The article appears in culture rag Les Inrockuptibles, and is accompanied by a photo spread and video clip of Sagat fondling actress Louise Bourgoin. I liked it better when he fingered Jeff Stryker’s asshole.
I knew that Sagat took some time off from gay porn to do zombie porn, but this makes it sound like he left the industry altogether, which he didn’t. Titan still lists him as an exclusive, and his Titan-sponsored website is still being actively updated. Maybe the French are ashamed to have an actively-working gay porn star in their magazines, or maybe they just don’t know what they’re talking about:
Lui, c’est François Sagat, molosse au regard d’enfant, un corps hyper-viril mais une posture qui croise de façon complexe les signes du masculin et du féminin…Lui a quitté le porno il y a un peu moins d’un an, mais a enchaîné depuis deux films d’auteur: L.A. Zombie de Bruce La Bruce et Homme au bain de Christophe Honoré (tous deux en compétition au Festival de Locarno).
So, again, that says that he left porn a year ago to make art films. It also says he has the bloodhound eyes of a child(?) and the posture of a tranny. Basically! Here’s the cover of the magazine and the video, which should be pulled from YouTube soon since there’s full-frontal nudity.
And, here’s Sagat’s most recent movie, Thrust, which was released just two months ago. Get the full movie here.
hehe. He is a mastiff WITH a child’s gaze. but yours is funnier.
Maybe the movie was released two months ago but who says it wasn’t filmed … a year ago? We know studios film foreigners several scenes in a row and release the scene bit by bit.
last movie Thrust , ,initially shot in september 2009…