And I’m skeptical.
The blog Unicorn Booty is beating the same drum that I wrote about last week–that gay teens will be outed and will inevitably commit suicide if online gay porn studio Corbin Fisher sues them for stealing their videos. Like I already said, the implication that Corbin Fisher should leave all illegal downloaders alone because they might be closeted gay teens is ludicrous. Are they not supposed to protect their content? Should anyone? Should porn companies just altogether stop prosecuting file sharers because some of them might be teens? Should the porn industry be shut down altogether? That would really be the only solution to Unicorn Booty’s fears of gay teen suicide.
To be clear, I’m sensitive to suicide and I don’t think it’s a good thing when people of any sexuality kill themselves for any reason. But if you’re smart enough to figure out how to illegally download files, you’re also smart enough to know that you might get caught, and that your parents might find out about it. Being a closeted gay teen doesn’t give you the right to steal. Sorry. And nowhere in any of Unicorn Booty’s posts do they tell closeted gay teens that one way to not be outed is to, you know, stop stealing gay porn. Ironically, the victim in all of this is Corbin Fisher, not closeted gay teens. Corbin Fisher is the one being stolen from!
Has Corbin Fisher handled the negative publicity well? Absolutely not. They’ve said inflammatory things like “thieving little shits” (although, hello, that’s what illegal downloaders are) and shouldn’t have even responded to phony e-mails from someone claiming to be a “Concerned Parent of a Gay Teen.” Please. They’ve also been too eager, in my opinion, to seek press off of their multiple lawsuits and I’ve called them out on it repeatedly. But, that doesn’t mean you get to steal from them.
Here’s Unicorn Booty blogger Kevin Farrell claiming that he tried to commit suicide after being caught with gay porn (twice), thus proving–in his mind–that yes, closeted gay teens will be harmed if they are held accountable for stealing.
The title of his post with the above video is “I Tried To Kill Myself After Gay Porn Outed Me.” Wrong. You outed yourself by looking at gay porn. Twice. And it looks like things turned out OK in the end. I mean, you have your own blog. Why the need to portray yourself as a perpetual victim?
Farrell says that he was caught when he was 12 years old and that he’s now 27 years old. That means that he had internet in his family home in 1996, and that also means that he was able to find gay porn on that internet, in 1996! It’s possible, but I’m skeptical. Also, Farrell’s been writing about Corbin Fisher and the threat to closeted gay teens since February 11th. His attempted suicide admission came on the 25th. If he was so eager to prove the threat was real by using himself as an example, why wait three weeks? I’m skeptical. But, I’m not going to make any friends by accusing someone of lying about their attempted suicide(!), so I’ll leave it at that.
The point is this: If you’re a closeted (or openly gay) teen: Don’t steal. Corbin Fisher has every right to sue everyone who is stealing from them, and I hope they’re successful. I also hope they stop talking about how they’re suing people.
And, if Unicorn Booty was really concerned about the lives of closeted gay teens, they’d stop publishing their blog right now. In fact, I challenge Unicorn Booty to shut down their site immediately. Because closeted gay teens who don’t clear their browser history after visiting a site called “Unicorn Booty” are at risk of being outed, aren’t they?
People did have internet albeit dial up back in 1996 and gay porn content was readily available online. Maybe not everyone had access but I don’t think he is lying. Seems like the Sword just has too much time on it’s hands sticking up for Corbin Fishers heavy handed tactics.
Ethically and legally, Sire is right about Corbin Fisher. Downloading through peer-to-peer servers the content that people created for commerce is stealing. From a publicity viewpoint, Corbin Fisher is borderline retarded. First, suing a model for his stage name and then suing dowloaders along with unprofessional remarks by their lawyer makes them look like complete assholes. Both the record industry and the movie insdustry tried lawsuits and failed to stem the tide. The only thing that is helping the music business is iTunes and how cheap it is. The only thing that is helping the movie industry is Netflix and how cheap it is. So Corbin Fisher would be better off trying to make cheap downloadable porn available rather than suing kids.
I’ve agreed with you on the subject of Regent Media. But, in this case you are 100% wrong.
All I really think his story proves is that he came from a messed up family. Are we really supposed to believe porn had anything to do with it? A family that reacted like that? A misplaced copy of Tigerbeat magazine would have done it. Watching too much Zach Morris in Saved By the Bell would have done it. (sorry… trying to make 1990s references). I think his understanding of correlation and causation are a bit off.
If this guy’s story is true, then why hasn’t he been publishing warning articles for years, warning kids not to watch gayporn on their parents’ computers? I won’t accuse him of making the story up (although I have my doubts). But, I do think that he’s just using this convenient story for “drama queen” purposes. He’s using this story to try and back up his previous posts, but if his real agenda was to protect teens from outing themselves through gay porn, he’s aiming in the wrong direction.
It seems really clear that this guy is either a) on some kind of a spat-fest mission against Corbin, or b) he’s been caught in the lawsuit and before he gets taken to court he is trying to cause as much trouble as he can.
“Thieving little shits” is a bad way to put it, but when the shoe fits…
I think if I was 12 years old and had “straight porn” on the “family” computer I’d have been up shit creek. And he should have called the police if he was “thrown out” at 12. His parents would have been in jail and he could have had the house.
This guy is a silly willy.
Please get your facts right if you’re going to comment (you’re lucky I published you). There’s no agenda here, and “kissass”? Click on the linked articles above for my past criticism of Corbin Fisher and Randazza himself, whom I called “creepy.”
What facts are you speaking of? I’m giving an opinion. We all are entitled to one, even you.
I believe you have an agenda and your interview with Randazza was weak. You did not challenge him on the claims he made. You believe this man is lying of his suicide attempt, yet you take at face value Randazza consulting a famous therapist. Do you honestly believe this therapist story, I don’t (my opinion) .
Not to mention Randazza’s faulty math (which he pulled out of his ass) when calculating the chances of closeted teens at risk of suicide. I noticed that immediately, yet you let it slide. Those are the facts.
I’m glad I was so “lucky” that you deemed me worthy of publishing. I’m off to play the Lotto now. It’s my lucky day!
Also, my family got our first computer in late 1996. Dial-up? AOL? Ring a Bell?
I had no trouble finding porn whatsoever.
It’s nice that you think everything worked out great for him. Other than the fact that he hardly speaks to his family. Maybe if he had the chance to come out to his family under different conditions, things may have worked out better. He’ll never know.
I’m a lot less skeptical of him than I am of The Sword.
I can see your agenda from a mile away. Especially after the kissass Randazza interview.