Pierce PAris

Weenie Roast: Pierce Paris Lights His Cock on Fire

We’ve seen Pierce do a lot of crazy things with his dick, balls and asshole. But is this stunt the most insane thing he’s ever done? Is it crazier than the mousetrap incident?! Which would you rather do if you had to pick one?

As The Sword has chronicled, Pierce Paris has been pretty creative with his ass, shoving toy cars, traffic cones, Christmas lights and even his own balls up it (and remember that cactus?!). He’s also put his cock and balls in some precarious positions. If we had to pick, the “mousetrap challenge” was probably the most cringe-inducing. Remember when he subjected BOTH his cock and balls to this torture?

But yesterday, he turned up the heat on his stunts. Have a look:

Alex Cool posted the obvious question, and Pierce reminds us a few times that he was a firefighter and knew what he was doing:

Pierce PAris

Pierce PAris

But…still. Pearce, baby doll…we love you. For God’s sake…please BE CAREFUL!!!

And that begs the question: If you HAD to pick one, which would you do: Cock in a mousetrap, or cock on fire? Vote in our poll! (And don’t try this at home!!!) Meanwhile, check out Pierce doing much more pleasurable things with his cock in his directorial debut at Masqulin!


7 thoughts on “Weenie Roast: Pierce Paris Lights His Cock on Fire”

  1. I’m not gay, but i’m very experienced in setting my cock on fire, and that was pretty weak.

    If you REALLY want to see a burning cock, here you go https://www.erome.com/a/9OKrYIHL

    And as for the poll, i’d much rather set it on fire, unless maybe the mousetrap is on fire, lol.

  2. If he needs something to do with that dick I’m sure there are a ton of guys that could help him out. No need to mutilate.

  3. It’s like if someone chopped off his dick and said “I’m a surgeon, I know how to do it safely.”
    Just because you have know how doesn’t mean you should.

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