Dawson Riley says he had/has a brain tumor. Simon Dexter says he was scammed by his photographer. Who, if either of them, do you believe?
On Friday, I covered Dawson Riley’s attempt to return to porn and a new Simon Dexter photo spread. Over the weekend, there were some developments!
First, Dawson Riley. He’s just posted to his blog that the real reason he left porn last year was because of a brain tumor!
I know that I said things a year ago that were harsh and undeserved. There was a lot going on with me, and I needed a scapegoat. I got angry about the blogs after I tweeted that I was never coming back to porn. Also the things I said to Josh Griffin, should have been private and not tweeted. We all make mistakes. I made a mistake, and I am more than willing to own up to the judgement on my part. I was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor December 2009 after I was in that fight. Some of you saw the pictures of my broken nose and black eye. LOL.
They did an MRI and found I had a developing mass on my pituitary gland. I was placed in ICU at Barrows Neurological Instsitute. I didn’t tell anyone then because at that time we were unclear of the prognosis, and I would rather my fans be mad at me than to be worried about me. I was suffering headaches, blurred vision, instability and nausea. They were unclear at that time if surgery was the best option. Turns out over the past year I have been medically treated for the tumor and it has shrunk! YAY!!!
But, “medically treated” for a brain tumor is kind of vague, and it could mean a lot of things (chemo?), and whatever happened to his wife and daughter–the ones he said he was retiring for? Are his fans not supposed to be worried about them anymore? But really, who cares about specifics when you’re looking at someone as hunky as Dawson Riley, right? Back off, haters.
And what about Simon Dexter?
He’s mad at the photographer who took pictures of him last summer, and last night he went on his blog to say he was scammed:
In 2010 I was shot by Dylan Rosser for an alleged coffee table book. He lied to me, mislead me and manipulated me. In 2008, we spoke of shooting nudes for his website. I quoted him a rate for shooting nudes, not porn. He couldn’t afford and It never happened. So last summer (over two years later) he contacted me again about shooting a coffee table book. I agreed and we shot for a very low rate because I wanted to be part of an artistic book. In the last few days, I have come to find out that these images (that were allegedly taken for a coffee table book) have been published by Dylan on his membership subscription porn website. This is a clear violation of our agreement and my trust and is HIGHLY UNPROFESSIONAL. […] I contacted him to resolve this issue and he continued to lie to me and manipulate our conversation. Let this be a clear warning to anyone out there, DO NOT WORK WITH DYLAN ROSSER IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM!!
This morning, The Sword obtained the model release that Simon Dexter signed with Dylan Rosser, and (as most model releases do) it clearly states that the photographer can publish the photos in “any and all media,” and that Simon Dexter “consent[s] to the use of any published matter in connection therewith.” Simon’s signature, despite what he says he was told verbally, means he agreed. And, isn’t it a little late for Simon Dexter to be complaining about being on a porn site?
I mean…
Did Dawson Riley really have a tumor? Was Simon Dexter really told that he was being shot for just a coffee table book? If a porn star has been dishonest on his blog, can you ever masturbate to them the same way? And on a scale of 1 to 10, how stupid is all of this?
I have photographed just about every level of person from nobodies just entering mainstream modeling to celebs. Just a statement of fact. All but a very few have been personable and pleasant to work with. A year ago I contacted Simon on a modeling site, saying that I was going to be in his city and asking if he wanted to shoot. He simply replied, “don’t you know who I am?”. At the time, no I didn’t, but I learn a long time ago that people with overly inflated egos are hell to work with. I didn’t bother responding. Now I know who he is. Lol, thank goodness I follow my gut. What a piece of work this Simon character is.
You wrote: He simply replied, “don’t you know who I am?”
Who he is… Like any narcissist, he’s a man with very low self-esteem, hence the over-inflated sense of self. He lives from one moment to the next, desperately grasping at a lifestyle that will never be truly his own. Without his transsexual girlfriend, or a sugar daddy, he’d be sofa-surfing. His choices have left him few alternatives as regards real-world jobs or careers. His work experience is limited to gay porn, nude modeling and gay escorting. Should he attempt to start his own business, I doubt he has what it takes to carry it to lasting success. But for every Simon Dexter there likely exist thousands more.
