Austin Wilde and Anthony Romero’s first post-Next Door scene comes with a not-so-subtle dig at their former employer.
It’s a fourgy, and it’s with Austin and Zane of Austin Wilde recently announced a partnership between his own upcoming studio,, and, and if this is any indication of what’s to come, getting fired was a blessing in disguise.
Also, watching this scene with Austin and Zane (who don’t identify as gay) proves what Austin and Anthony have been saying all along: The problem in gay porn isn’t “gay for pay” performers, it’s performers who don’t perform. Clearly, no one has any “limits” to what they’re willing to do here:
[ Fucking Neighbors]
I know I shouldn’t be, but I am shocked by the vile vitriol spewed by some posters on blogs. About the time I think I’m immune to it, I’m caught completely by surprise and shocked all over again. I admit to having my moments, but now I really strive to state things in a positive manner, even when I don’t like or disagree with the subject.
holy shit limit the amount of words for posts!
its not an essay.
Corbin Fisher my ass. Are you new? First they only like “str8” guys…har har! And
Now they’re all about bb.
shame on you all for spending this much time and energy hating on other peoples life choices. it’s very simple… if you dont agree with what they are doing or dont enjoy watching it, YOU DONT HAVE TO. such a strange concept right? obviously they are doing something right, you still clicked and watched both HERE and on NDS. none of this in any way has any effect on you. to address your homophobia concern, it’s preposterous… if they were homophobic they certainly wouldnt be sleeping with men REGARDLESS of how much money was involved. as for the PAY CHECK…, i know you may not have thought of this, but there are a lot of people all over the world who do things that they dont necessarily like to do because it pays their bills. you probably all love your jobs though, so congrats for that. simply put, porn is no different. you think the women in straight porn that do bukake scenes love it? while i am certain that some of them do…, i am also certain that some of them dont, but things start to look a lot more desirable when there is a dollar sign attached to them. in closing id like to make one point that all of the haters on here seemed to have missed, it’s called ACTING. do not delude yourselves into thinking that i think (or that the porn actors) think that they are going to get nod from the academy, but at the end of the day, it is still acting. playing a part, evoking a fantasy for the sake of people who DO enjoy their work. i hate to let the cat out of the metaphorical bag, but Whoopi wasn’t ACTUALLY a Psychic in Ghost any more than Tom Hanks was a decorated idiot savant in Forrest Gump… did you hate those movies when you found out?
Yawn. Your mind allows you to form the thought: “If they were homophobic they certainly wouldn’t be sleeping with men regardless of how much money was involved” but it’s somehow unable to form the thought: “”If they were straight they certainly wouldn’t be sleeping with men regardless of how much money was involved”.
Guys who are into the gay4pay myth must not know any actual straight guys. It’s mind boggling.
If a guy has sex with men and insists on labeling himself as “straight” because that’s how he so badly wants to view himself then yes his need to label himself as “straight” is based in homophobia. It’s based in homophobia because it’s too abhorrent to his mind to label himself accurately and admit to himself and others that absolutely no completely straight man would ever willingly engage in sex with other men (for the entire world to see nonetheless) for any reason (even money). Seriously. Other than gay4payers themselves, the women who suspend their intelligence long enough to date them and the self-loathing gays who buy into the shit, NO ONE in the free world believes for one second that a “straight” man (by definition of the word itself) willingly engages in sex with other men for any reason whatsoever. Again…ask any actual straight man. Go ahead…we’ll all sit here and wait while you conduct a poll of actual straight men.
That is still beside the point. You’re defending their practice of marketing themselves using the “straight” label itself by arguing that they can’t be homophobic and sleep with men. How you can’t see the contradiction in that is a sad testament to the lengths you’re willing to go to just to subjugate yourself to them. Sir, you can’t be “straight” and sleep with men…unless you’re being raped. For the last time, they are the ones creating this debate through their marketing. For them to claim they’re different somehow because they only label themselves on rare occasion or in response to so many inquiries is disingenuous. One, their entire site is predicated on the image of two “straight” friends having sex with each other. That’s their site’s intentional image. Two, I don’t care how many emails they got asking about their personal sexual orientation. They could get 1,000 every five seconds. Their chosen answer speaks for itself. Since they chose to respond by claiming to be “straight” despite the fact that they are engaging in sex with other men I think it’s pretty inevitable that people are going to be like ummmmmmm right…if by “straight” you mean “not straight”. If we’re to assume in this situation words are either meaningless or we’re using a completely different definition of the word “straight” than say oh I don’t know the rest of the population of the free world then perhaps maybe they really are “straight”. Then again if we’re using that kind of logic they could go ahead and call themselves “balloons” and it would be just as accurate. Then I guess the non-balloon industry could accuse them of non-balloonophobia.
