From the director of that upcoming documentary (which has now pulled in more than $150,000!) about “gay rights.” He’s still asking for more money though. Well, shit, give him more money! Why the hell not, at this point. This is another “teaser video,” I guess, to give you another taste of what the documentary will be like. And isn’t this exactly what we need right now— a $150,000 children’s poem? Who doesn’t love words that rhyme, right?
Oh, and after watching this, I am now straight and never want to hear another gay person speak ever again.
i wanna know what its like to get the last 5 minutes of my life back…
Is it bad that I laughed through the entire video? No? Good.
Remember when gay people were fun?
Also he said he was going to cost $150k to make this documentary, and he’s already raised more than that on Kickstarter.
So why is he still begging for money?
Oh, I know: because stupid faggots will give it to him.
I think I just vomited in my mouth
PS, you should make a ryhme to express your disgust. Seems fair?
“I want to know what is like to waste everyone’s time
Squandaring lots of money
Speaking in Dr. Seuss metered rhymes”
Where exactly is all that money going? Wouldn’t it be better spent donated to just about ANY other charity?
Recent gay-themed docs – Outrage, We Were Here, United in Anger and How to Survive a Plague – cost nowhere near $150,000. I’d also suggest ALL of the Oscar nominated docs this year cost a tiny fraction of $150,000 (Except for maybe Pina).
Why are all the gay blogs (except this one, of course) on board with these clips and this doc? These scripted clips are the opposite of what a documentary is. They are SCRIPTED. This one RHYMED! I mean, I can’t imagine a more dishonest, false approach.