Via AVN: has received confirmation from AIM Healthcare that an adult industry performer has tested positive for HIV.
“AIM has confirmed that an adult industry performer has tested positive for HIV,” AIM’s clinical administrator Brooke Miller told AVN. “We are currently quarantining and testing all exposed partners and we will have no further information until the end of the week. We are contacting everyone that might have been exposed. Please check the AIM database to confirm all tests.” has learned from sources that Patient Zero is a male performer who performed in both straight and gay adult videos. Additionally, we received word that an undetermined number of first and second generation adult performers who may have been exposed have been quarantined at this time. Seeking to confirm the number of people in quarantine, Miller cautioned that it’s in flux as the clinic learns of new potential new exposures or eliminates those that test negative.
The question, of course, isn’t “Who is it?!” but rather, how many models need to turn up positive before studios are inevitably forced (yes, forced) to require AIM testing and condoms in all of their productions?
Come on all the porn stars still working for the biggest companys like Hustler and Wicked, the quarantine was so false the str8 industry is really dark.
So what’s the latest here? I can’t believe with the entire straight porn industry being “shut down” for two days now that tongues aren’t flapping in LA and names haven’t been named. Interesting to read some Twitters from female adult stars: “My shoot was cancelled – all the shoots on hold – told to go home” . This won’t go on much longer I would bet.
We find the above advert for rubbers to be most offensive – rubbers are FORBIDDEN in our house!
Not everyone who reads the sword is anti bareback. i think people including porn stars should have the freedom to bareback. But as with anything else we all must take personal responsibility for our actions. America is a free country and barebacking is a freedom we all have the right to practice.
“The “straight” DP scenes, orgies, 75 guy creampies and 1-girl-2000 guy gangbangs have all along been the product of hetero-looking, undercover (sorta) gay producers of “straight” content and they in turn hired alot of uninformed sexual deviants who were open to experimenting while being exploited.”
Um… “uninformed sexual deviants”… WTF???? That’s really helpful, thx.
Bitter much?
This story is a waste of time withoug photos of the sizemeat involved!
I asked this somewhere else too, but I think it is an interesting point so I am posting here too to get more reactions: mandatory condom use in porn produced in US, porn produced by US companies or porn distributed in US?
Won’t happen because it won’t sell to the billion dollar generating straight crowd who won’t buy condom scenes. Studios would stampede to other countries.
Sucks to be him. lol
Legitimate question.
Are The Sword bloggers anti-bareback?
Or just blogger Zach?
I wouldn’t worry about CAL-OSHA or what the fascist aids healthcare are attempting to do – producers will just leave the state.
Would that be a problem if they were?
Assuming you do indeed hold an anti-bareback stance, Zach, then you have my full support in that position.
Z, you just go on promoting the transmission of deadly disease. That’s real classy.
If Cal OSHA is contemplating mandatory condom use, are the straight producers just going to chalk it up as the performer’s off-set private life? And if such studios malign the person to protect their own profits, why is it in any performer’s interest to support the status quo?
Estelle is right. Straight director Duke Skywalker and other straight adult industry people are already spewing homophobia and we don’t even have an a name yet. It won’t go well for crossover guys even thought the guy will probally turn out to be someone all of us go “Huh? Who the heck is it? Who did they work for? Online?” Maybe the Gay4pay performers will stop using their shield but more likely they will adopt the “Poor me. I’m not accepted anywhere.” victim defense for being a douchebag.
This is my first time coming out of lurk mode but here i am! Hello!!
I have been in adult as a performer, turned producer for close to 20 years and the problem isn’t the crossover guys we know about.
The guys who are open about it and don’t make it an issue for themselves get along just fine despite the whispers on set and being on a few no-lists. They get hired and plenty of girls request them with little to no discriminatory thoughts about what he does when he’s not on set. Myself included.
In adult the idea of the testing is to keep everyone involved safer (not safe) than they’d be without a test. It is not meant to be foolproof for those of us who choose to make unprotected sex a profession or a hobby. So that means sometimes awful things happen.
Condoms are wonderful and nice but there are a few of us who are allergic to them and there are also alot of lazy guys who’s wangs will disagree with having to give a covered performance. Condoms may only smell like burning rubber in the ass of a man but to a vagina it could mean a burning infection that could take weeks to cure, heighten the incidence of being torn vaginally or anally and ultimately cost a performer an untold amount of money.
As a side note: during many of the condom scenes I performed in the men would rip the tip of the condom so they could “feel” the action and stay hard (excuses, I know! ). In the beginning I didn’t know that was abnormal for porn so I went along but thank goodness for having testing of some sort! Better something than nothing at all So again while condoms may equate to a great PSA for our audience they could mean disaster or more issues for some of us who would have to work that way by force.
The guys who refuse to be upfront about their side sex are a big problem IMO.
They hurt themselves the most by denying their past only to have someone from their past publicly blast them out.
Most of the crossover guys don’t even realize when they’re posing as “no-homo” on a straight set alot of times they’re only showing their asses to a room full of undercover “yes-homo’s” ! LOL
Having dated a male performer who I thought was straight as a nail for many years made me realize what should have been obvious- The “straight” DP scenes, orgies, 75 guy creampies and 1-girl-2000 guy gangbangs have all along been the product of hetero-looking, undercover (sorta) gay producers of “straight” content and they in turn hired alot of uninformed sexual deviants who were open to experimenting while being exploited.
This is not our first or last outbreak and will not be the last one unless Mime porn suddenly becomes all the rage.
Be safe, look before you lick and get tested. And not just for HIV.
MRSA (google it) can kill you faster than alot the stuff we are all worried about now and yet no one discusses the flesh eating bacteria that you can catch from sweat, hospitals or even a gym where tons of hot men (and hot girls who look like men…) workout at….
Excuse my long winded “commentary” but I’m really tired of the separation and hater-isms that exist amongst the straight and gay actors in adult….We may all have to stand together very soon if the AHF & Cal Osha has it’s way with us.
Who wants to work with someone with HIV
Yes. People have HIV. And people get HIV. Including sex workers. We do not know that this person acquired HIV through their job. All this talk of quarantine and all this sensationalizing his a bit of a throwback to the 80s, and a disturbing one. The solution is straightforward, as Zach mentions in the closing comment: safer sex and condom use. This performer should continue to work: consistently using condoms.
They’ll never require condoms in straight porn, because it won’t sell. Before that ever happens straight porn will selectively blackball the guys who have ever done a gay-for-pay scene, even if it’s solo in a production that caters to the gays I bet, or guys known to “Escort” or “Meet and Greet” the gay boys. Patient Zero now having been identified as having done gay adult videos will add fuel to that fire. That’s going to be “tough shit” for a lot of big names in the “gay for pay” genre who want a straight porn career but who make more money on the side probably working certain “Meet the Stars” programs.
The name will come out soon enough Zach, considering how homophobic the straight industry is, expect a lot of performers who dabble in gay and straight porn to be put on female talent’s “no” list, and they can expect the jobs to dry up. OSHA has been holding a series of hearings and forums on the issue of mandatory condom usage in porn, this isn’t going to help the industry’s case to keep condoms out of straight porn productions. I read several straight industry related blogs and forums and fully expect the homophobic comments to come out in full force in the next few days. For the guys that do both gay and straight porn, expect the door to be closed to them in the straight industry.
Editor’s Note: Comments speculating as to the identity of the performer and/or the specific studio(s) involved will NOT be approved, so don’t even try it.