I asked last week if Tom Faulk was ok, because he didn’t look so great — or excited — to be in Men.com’s sex-trafficking feature Men for Sale. Well, we have the third episode now, and still no one’s found him any concealer for that zit on his face.
But, you know, that’s just par for the course.
In Part 3 of Men for Sale, bad daddy Dirk Caber, who plays the king of the gay sex enslavers, decides to test out some of the goods he’s selling. So, he has a threeway with his two newest slaves, Jarec and Tom.
Tom starts out by giving him a really awesome blowjob.
How awesome is that? Let’s look at that again.
He’s so fucking into it, right?
Then they get to fucking, and Dirk makes this face while fucking Tom, and Tom gives a similarly awesome blowjob to Jarec.
Then Dirk is all, “You guys are my slaves, and I want both your cocks at once!”
So they stick both their cocks in his ass, and thus we learn about the pain and injustice of human sex slavery. And Dirk leaves his boots on the whole time, because he’s a daddy like that.
[Men.com: Men For Sale Part 3]
“and still no one’s found him any concealer for that zit on his face.”
what a bitchy thing to say.
as if the writer never had a zit.
Perhaps Tom has no chemistry with these guys. Maybe Dirk and Jarec are not his thing and he just ‘called in’ this performance.
BISEXUAL hmmm who invented that word?
Tom is bi:
Q. Being bisexual, we face our own unique challenges. How has your sexuality affected your work in the adult industry?
A. It seems to me for some reason that I’ve got to be one of very few men who haven’t been bashed for being bisexual. Some guys act more straight, and it shows. But, since I really am bisexual – I like men and I like women, it really shows and I’ve been accepted. It’s been a positive for me as far as my porn career, people are willing to shoot me both ways.
Aww poor Tom. I actually think he’s a really cute guy in most of his scenes.
What did Tom Faulk ever do to you that you treat him with so much disrespect? Fine you don’t like him. Get over it and go on to the next hot porn stud.
I don’t think Tom Faulk could look any less interested….he must be gay for pay.
Tom is bi per this interview questions posted on menofgayporn blog:
Q. Being bisexual, we face our own unique challenges. How has your sexuality affected your work in the adult industry?
A. It seems to me for some reason that I’ve got to be one of very few men who haven’t been bashed for being bisexual. Some guys act more straight, and it shows. But, since I really am bisexual – I like men and I like women, it really shows and I’ve been accepted. It’s been a positive for me as far as my porn career, people are willing to shoot me both ways.
Hmm. Perhaps he should go and do some straight porn so we can see if he’s as disinterested in doing a woman as he is doing a man.
And they didn’t really ask him about his sexuality, they just inferred it into the question and he played along. It’s how Fox “News” do their interviews sometimes.
poor dirk, getting a shitty DP from Tom Faulk. If only Titan weren’t so vanilla in there non-fetish scenes he would have done a DP over there a long time ago. Or at least have Joe Gage direct it, I think Titan’s only done DP scenes when Joe was the one directing.