Yes, political adversaries and Gold Star Families aren’t alone. Now the Donald is going after internet porn. Except his wife’s.
Donald Trump promised to be tough on internet pornography. Curiously, this came the day after his brain trust praised the nude photos of his wife that the New York Post published. Sure, he posed for the cover of the March 1990 issue of Playboy. Sure, his hotels said it provides adult content on pay-per-view channels.
But after all, he signed a pledge …
The pledge was authored by Enough is Enough, a group fighting internet porn since 1994. The organization says it works to combat “internet pornography, child pornography, sexual predation and cyber-bullying.”
But as SFGate pointed out, “No one will dispute that child pornography is an insidious crime, but some might be concerned with the pledge’s language to crack down on porn that is created by adults and consumed by adults. Many bristle at legal pornography being lumped in with illegal acts, like child porn.”
“If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller,” ~Donald J. Trump.
Yesterday, after the New York Post published another Melania nude that showed her “spooning” on a bed with another naked woman under the headline “MENAGE A TRUMP,” Jason Miller, Trump’s senior communications adviser said Mrs. Trump had, “nothing to be embarrassed about. They’re a celebration of the human body as art.”
“She’s a beautiful woman,” he added.
True. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Hey Donald Tramp … behold this
[Watch Darius Ferdynand and Jack Harrer in “Making Love in London” from “International Playboys”]
great article! thanks Sword!
Thank you, Steve. Porn and politics are crashing into each other this election cycle much more than usual