All they have to do is shut-the-fuck-up. That’s all any gay4payer has to do. Just shut-the-fuck-up about your personal sexual preference and *poof* it’s a nonissue. It’s so fucking laughable how they all declare their personal sexual preference and then cry wolf when people call them on it. Suddenly their personal sexual preference is private, no one else’s business and beyond reproach. Dudes, the only reason we can accuse you of being less-than-straight in the first fucking place is because you insist on claiming to be straight. Just shut the fuck up and suck a dick. Do your job. If I was working as a receptionist and went to work every day mumbling under my breath “I’m not a receptionist, I’m not a receptionist, I’m not a receptionist” I’m pretty sure after a while people would be like bitch shut the fuck up already you’re a fucking receptionist.
So when is this wedding happening? September is a good month for me.
I think October is the month that I’m shooting my scene with Cody Cummings so I’ll need the month of September to eradicate myself of all self-respect and self-worth. Perhaps November.
Can I fuck you?
Do you know how much female talent is getting paid these days? Not much, most of them are hooking to make ends meet? Have you watched a straight bukkake scene lately? The talent can’t hide their disgust about doing out and more and more you see girls with the “dead in the eyes look.” There are a lot of reasons why a girl is getting filmed getting jizzed on by a bunch of guys, $$$ is probably near the bottom.
nLK I think you need to look up the word acting. Having sex on film isn’t acting. Actually most porn performers suck at acting, hence they are in porn.
It’s nice to see a Christian in porn. Zane’s two cross tattoos not only show what a good Christian man he is but getting fucked in the ass on film only solidifies his love for Jesus Christ. PRAISE THE LORD!
It kills me when people call sex in porn “acting”. Acting is what happens in the scenes in-between the sex in porn. The sex in porn is…sex. They’re not acting like they’re having sex; they’re having sex. That would be like saying prostitutes don’t actually have sex with clients, they just “act” like they’re having sex with them.
Would porn stars be having the sex if they weren’t getting paid to do it in front of cameras? Maybe they would…but still to get paid for it just not in front of a camera…and then they’re called “escorts” (ie – prostitutes). Would porn stars, escorts and prostitutes be having sex if they weren’t getting paid for it at all? Probably not. But that doesn’t mean that they’re “acting” like they’re having sex. Perhaps they’re acting like they “enjoy” it but that’s not limited to just porn stars, escorts or prostitutes. Anyone can act like they’re enjoying sex.
What’s hilarious is I think if you asked Austin/Zane they’d say they enjoy their work. They enjoy the scenes and they enjoy making their customers happy. Given that, you’d think a light would go off in their head and they’d realize “Duhhhhhh…a straight guy would never enjoy this. Nowwwwww I get it!!!”
This all goes back to the same point: “straight” men don’t willingly have sex with other men. Are gay4payers only “acting” like they “enjoy” the gay sex? It doesn’t fucking matter…cause if they’re having gay sex in the first place…they ain’t “straight” to begin with.
The whole “Gay4Pay” debate is quite easy to settle. Just keep throwing the ridiculousness of their own words and logic back at them. Also, keep pointing out how they’re the ones who are the source for the whole issue in the first place. They’re the ones turning homophobia and heterosexism into a commodity on the one hand and injecting themselves into the gay community on the other.
I had this discussion with one of my straight buddies and he cruelly joked that a so-called “straight” dude who did gay porn could never win any piece of the debate because all he’d have to say is “dude, you do gay porn” and that would be the end of it every single time. That’s all he would have to say over and over if he wanted. Like that good old meme: “You say you’re straight but you do gay porn therefore your argument is invalid.”
Funny…dickheadish…but true.
Disgusting. Moron.
Why am I constantly subjected to them?
People. It’s gay porn!!! They’re still fuckin each other, their actual sexual orientation is irrelevant.
Just enjoy the fucking and stfu!! You guys bitch like little girls “omg I’m fantasizing about a gay porn star and he isn’t even gay!! Omg!! My intelligence!!” -_-
Oh, traded one set of gay4payers for another? Happy Gay Pride!!!