I have shot with Dylan Rosser before and I can attest he was nothing but upfront as to what he was using the images for. And, if there was any question, I believe it was even spelled out in the contact we both signed before the shoot. Dylan is an amazing photographer and from what I can tell, a pretty great guy. If this model didnt want his images used for anything else, he should have spelled that out in his model release. ANY professional model knows that the photographer has the right to use the images as they see fit after the model has been compensated for the work. He should be happy that his images arent being used for an Anal wart PSA or something like that!
Just a quick word in Simons defense (surprisingly), I don’t think he disputes the model release, it is more that fact that he feels mislead by what he thought I was going to do with the pics and the fact he feels my site is a porn site. I disagree but have removed the pics anyway as I don’t want models on the site that don’t want to be there. Many of the models featured actually pose for free. Anyway, the dispute seems to be over now so lets all focus on far more important matters in the world.
p.s. and thanks Estelle, and the others on here that had my back
Sean no model gets $$$ from the sale or profits of their photos, they get an agreed upon fee and that is it. The only exceptions are celebrities who pose for Playboy sometimes get a cut of the magazine sales or retain full or partial copyright to the photos but that’s about it. I kind of wish Dylan would post the model release and the message to shut Simon and the queens that hang on his every word up.
As the photographer let me addres some points Sean Scott has made:
“Simon only agreed to do the shoot for the purpose of the photo book in the first place”
Well that is what he is saying if you want to believe him. Our discussion (i have the message saved) was to shoot “for my website and possible future book projects”.
“his photos are being used to make money, which he doesn’t get any share of”
He was paid to pose. Is it wrong for a photographer to make a living from his work? I don’t shoot porn as you can tell if you have seen his pics. So do you really think he should be paid what he gets to film sean cody to pose for nude pics? I don’t consider my site a porn site so that is where out main issue is.
“Personally, I think if you have to pay to see nudity then it’s porn, wheather the model is hard or not”
thats you opinion but i would disagree with that.
I think in Simon’s case, it wasn’t so much about the type of photos that was taken but what it was agreed to use for. Simon only agreed to do the shoot for the purpose of the photo book in the first place. Yes he did signed the model release and the photographer has every right to use the photographs in any way he wants BUT words needs to be kept. Even though it was verbally agreed, it is still a contract. Photographers, wheather you are famous or not, required the trust of their model and in this case, the trust was broken. I can see why Simon is frastrated, he lower his rate to do the shoot and his photos are being used to make money, which he doesn’t get any share of. Personally, I think if you have to pay to see nudity then it’s porn, wheather the model is hard or not.
I’m really mostly interested in learning more about the other regular commenters on here. (Well, I’m not really a regular commenter. I’m a regular reader and a sometimes commenter.) Who is “Estelle” and who is “Asenath”? Is Estelle the same Estelle who was my dissertation advisor? Is Asenath a man or a woman? Is this the right forum to ask these questions? Who cares about these models when you guys are so much more interesting.
OHAI, Paul.
My screen name is an homage to Asenath Waite from HP Lovecraft’s Thing on the Doorstep. (I have a whole feminist/death-of-the-author alternate interpretation of that story I will not belabor upon here. Nobody cares.)
I am, in fact, a woman consumer of man on man porn. (Well, I consume both gay and straight porn, but I don’t comment on straight porn sites except for fleshbot. As a whole, straight porn sites are cesspools of anti-woman, anti-gay, sex-negative fucktardation. Also, the spelling and snark are better on gay sites.)
I just started commenting a few weeks ago, because I got tired of lurking.
Tell me more about yourself!
@ Simon Dexter:
If you USED TO BE in porn and now you’re mad that photos of you that weren’t intended to be pornographic are now being used for porn, then sorry. YOU are an IDIOT.
I like how Simon rails against the photographer for showing his pics on a porn site but then shows all the nude pics in question to his adoring fans. “I am so angry and upset that I didnt read a contract I signed but rather than make you google to find them – here they are.” (play the tiny trombone).
As the photographer (Dylan Rosser), I would really like to put an end to this slagging match. Even though I have every right to use the images how I like I will be removing them from my site. I don’t want a model on my site that does not want to be there. I will still use his images as prints and for possible future book projects, and Simon seems to be happy with this arrangement. I like to think of my site as a showcase for my artistic male nude photography and I don’t see it as a porn site. I have ads for porn sites and some affiliate content in my EXTRAS section, but the core of my site is artistic. I didn’t even shoot Simon hard.
