Researchers, in association with RJ Danvers, have engineered a numbing spray that’s designed to keep men from ejaculating. According to a study commissioned by the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast, a little dab of PSD502 helps tops — or in the case of heterosexual intercourse, men — go six times as long. It does not involve crystal meth.
“Premature ejaculation is a very significant problem for lots of men that is hardly talked about and that needs to change,” says
Peter Baker of the UK-based Men’s Health Forum. “It is important that new treatments are looked at and that men are encouraged to seek help.”
Until PSD502 can get a celebrity endorsement from Justin Gaston, however, you’ll have to wait. The consumer version of PSD502 won’t be on the market for another few years.
Spray for ‘Six Times Longer’ Sex (BBC News)