Dink Flamingo continues his surreal transformation into Dolly Flamingo with a video about…nothing really. Is Dolly the world’s first porn producing tranny vlogger? Yes. And your guess is as good as mine in terms of what this is all “for,” and why I am even posting this. But hey…it’s Dink Flamingo in a dress (that he can’t even keep on).
Axl isn’t the racist. I went to school with him and I’m black, hung out all the time even after high school up here in the pac northwest. The REAL racist is DINK ! Seriously. If there were hidden cams in his house you’d know the shit he says about blacks. Guess you can’t take the south out of some people.
Holy shit, this guy is a freak beyond words!
As long as Dink keeps bringin me Active Duty i dont care what he wears! AD is half the reason i joined the forces up here in Canada :)
…oh…and..yeah… To.. Make a difference and have a lifelong fulfilling career and jazz… >_>
That just ruins Active Duty for me. The idea that THAT is what is on the other side of the camera, ewwww
Then again I’m not that big of an AD fan either, they’re material and guys are slightly below average at best.
Why did I watch that?
LOL, I think this is hilarious! I have a neighbor that could be Dolly’s sister!
Yeah, it seems a little suspect to me that he decides to trot this “Dolly” out now, hot on the heels of the tattoo controversy…
Active Duty’s page views are up 210% since Axl appeared on the site. Yeah, DinkDolly has an urgent need to pacify the critics!
Page views or subscriptions? I think most of that increased traffic is down to curiosity. No doubt Axl’s 4-way will be very popular on the torrent sites.
OOh yaaaayy the PAGE VIEWS are up wooohooooo!! Well that SETTLES the racism controversy then doesn’t it? Take THAT all y’all “haters” (racism is kewl cuz it brought us mo’ traffic!)
In all seriousness, who gives a flying fuck if the page views are up? Disgusting IS disgusting and if the bar is SO low that everything is A.O.K so long as the money rolls in then Dink should just come right out and say he sides with racism instead of all of this PATHETIC side-stepping.
If Dink has been “doing” Dolly for quite some time and NOW decides she needs to be introduced publicly then it’s a calculation too coincidental for WORDS.
Who knows what Dink Falmingo(Eva Braun) is up to? No one understood his insistance on continuing to promote his model, Axl, with the supremacsit tattoos, so this is probably some type of diversion.
I can tell you this…the next time I hear him crying about video piracy, I will have absolutely no sympathy. Karma is a bitch.
Amen, Brother. To say nothing of the fact that Active Duty has sucked for about two years now at least.
Anyone else feel like this is a “wag the dog” manuever? I can almost feel him sing the “Dance a Little Two Step” number from “Best Little Whore House”.
“See the wacky fat man in bad drag….isn’t he funny…what… that model with racist tattoos…yeah we told you those were all misinterperted…I’m speaking with a fake southern accident and talking about Jesus…funny…why do we need to keep talking about racism can’t you see I’m doing my Shirley Q Liqour impression WITHOUT blackface…see we aren’t racists…we just hire them.”
Dink’s been doing “Dolly” for years (albeit less publicly). You are reading WAYYYY too much into this.
I was actually joking. I doubt he gives a crap, what random people think about a models racism, as long as he didn’t lose to many members. I do think his attempts at levity are well timed to give bloggers something “lighter” to talk about even if it wasn’t calculated.