It’s obvious that Austin Wilde is a complete trash and another Cody Cummings doppelganger. A total douche bag who cries like a whinny bitch about Next Door Buddies yet gets fired and rehash another version of Next Door Buddies. Dude your porn days are over, not to mention your performance is stale, whack and pathetic. Who do you think you are fooling, promoting so called wannabe straight performers or what you call gay4pay for the gay porn industry. What a disgrace
Yup, gay or not (and that’s a BIG question mark at this point) AW and AR disappoint by subjecting themselves to another gay4pay situation. Out of the frying pan and into the fire boys.
Way to go Cody D’Amico that was fucking fantastic. And, Loki, your comment made me laugh there is nothing harsh about the truth.
Good for them
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
We dont have real jobs and unemployed. So let’s make a video
Unless these guys are going to do something like a bareback scene…..this above scene is typical i hope for u’re career’s you step it up :-)
Cody D’Amico just posted the best comment/rebuttal I’ve ever read on this or any other site re: gay4payers, their supporters and ALL their bullshit. I think I’m in love.
@austinzane: I understand what you are trying to say. But, again I am confused by your reason of “it’s just porn”. I have watched a lot of gay porn and I have noticed that gay porn has changed with the times. I remember that when a porn star asked if they were gay or straight they never used the term “I’m sexual” like so many of the porn stars do today. They say either they are gay or straight there was no blurry line like it is today. Porn actors like cody cummings and james huntsman are bad for the industry because the both of them make the act of sex with another man seem vile and disgusting. That is why cody and james are assholes and never understanding that it is not gay men wanted them to admit that their gay or bi but to at least admit that they enjoy the actual seuality that the are experiencing with their male partner. If your dick is hard without viagra then you like it. Even straight guys in straight have issues with erections but nobody says anything about their sexuality. It is a very bad double edge sword. RIP erik rhodes.
I was just saying that it is just porn, that’s it’s not worth getting all upset over. We only put the word “straight” on our site because I used to receive a ton of emails asking that question so I felt it was easier to just answer it there and the number of those emails has dropped dramatically ;)
is the same shit … those 2 are booooooooooooooooooooooooooooring!
“Cody D’Amico” your rebuttal was so on point..there isn’t much more to these hoes…LoL…EXCELLENT!!!!!
its hilarious what a flop this new scene is going to be. i love austin and anthony but going to austinzane who looked banged up from the beginning. pictures don’t lie.
i hope they can revamp the sweatpants site since its a trainwreck and nobody goes to just check the numbers.
i think its best for austin to retire and anthony romero get the spotlight he deserves.
Anthony you are so fun! I mean “Karl”!
What a great way to start a post NDS career!
Smart move. This isn’t the studio they signed exclusive with though right? I heard they were going to be shooting with another studio…any hints???
No, this isn’t the studio we signed with. We are just working with them in regards to down the road. And figured it was a good place to put out a quick “welcome back” video. The studio we signed with is being announced Monday
Why Monday? Everyone knows already.
bcuz having an ‘announcement’ on monday makes them feel like celebrities with actual talent and work ethic with a new project coming out…like a musician announcing the title of an album, or a director premiering a movie trailer….
except only the few thousand people in their little microcosm actually care…
now all gay4pay drama and austin zane bullshit aside can we comment on how gross this video is? all 4 guys look like the birth canal they came out of was in fact a rectum
If these guys choose to label themselves as straight, that’s their delusion. If you are going to do gay porn, do it right! And they’re doing it right in this video!
I guess the “straight” angle’s the only one available to these guys. I mean, it’s not like they’re hot or have big dicks or anything. You’ve got that runty-looking blond one with the receding hairline and beady little eyes. And then there’s the dark one with the hairy chicken chest and that crazy stare (and not to mention the perpetually limp dick). But hey, they PERFORM WELL! Kudos on that!
“Loki” ouch..that was harsh and hilarious @ the same time !!
And I thought I was the only one to notice this. I remember the scene between Austin and Tony Newport, where for almost the whole time Austin couldn’t get his dick hard. Who knows why. Perhaps Tony is too ugly. Or perhaps Mr. Limp Dick is just not into guys. But it proves one thing incontrovertibly: being gay is obviously not a choice. LOL.
