Bradford Shellhammer, the old gangster gay blogger and a former fattie himself, was the unwitting catalyst of a gaylebrity feud when he updated his status to read, “Never trust a skinny person.”
For an equality activist, Derek Hartley sure knows how to start a bitch-fest. A year ago, he got pissed at The Sword just because this site’s illustrious former editor called him fun names like “face-for-radio” and “houseplant.” His retort was that The Sword was a “piece of shit” with an “eating disorder” and “a meth habit” (so?), and his lesbian co-host threatened punch The Sword in the face.
Well it seems that Derek Hartley is still alive! And so is Dan Renzi! That’s great news, because I had no idea.
Radio Homo Derek Hartley Doesn’t Like Us
RJ Danvers Attempts, Fails to Twitter His Way Through Porn Shoot
Former ‘HX’ Editor-in-Chief: ‘Alan Cumming Sucks And Gay Hookers Are Meth Addicts’
LOL! OMG! Hearing Derek mentioned is like a blast from the past. I use to listen to his show when I first got Sirius. Didn’t mind it. But then after a few months it became the same shit day after day after day. I went to their “Gay Days” event at an amusement park a few years back and I couldn’t believe how stupid they were. They had these shirts made for all the listeners. They were white t shirts with red lettering that read “Every Day is a Gay Day” The Gay was crossed out and DnR was put in it’s place, so it read “Every day is a DnR day”. Brilliant. The universal symbol for being against someone is cross out the name of the person or group. Gay is crossed out. There are people up in arms because the park is holding the event, small group of protesters were actually there and here they are handing out these shirts that seem anti-gay. We all got held up by security. It was embarrassing. They wanted to act like the park was overreacting, umm, no. They were actually trying to be sensitive to the gay guests. When I heard them on their show the next time they were going off on how stupid the park was. I tried to call in to tell them they were actually the ones that were wrong but they wouldn’t put my call on. I have not listened since then. I still have Sirius, just shocked they are still on. Plus it got old listening to Derek talk about how ugly people are and how he looks good for almost being 40. He didn’t look good, not by a long shot. Maybe it was the hot sun. He has man boobs and way too much face. Huge nose and way too much face. just look at that picture. It’s the quintessential face of a ex-twink who tries too hard.
Frank Decaro would eat both of those tiny bitches for a snack between breakfast and his mid morning meal.
They sound eleven years old.
I’m going to quote myself by saying that I love when skinny bitches call each other fat.
I love Derek and Romaine. Mostly. Who is this Dan guy that no one has heard from since the late 1990’s?
Gaylebrities? Really? The 90’s called, they want their bitchy queens back.
As far as the show, Romaine carries his whinny ass and they edited your promotion cause they know we barely care that your alive now, you can only imagine how little we care about your past.
Forgot existed? How about never knew they existed? Who are these people?
What’s a “Book”?
Also, is “Ka-ching” some kind of ancient phrase like “bling-bling”?
Why would you edit out the final comment on the status update where I shamelessly plug my new book “Colonnade: A Life In Columns?” The book is due out on October 28th and it includes the origin of our “feud” which started at a birthday party in LA in 1999, played out in my column through 2001, continued into my video podcast on iTunes in 2006 and now rests firmly on Facebook. Hmmmm…. Must be the meth!
ps I agree with Zach. The show sucks, but the paycheck doesn’t! Ka-ching!
Listening to the Derek Romaine show makes me want to kill myself.
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