We’d like to voice our support for the 80s favorite semi-tranny in his efforts to bring free dance music to the sanitation workers of Gotham, and to being able to travel unmolested like so many coke-fueled models who have not yet had to their time picking up trash in orange vests.
However we draw the line at cheesy dance ballads for Obama. Is this helping or hurting, kids?
The Sword Guide to Gay Party Drugs: Cocaine
Inquest Finds Gay Brit DJ Died Full Up With Drugs, Covered in Rubber, Saran Wrap and Gaffer Tape
CNN Talking Head Caught in Central Park With Pants Down, Meth in Pocket, Dildo in Boot
U.S. Customs Denies Boy George A Visa (Towleroad)
Exclusive: Boy George Denied Visa + Pens Obama Song (Paper Mag)