I want them to succeed. But am I the only one who finds sweatpants unattractive? It used to be that if you saw someone out wearing sweatpants in a non-gym scenario, you knew they had given up. Now it’s hot?
I hate how loose they are. These boys work very hard on their bodies, show it off. I mean have you ever seen Anthony or Austin in a pair of tight jeans? SO fucking hot! Their asses are outstanding. So why would i want to see them wear baggy bullshit. And when I say tight jeans I don’t mean Dwight Yoakam from the 80s that look feminine. I mean sexy formfitting – asshugging – nutmolesting manly beautifulness. The kind where if you get a hardon checking out your sister’s husband, everyone can tell. Many guys in porn already wear them, but the jeans come off within the first 2 minutes.
I’m so glad you said that. I love clothes and I wouldn’t leave my house in sweatpants, I go a closet full of D&G to wear
I like sweatpants but maybe that’s a cultural thing because it’s more usual to wear sports clothes outside of a gym in the UK and the scally subculture gets fetishised and sweatpants is a big part of what they wear.
It’s not that AustinZane “don’t identify as gay” it’s that they go out of their way to identify as “straight” and then market from that image. Then, when people call them on this, they say that they’re different somehow because they barely mention that they’re straight, a further insult to our intelligence.
I get that Austin Wilde had an issue with Gay4Pay performers who wouldn’t do their job and wouldn’t actually perform. And I get that guys like AustinZane and some of the CF models are different, they will actually perform. But, everyone who keeps saying that it’s no one’s business what these guys do in their private lives as long as they perform and as long as they do their job ignore one huge fact: these guys are the ones proclaiming how straight they are as soon as they take the dick out of their mouths.
Their marketing ploy comes out sounding like a car dealer/monster truck rally: Hey guys check out these STRAIGHT STRAIGHT STRAIGHT guys having sex with their STRAIGHT STRAIGHT STRAIGHT friends.
For them to be the ones claiming we shouldn’t care about their sexual preference is beyond hypocritical. If they just shut the fuck up about it, removed the “straight” gay4pay pretext from their sites and interviews, then it wouldn’t be an ISSUE. It’s as simple as that. Until that happens, yes…guys are going to point out how, despite what these deluded fools might want to think, straight men don’t have sex with other men for any reason. You might not be gay but in no sense of the word are you “straight”.
If they want to be “straight” they need to stop having sex with men/stop making gay porn. If they want to have sex with men/keep making gay porn they need to stop claiming they are straight. Either way, if they do ONE of those things, this whole “Gay4Pay” debate THEY’VE started goes away. It’s a simple as that.
Eh. I see your point, it is a little tacky to publicly proclaim one’s heterosexuality while simultaneously getting it on with other men. But, straight or not, they at least perform convincingly on camera. And while I prefer openly gay or bisexual models, I’m cool with a straight-identified model who can convince me he’s gay on-screen.
Ahhh such irony: a guy who’s trying to convince himself and others he’s straight in real life performs in gay porn where his performance is meant to convince the audience he’s not straight so the sex will induce pleasure.
I guess that’s what makes NDS even more laughable than guys like AustinZane or CF. They’re a studio obsessed with heterosexuality who hire guys who are trying to convince themselves and others that they’re straight by choosing to willing perform in gay porn where their shitty performance itself is meant to convince the audience that he is in fact straight and hating what he’s doing and would rather choose to do something else but for what ever reason he’s unable to do anything except…gay porn.
Cody, relax buddy it’s just porn, it’s not that big of a deal. It’s really quite simple. When the camera is on, we are they are to do a job and do it convincingly well. That is the only convincing that we strive for. We don’t throw the “straight” card in anyone’s face, but the truth is that people do ask us how we identify so we answer them, that’s it. If you think that we are gay, bi, or in denial of our sexuality then that is okay, too. All you have to draw your conclusions from is our videos, so that’s okay, we are cool with it. How you define sexuality is completely up to you and we respect your opinion. For us, there is a big difference between what we are “willing” to do and what we have a “desire” for. We are willing to do a lot of things to put out a great product that people love and enjoy- our members are very special people to us and we are constantly pushing ourselves to their enjoyment. What our hearts have desire for and what we are attracted to is how we define it and no matter how much gay sex we have on the site, it doesn’t change who we are. We don’t find gay people or gay sex repulsive or unnatural in any way, we actually have a lot of respect for gay people and would stand up to defend gay rights any day of the week. The gay community has fought long and hard for acceptance and equality and that is a noble movement that still continues this day.
