funny,cause Brandon’s so called Best friend Cliff Jensen is the top amazon wish list offender…and I doubt he’s uttered these words to him…these guys are all FAKE
3 names that aren’t from that company come to mine that advertise their amazon lists either on their websites (if they have one) or on their twitter.
Shane Frost, Cliff Jensen and Cole Streets.
And from the NDS side… Johnny Torque. And here is something he said in December…with the quote.
Johnny Torque @JohnnyTorqueXXX
· Open
Get me a webcam for Christmas so you can have me 24/7 ;)… via @amazon
Tacky, just tacky. I don’t know who is more deplorable, the models who make these bullshit lists or the morons who buy the items for them. I think that’s a NDS standard right? Most of the lists are from the models from that the money in porn so bad they have to beg for things?
STALKERS is the term for the idiots w/ low self esteem who buy them these things. It is also the highlight of their LIFE to get a retweet or some such nonsense from these models who in reality don’t give a shit about them,or anybody but themselves..the whole thing is sick…
Brandon Lewis needs furnishings for his new Plano, TX apartment according to his updated Amazon list. Let’s chip in and get the boy a comforter. At $300 p/h escorting and a NDS career rubbing against Cody, he can’t seem to make it on his own.
I’ve read on twitter where some stars have said if you buy me things on my wishlist such as this camcorder I will tape and send you a special treat and I always have wondered if they really come through and do it. I doubt it happens but you never know..
Excellent sentiment, but a poor analogy… The homeless guy is likely to really NEED the $$$ in a way that the porn model does NOT NEED the Cappuccino machine, PS3 game, or other items that populate these lists.
The most amazing juxtaposition for me is the models who display these lists on their twitter accounts while tweeting about the cruises they’ve been on, the trips they’ve taken or the 4 hrs/day they spend at the gym, etc. These guys are living better than most people do/did in their late teens/early 20s and they still want more!
I don’t think Cliff Jensen even knows how to write, much less spell his own porn name. Don’t you know he chose his amazon wish list by the pretty pictures on screen?
But seriously, expecting gratitude from a porn star or hooker, forget it. I find the whole thing so tacky.
You see, these fans are the people who download thousands of dollars of stuff for free. They figure that they owe Mr. Right a $120 Swiss Army Knife and this way they get to skip paying the director, lighting technician, website coordinator, etc. and pretend that the star looks like he’s enjoying it because he enjoys it, not because they paid some long-suffering film major to edit out the parts where he looks dumb. It’s the new business model.
The only thing more desparate than a porn star making an amazon wish list is the guy buying the gift. You both deserve each other. Buy your own damn shit!
I see nothing wrong with it. Some fans want to give things to their favorites, and this is a good way to do it.
What it does do is foster a sense of entitlement in SOME of them. They probably would feel that way because of the fans they do meet in person, this just strengthens it.
People who are in the entertainment industry, porn or mainstream, do it because they want to be seen and liked or to have people lust after them. And part of that is what you get from the fans, adulation and gifts.
I personally would not buy anyone a gift(porn star or not) unless they were a friend or part of my personal life, Excluding charties such as the angel tree at christmas, etc.
Well, whores get paid for performing a service. In making these wish lists, you’re basically asking a complete stranger to buy you something for nothing in return.
I’m sure there are “$15,000 a night hookers with all the social graces of royalty” but, do they have Amazon wish List? If so, please provide a link, it should be interesting to compare to the classless whores we’re talking about here.
Ain’t that the truth!. Sorry but making a “wish list” of things you want to buy in the hopes someone else will get it for you seems just a little needy/desperate. Ask your family or friends to help you out. Don’t expect complete strangers to do it for you. That’s sad……
funny,cause Brandon’s so called Best friend Cliff Jensen is the top amazon wish list offender…and I doubt he’s uttered these words to him…these guys are all FAKE
3 names that aren’t from that company come to mine that advertise their amazon lists either on their websites (if they have one) or on their twitter.
Shane Frost, Cliff Jensen and Cole Streets.
And from the NDS side… Johnny Torque. And here is something he said in December…with the quote.
Johnny Torque @JohnnyTorqueXXX
· Open
Get me a webcam for Christmas so you can have me 24/7 ;)… via @amazon
Tacky, just tacky. I don’t know who is more deplorable, the models who make these bullshit lists or the morons who buy the items for them. I think that’s a NDS standard right? Most of the lists are from the models from that the money in porn so bad they have to beg for things?
STALKERS is the term for the idiots w/ low self esteem who buy them these things. It is also the highlight of their LIFE to get a retweet or some such nonsense from these models who in reality don’t give a shit about them,or anybody but themselves..the whole thing is sick…
I know..what the hell is that with the retweet thing? Those people really need to get over themselves, models and “fans”.