I want to reiterate that I am going to remove the images solely to keep the model happy as I would do if any other model did not want to be on my site. But legally I have full rights to use them how I want. He says I was going to ask an extortionate amount to buy them back. This is not the case. I mentioned to him that I would have incurred many costs to create the images as it was on location but I would have at least required the model fee back obviously. But as I will use them on my prints site I won’t be requesting any payment from him. I do hope though that he stops slandering my name.
Let’s get a few things about “Dawson” out on the table:
1. He is a con artist. He lead Josh to believe that they were in a relationship and in fact admitted that he didn’t want to lead him on any longer. He conned him and for what? Josh isn’t all that big of a name, he should have gone for someone with more notoriety. I guess Griffin was an easy mark because he was a sucker for his con.
Add his wife to the list of con artists as well. I highly doubt that first child is his biologically. I think I do remember seeing a facebook post some months back while he was in his army training about her having to go to court to have someone’s rights taken from her child, granting her total custody.
Next, Dawson, if your going to continue to con your throngs of friends and fans, get your story right. At one point he says he has a brain tumor another says he has a swelling of his pituitary gland as a result if a fight over a year ago. I’m not a neurosurgeon, but I don’t think being hit in the head can cause a tumor. It may aggravate a condition, but not be the cause of it.
Next on your “Dawson” facebook page, you state you are single… LOL, we all know you’re married and stuck in some white trash trailer park. You’re probably one step away from going on Maury as well… We all know the answer to the question about your first kid: “You are NOT the father…”
2. I truly hope any porn company takes his past into account before bringing him back in. To go all biblical, call people animals and clowns, etc, one should assess this before hiring him. They need to ask themselves when is this boy’s next meltdown going to occur.
3. Why isn’t this trained soldier in the Army? Did Uncle Sam find out someone liked it in the butt and makes movies showing it?
4. Something tells me that someone was missing the gay sex… What was the drive to come back? Having the second kid is bankrupting you? Hoping to con a sugar daddy like Randy Blue? Maybe you can make it up to him in a 10-man gang bang where 10 Leo Giamani sized guys will wear your ass out.
There’s 2 sites for you Dawson: Broke Straight Boys and ‘Its Gonna Hurt’. Keep the trailer park off of RB.
This kid should just get into the welfare line an cut his losses. I’m sure some company will hire him back, but hopefully they will not allow this loser to get a big head and think he is the shit, because he is not. The fact that this is getting so many responses is sad because it is contributing to his press… It’s giving him a name again, sadly. What it should do is show him that the community has a dislike for con artists like him that prey and manipulate others. You see what he thinks of the porn industry! There are numerous other accounts of his attitude as well.
Hopefully Josh Griffin is not seeing any of this and is as far removed from this piece of crap’s game. he was the one that bore the brunt of this manipulating sociopath, and hopefully he gas found true happiness away from characters of such low morality.
I’m more likely to believe that Dawson now regrets the finger in the air way he left, and is now scrambling to make some kind of appeasement, than I am to believe Simon Dexter was conned. Someone with modeling experience like Simon Dexter, who signed that Sean Cody contract and knows what it means to be bound a contract, didn’t know if he signed a contract with that statement they could use the pictures in anyway they want. If the photographer now wants to use those images in a genital warts PSA or on a porn site or in an upscale coffee table book then LEGALLY the have the right.
Did the photographer use the photos unethically? Maybe, but again this isn’t some naive waif fresh off the bus this is an former pornstar/escort/model. I think in both these cases it is pretty obvious that living your life with arrogance, an inflated sense of you actual achievements, and taking advantage of others will comeback eventually. It’s called Karma and now the test is if they become better people for it or just blame others.
A few other things Zach. Dawson and his wife both said he was enlisting in the military and his wife blogged about him going to basic training and drill weekends. The blog was linked on her now defunct twitter page.
So here are a few questions and things that I am curious about.
1. How was Dawson able to pass a military physical and allowed in the service if he had a pituitary tumor and was having all of these horrible side affects that caused him to be hospitalized in ICU at a neurological hospital? There are people who have much less serious and pressing medical issues that get rejected from the military all the time.