As you stated, “one huge fact: these guys are the ones proclaiming how straight they are as soon as they take the dick out of their mouths.” This has literally never happened on our site, I’m not even sure where you come up with these things. We will have to agree to disagree on how society or “the world of Cody” defines sexuality, but I know one thing is for certain. No matter how many blogs you preach your word on and no matter how much conviction you speak with, it won’t change anything about us. We made the tough decision to do gay porn a long time ago for our own personal reasons and it’s disheartening to hear that our decision is so unacceptable and is a burden to you. We respectfully disagree with your stance but are having a hard time understanding why there is so much anger involved in your rants. Wishing you well and sending positive thoughts your way, Zane.
Oh fuck off. If I hear the “relax it’s just porn” comment one more time, I’m going to lose it. Porn is sex. Gay porn is gay sex. Both have social and political (and if I’m being quite frank psychological) implications, particularly now. To deny that and brush it aside is ignorant and insulting to many of us who are second class citizens and victims of violence and contempt. But hey, you don’t have to deal with any of that in your day to day life because you’re just a straight dude. Your biggest concern is how fast you can deposit those paychecks. So keep on tucking and keeping the hysteria and the sad internalized homophobia dream alive inside your followers.
I’m not out to change anything about you and I expect quite the opposite. I expect whatever I say to make you dig your heels in even more and think/say the things you’ve just said. It just makes you feel misunderstood/judged and obviously makes you continue to deludedly perceive yourself as “straight”. That’s not going to change any more than it’s not going to change Cody Cummings, James Huntsman or any other of the so-called Gay4Pay dudes.
It gets people angry because it’s homophobic. Just because you can’t see it as homophobic and just because a segment of gays buy into your “product” doesn’t mean the premise isn’t based entirely in homophobia/sexism. If you truly want to believe/label yourself as “straight” then it seems you lose the privilege to say what you’re doing ISN’T homophobic. It is. To declare yourself “straight” to the point of priding yourself on it and then turn around and act like it shouldn’t matter to anyone is a fucking joke.
I’ve presented this scenario before and I’ll do it again: I’m a straight, white male and I get a job at a predominantly black club where I proceed to tell every black female who asks that I’m not into black women. In fact, I even bring it up without being asked. Maybe I wear a t-shirt that says something to that effect. I’m just NOT into black females. Sure, I’ll work at a black club and take their money but I’m not into them, they aren’t my “thing”.
Given that situation: Why in the world would I have ever gotten a job in that place to begin with? Why would I have applied knowing that was going to be an issue and why would my employer keep me there? Why in the world would I expect the customers to not take issue with me saying that to them over and over again? If they considered it “racist” could I argue with them? Wouldn’t it be kinda racist of me?
While I realize some people are going to say the situation is different (for some reason), the premise is undeniably the same. You have injected yourself into the gay community for the sole stated purpose of making money and then you play victim or “nice guy” when someone calls you out on it. If some of us seems angry it’s because we find ourselves angry and hurt by actions of people like yourself who align themselves with the gay community long enough to make a dollar and get their rocks off but then label themselves as “straight” rather than having any kind of insight whatsoever.
We all have our own definitions of sex/sexuality. We all have opinions and make judgments. You are part of a company offering a product and people are going to review your product and the company behind it. Your product happens to be in the realm of sex/sexuality. For you to try to distance yourself from the dialog by playing victim or saying that “it’s not that big of a deal” is disingenuous to say the least. Sex, sexuality and gender dynamics are huge issue and porn encapsulates it very well. I honestly don’t care what you label yourself or consider yourself. I could have an opinion of it either way but that doesn’t translate into anything in your personal life. However, you have attached your product to the Gay4Pay market intentionally as a way to market yourself and make money. It has nothing to do with people “wanting” you to be gay or hoping they could have a chance in having sex with you outside of porn. The very fact you insist on labeling yourself “straight” despite your absolutely contradictory behavior is no different than a Christian who acts completely contradictory to their religion yet cling on to the label of being a “Christian” simply because that’s how they want to see themselves. You can say or think you’re straight all you want. The only way it’s true is if we’re using such a broad definition of the word “straight” that it’s rendered absolutely meaningless. That’s not the point though – the point is your need to label yourself as such in the first place. That need is what many of us find reflective of internalized homophobia. It turns being “straight” into some badge of honor you decide to wear even though your behavior turns you into a hypocrite.