Brandon Lewis needs furnishings for his new Plano, TX apartment according to his updated Amazon list. Let’s chip in and get the boy a comforter. At $300 p/h escorting and a NDS career rubbing against Cody, he can’t seem to make it on his own.
Hahaha, so true. When they blow all their money on dumb shit, that’s what happens.
$300/hr sounds impressive but is entirely dependent on the question ‘how many hours in a month do you actually work at that rate’?
I’ve read on twitter where some stars have said if you buy me things on my wishlist such as this camcorder I will tape and send you a special treat and I always have wondered if they really come through and do it. I doubt it happens but you never know..
even if they do…we’ve already seen it..what’s so special?
I’ve always wondered if people ACTUALLY buy them stuff.
There’s no free lunch. To ask for something with nothing in return.good karma?
Lunch is free if you get food out of the bin
Austin and Anthony, are you reading this? Parasites
lol,right ! Those two need to get the hell over themselves,esp. Austin.
Excellent sentiment, but a poor analogy… The homeless guy is likely to really NEED the $$$ in a way that the porn model does NOT NEED the Cappuccino machine, PS3 game, or other items that populate these lists.
The most amazing juxtaposition for me is the models who display these lists on their twitter accounts while tweeting about the cruises they’ve been on, the trips they’ve taken or the 4 hrs/day they spend at the gym, etc. These guys are living better than most people do/did in their late teens/early 20s and they still want more!
Who are the “$15,000 per night hookers”
As far as I can see, all these guys are taking loads on the sly for a few hundred an hour.
As to the lists – it’s beyond sad for both purchaser and receiver.
The complete imbecile in the scenario is the one buying things for these guys in hopes that they’ll notice him
The most annoying thing is sending a gift and not getting a thanks or acknowledgment, I’m talking to you Cliff Jensen.
I don’t think Cliff Jensen even knows how to write, much less spell his own porn name. Don’t you know he chose his amazon wish list by the pretty pictures on screen?
But seriously, expecting gratitude from a porn star or hooker, forget it. I find the whole thing so tacky.
Yeah, I was a fool.
Cliff Jensen is a self delusional illiterate ..what a joke he is now,both to viewers and fellow models..his 15 min are over,thank God
please realize that Cliff doesn’t care about anyone but himself…for your own sake,you need to stop putting his loser ass on a pedestal.
You see, these fans are the people who download thousands of dollars of stuff for free. They figure that they owe Mr. Right a $120 Swiss Army Knife and this way they get to skip paying the director, lighting technician, website coordinator, etc. and pretend that the star looks like he’s enjoying it because he enjoys it, not because they paid some long-suffering film major to edit out the parts where he looks dumb. It’s the new business model.
The only thing more desparate than a porn star making an amazon wish list is the guy buying the gift. You both deserve each other. Buy your own damn shit!
I see nothing wrong with it. Some fans want to give things to their favorites, and this is a good way to do it.
What it does do is foster a sense of entitlement in SOME of them. They probably would feel that way because of the fans they do meet in person, this just strengthens it.
People who are in the entertainment industry, porn or mainstream, do it because they want to be seen and liked or to have people lust after them. And part of that is what you get from the fans, adulation and gifts.
I personally would not buy anyone a gift(porn star or not) unless they were a friend or part of my personal life, Excluding charties such as the angel tree at christmas, etc.
No surprise…they are in the business of selling themselves to any bidder..LoL
They’re whores…what do you expect? Class?
Well, whores get paid for performing a service. In making these wish lists, you’re basically asking a complete stranger to buy you something for nothing in return.
You say that as if $15,000 a night hookers with all the social graces of royalty don’t exist.
I’m sure there are “$15,000 a night hookers with all the social graces of royalty” but, do they have Amazon wish List? If so, please provide a link, it should be interesting to compare to the classless whores we’re talking about here.
I just wish he knew the difference between “there” and “their”… Oh, functionally-illiterate porn stars.
considering that now it seems that “its” and “it’s”, “lose” and “loose”, etc. are interchangeable, I’d say he’s following the general trend.
It may be a trend but those words are NEVER interchangeable. Put “tutor” on their Amazon wish list for some continued edumication.
Maybe someone will start selling grammar tutoring on Amazon?
Ain’t that the truth!. Sorry but making a “wish list” of things you want to buy in the hopes someone else will get it for you seems just a little needy/desperate. Ask your family or friends to help you out. Don’t expect complete strangers to do it for you. That’s sad……