2. How was he able to go through basic military training while having ongoing medical treatment for his tumor at the same time? Basic training is very physically demanding and tough, how was he able or allowed to go through it so soon after having a serious neurological episode?
3. Mrs. Dawson announced that she was pregnant with their second child and told me on your old blog that her and Dawson wanted to expand their family right away. This is just ME talking but if I had a serious and potentially life threatening medical issue that could possibly cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and require ongoing treatment or therapy, I don’t know if having another kid would be a smart or practical thing to do at that moment. An ICU and medical tests bill is high even with health insurance, not to mention followup medical care.
Here is a fact sheet on pituitary tumors, most of them are harmless and don’t require treatment but of course there are exceptions.
As for Simon, honey you aren’t a high fashion model you’re a former porn star who shoots soft core nudes but tries to classify them as “artistic”. Here is a recent list of the top 50 male models in the industry, as far as I know none of them did porn and none of them put ads up on rentboy when they need a little extra cash.
Here is Mr. Rosser’s take on the situation.
Damnit, now you sort of have me wishing that the rest of the top 10 models in the world would gangbang Clement Chabernaud a la Spokes III.
I read all this and I think I have brain tumor now…thanks.
..LMAO..ditto!…*summons doc with a quickness!
Though I do have a thinky-thoughts addendum to my bitchy post. Someone on another forum raised the point that the ‘amateur guys’ sites like SC, RB & CF (no dialogue or ‘acting’, where you’re inspired by the blogs and podcasts to think of the actors as friends enjoying each others’ company on film), do play to a fanbase that thinks of the performers as their friends. Social media plays into this as well — so I am sure there is a fanbase who thinks of Dawson Riley, the character, as an internet friend. Sort of the way I think of my City of Heroes teammates or the people who I talk to on Twitter as friends, I suppose. We don’t see them as acting out scripted scenarios, generally, and aren’t cultivated to think of them as actors in the way you might see a studio star.
So I’m sure there are fans of Dawson Riley who consider themselves personally invested in him. And I think maybe he’s internalized that and actually thinks of himself as a well-loved person. It would put his blog posts on the subject in context, as he’s approaching them as someone who has been personally hurtful as opposed to someone who has behaved unprofessionally and is trying to re-establish a workplace credibility.
Dawson Riley should pull a Marcus Mojo and change his name. He should change it to ‘ Blue Steel’ He always has that Zoolander pose. Just saying.
First off, I don’t see why Simon Dexter is all salty. Those were gorgeously shot art nudes. It’s not like he was face down & ass up (Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Boys, please continue to pose face down & ass up. It brightens my day immensely). Legit fashion models shoot art nudes all the time — Paris Vogue is filled with them, and Vogue Homme Japan looks like a fetish magazine for the Neiman Marcus set. So, I’m going to need him to sit the hell down. I’m not familiar with his work, because Sean Cody sort of bores me, so I don’t even care if he sits the hell down on a penis.
As for Dawson Riley, no matter if he’s sick or malingering or making random excuses — I feel bad for him, and that doesn’t give me the tingles in my underwear at all. Pity cases don’t inspire me to make a call on the pink courtesy phone, for some reason.
Good points but in modeling and acting it also depends on who is shooting you nude in relation to it being “artistic” or pornish. Not that I necessarily agree with that but that is just how it is. If model X shot nudes for Demarchelier, Weber, Testino, or the late Herb Ritts they would be called artistic, other photographers not so much. Likewise if you are stark naked in a Scorsese or Aronofsky it’s considered artistic and organic to the plot but if it’s for a skinemax late night tv show its softcore porn.
Um… does he even know what scapegoat means… sorry i shouldn’t act or write at a level of immaturity… if thats the case of a “scapegoat” needed… why use the scapegoat to hurt one mans heart, feelings. You didnt hurt your fans Dawson you hurt a man, a guy that gave you his all. Thats just plain stupid. Best of luck to Dawson on his return. I am sorry to hear about your tumor no one deserves to have one and then again no one deserves to be hurt and crushed via a broken heart and lies. But one is more severe than another.
If I’m going with 10 being really stupid….I give them both a 10!
Sorry guys. Give it up. We are NOT that stupid!