You are the ones labeling yourselves. When I said you turn around and do it every time you take a dick out of your mouth I was being cheeky. The point, obviously lost on you, was how ridiculous it is that you have videos of yourself engaging in sex with men on your site and your “about us” page says “Yes, we are straight”.
You’re a gay porn star. People just want to see you have sex. We don’t care what you do in your private life or what you consider yourself. If people ask you, that’s on them, that’s their pathetic need. Your insistence (and every gay4payer’s insistence) on labeling yourself as “straight” publicly is what causes the issue. If you didn’t market yourself that way none of us would be able to sit here and tell you it’s bullshit. If you continue to do it, people are going to continue you tell you how it’s utter bullshit. If you stop doing it, it will no longer matter. That’s the irony. It doesn’t matter in the first place. YOU’RE the one who’s made it a point. We’re just calling you on your stupid bullshit.
The problem with the club worker analogy is that nobody really cares whether or not their bartender mixes drinks for black people in his private life. If I read you correctly, the only options left to AustinZane would be change careers or not to volunteer their straightness and give evasive answers when asked. If you reverse it to a mainstream actor playing straight men in big budget movies being asked over and over again if he’s gay, what advice would you give? Don’t play straight characters or try to convince everyone you’re straight?
I agree with Cody 100%. The guys at AustinZane are no different than those at SC, CF, or NDS. Even if they aren’t virulently homophobic, it’s shameful the way they act like they’re doing gays a favor by fucking men on camera despite being “straight.” Gays would be wise to spend their money supporting sites and performers who actually are gay and who actually enjoy having sex with men. I’ve seen some of the work coming out of AustinZane and it’s apparent that the guys are all about cashing a check rather than putting out a quality product (darkly lit scenes, flaccid dicks, lousy camera angles, watery cumshots, etc.).
Cody, so being straight makes one a homophobe, and not being interested in black women makes one a racist?!! That’s called a “slippery slope fallacy,” and YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON. I’m not interested in most Asian, Native American, or South American men (just because they aren’t my type), but does that make me a racist? NO! I’m just not interested in them! If I’m not interested in twinks does that make me also discriminatory? GET OVER YOURSELF. Never, never, never have Austin and Zane ambulated around declaring “I’M STRAIGHT! I’M STRAIGHT.” They have never done that! YOU are the ignorant asshole here. YOU are the one bashing them for whatever reason. Get over your self-hatred. It’s obvious you don’t like straight men for some deeper reason, but then if you hold prejudice against all straight men are you no better than the imaginary people you’re illustrating in your rambling, verbose posts? NOPE! So go take a fucking nap and chill.
Besides, you’re bitching about people “pretending” to be this or that. I went to your twitter page and that picture isn’t even of YOU. YOU’RE the fake. YOU’RE the asshole. Just shut-up already, Joan of Arc. We don’t want you as a martyr, and we don’t need you “defending” gays in your pathetic kindergarden cop way.
Sweatz…your response was the intellectual equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears shouting “NA NA NA NA I’m not listening cause I like them NA NA NA NA NA.” funny how you reserve the right for yourself to have an opinion and get all heated but anyone else doing the same is playing kindergarten cop and needs a nap. Your hypocrisy would be refreshing if it weren’t so tired and played out.
Being straight doesn’t equate to being a homophobe. Just like not being into black guys/girls doesn’t equate to being a racist. Apparently your reading comprehension is completely lacking since you neglected the entire context in the analogy. Entering a market/industry and playing separatist/divisiveness is going to ineviatbly ruffle feathers in the market/industry you’ve entered. If you can’t grasp that simple notion….oh wait obviously you can’t.
I have nothing against straight guys. The majority of my buddies are straight. My brothers are straight. In fact that’s how I understand that the word “straight” itself means a lack of desire or willingness to have sex with other men. I suggest you befriend some actual, genuine straight men and ask them. Ask any straight men you can find…any within ear shot.
That’s missing the point though. The fact we can even have this conversation is because Austin and Zane tried to tell us they were “straight”. Without that pretext for their product, provided by them, this conversation wouldn’t be possible. Once they decided to go down that road and open that door it allowed us the opportunity to say hey you know what…go sell that delusional bullshit somewhere else….we’re plum stocked up.
