Gay porn producer Afton Nills has assembled a gangly group of twink porn stars to live together–and draw penises on each other’s mouths–in a house and have their lives taped, to see what happens! I’ll tell you what happens: They draw penises on each other’s mouths.
As a people, maybe we are running out of ideas.
Housewives, Z-list celebrity drug addicts, Z-list celebrity fame addicts, A-list gays who are actually Z-list, fat people, fat Z-list celebrities, bad girls, tools, bachelors, bachelorettes, drag queens, midgets, guidos, and now twink porn stars. Just put ’em all in a fuckin house! Put them all in a house, and then record their every move! Put them all in a house, and then, please, blow up that house.
In case you haven’t been keeping up on your news here, Kayden Daniels (the short-haired blond one in the thumbnail above) is the same Kayden Daniels who was raped a few weeks ago.
LOL are you done? Cause this just gets more pathetic as you keep going on and on and on, Im also not stupid either this isnt just some random fan this is someone being a bitch and hiding behind a different name which is sad! If anyone has anything to say to me and wants to be a real person about it say it to my face or comment cause I honestly dont give a fuck what anyone in this industry thinks about me. I know who my true friends are and they know who I am so all your saying is blah blah blah blah blah to be honest. Bulimic thats funny did you talk to my Dr.? Homeless hhmmm Im in a place so thats also false and a daddy paying me to be behind the scenes LOL! I think Ive heard it all, this post is just as pathetic as the first and even more funny! Thanks for making me laugh “Denny Crane” you made my night.
To clarify, I think he meant ur scene partners are homeless or bulimic… I dont know though. Love ya buddy
LMFAO! does anyone have something else funny to say? Cause this is just rich and sad at the same time.
Well yes, yes I do. Post again when an actual porn studio hires you with pay for a real porn scene with someone who will actually do a scene with you that’s not actually homeless or bulimic. That doesn’t include some South Beach talent agent who throws you pocket change at the last minute to hang out behind the scenes of award shows and major events for real porn stars and real celebrities receiving awards.
Leave it to Phillip Ashton to have the low down. After he calls out the recent rape of a porn star fake and staged with absolutely NO evidence at all – Phillip Ashton is NO ONE to tell anyone about anything. Let alone what is real and not real.
If I were to argue the future and value of twinks in porn to a studio – I’d argue that Phillip Ashton will go the way-side just like Diesel Washington has done, because drama is not sexy nor is it marketable. Phillip Ashton is the latter of both, and as a fan of porn, twink porn included, this drama queen adds nothing to my erections except for poor performance and disappointment.
Sorry Phillip.
Everyone enjoys drama – but when that’s all you really deliver, it gets old after awhile.
Nothin’ but love for ya Phillip – but really gurl!
I dunno how much is fake and how much is real in this whole thing, but I will say I know who is FAKE and REAL and I wont name names cause its already on my latest blog post. I love the concept a lot and it should be good, I wish I would have been apart of this cause some bitches would have been told the REAL deal and people would have seen some shit go down.
like a big twinky (whitewashed) petri dish…..
ive seen this concept tho….
oh yea I LIVED IT
Well… this could have been a good idea. Instead it’s just perpetuating the negative stereotype of homosexuals and porn stars. Wow, just wow.
……….And white.
This is insulting to Reality TV, gay porn industry, twink models, twinks in general……that preview was enough to turn my stomach. A bunch of horny young white boys living together in a house and your going to tape them living together?? A bunch of catty cunty skinny twinks and they have to do sex scenes??? A time bomb waiting to happen….
Damn!!!! Look at what this business has become!!
It’s Genius!!!! Creepy!! but Brilliant!!LOL