No one expects to change them or convince them they’re less than straight. The fact they use that marketing ploy and employ that kind of backwards thinking precludes them from having the kind of insight needed to recognize why they’re compelled to view themselves as “straight” despite their actions indicating otherwise. It’s cute and all that they live in some world where straight men grapple with the decision to make gay porn and then decide, for “personal reasons” that theyre willing to do so. That cute world they live in is so cute because their line of reasoning never led them to think “oh if I’m ready/willing/able to have sex with men I guess that means I’m not straight after all. Oops!”. No one is upset over their lack of insight we’re just tired of the bullshit insulting pretext they obviously think makes their product more appealing.. Be as straight as you want to think you are. No need to gag on a dick and tell us you’re”Hetero”.
For you to claim I’m not “me” based on my picture simply because you’ve decided I’m not me isn’t even a “slippery slope” of logic. It’s a pathetic attempt to discredit someone because all you know how to do is shout, hurl insults and point your finger like bill fucking o’reilly. If you can find a way to make millions outta that kind of disturbed behavior more power to ya. I’m sure fox news has an opening for a gay4pay apologist.
The questions are: if it is just porn, then why are you doing it? Why should anybody then care about the rubbish you produce? If it was such a tough decision to do porn, especially gay porn, why don’t you just stop making this unbelievable sacrifice that nobody asked for?
In the old days, porn was something the majority of sane people consumed (although quietly) and something only seemingly insane people made (when the stigma and risks were infinitely greater).
Now the Internet gives us screaming-mad porn consumers that are completely out of their freaking minds and porn makers who are so sane and level-headed and smart that I wish everyone I had to deal with every day were even a fraction as rational, lucid and intelligent.
Zane, that even saying it’s “just porn” sets off an opera-level drama-filled tirade shows just how warped your beyond-insane haters are. Thanks for a great product. It makes me happy and I’m glad making it makes you two happy.
I myself do not just “identify” as straight, I AM straight. Furthermore, I wish to make a statement about the nonsense you mentioned about the difference between “willing” to do something and “desiring” it. If someone is totally repulsed by something 100%, then if they are still “willing” to do it, there MUST be desire. To say otherwise, not only defies logic, but is impossible. Are you Austin and Zane telling me that you are “willing” to have sex with a dead person, a child (if it was legal), a farm animal, a morbidly obese, smelly, and ugly person, be “willing” to eat a hot steaming pile of real shit and swallow it and do all these things so “convincingly”? And be able to give a “convincing” performance of all these things done “willingly”, even though you have no “desire” at all to do so??? You guys are OBVIOUSLY not only gay, but you are both VERY obviously gay. Any normal man in public would instantly recognize either one of you as homosexuals for real. I would say virtually any normal, straight, and masculine man would. You are the kind of guys, that if you walked into a straight bar, almost everyone would think “what are these two F@&&*TS doing here? That said, the golden rules are …MEN CANNOT FAKE AN ERECTION AND EJACULATION FOR ANY REASON,MONEY OR NOT. FURTHERMORE, THE SEX IS REAL, THE PERFORMERS MIGHT BE DIRECTED ON WHAT ACTS TO PERFORM AND HOW THEY ARE WANTED TO BE DONE, THE SEX IS STILL REAL. Obviously, your whole premise is for marketing purposes to make more money. Don’t use the viagra argument either. Viagra only gives one the ABILITY to have an erection, IT DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY MAKE ONE AROUSED. Sexual desire must be present for viagra to work. This is fact. I can go on all day tearing apart your bs stories about how you are not enjoying the sex with men you are fervently having, and very obviously into, but I think I said enough sufficient to call you on this nonsense.
I had hope for them, but they’ve just jumped off one landline and squarely on another as far as I’m concerned. Are there really no attractive gay men to fuck in porn these days?
The obvious answer is, sadly, no!
Cody, damn gurl, you got issues!
I counter that Cody is one of the more sane and literate posters on this site (and no I’m not his pseudonym – Zack can confirm). I’m on board with everything he’s said because he’s on point.
Totally agreed, teeMDV. He’s saying everything I’d like to say, but more calmly and coolly than I could ever manage.
Agreed. I used to skip over Cody’s posts because they tend to be a bit long, but this thread has shown me that he’s one of the more intelligent regular posters. Lust shouldn’t always get in the way of having an intellectual discussion. Some of you are getting overly defensive solely because you’re obsessed with the whole gay4pay angle (which is usually bullshit).