The Guys Next Door big “oral orgy” scene centered around Gay Porn Icon Cody Cummings was released today (I already wrote up the movie itself here) and, well, people are talking about it!
Porn blogs and news sites have been blanketed with press about the 50-minute suckathon today, which includes Landon Conrad, Johnny Torque, Anthony Romero, Paul Wagner, Rod Daily, and Marcus Mojo all worshiping at the feet of Cody Cummings (as all gay men who know their place should), and here are two quotes that stood out to me:
1. “Cody’s sexual evolution is a source of great excitement for his followers,” said Stephan Sirard, president of Next Door Entertainment. “Fans will be exposed to a whole new side of Cody Cummings.”
2. “By being the ringleader of a dick parade of this magnitude,” he said, “fans will be exposed to a whole new side of Cody.”
I wish he would have been more specific (what is this “whole new side”?), but maybe leaving a little to the imagination and keeping the fantasy alive all these years is what has made Cody Cummings the true icon of gay porn that he is? (Also, maybe there is someone on the face of the earth who considers getting your dick sucked over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again a form of “sexual evolution.”)
Anyway, all hail King Cody!
[Cody Cummings: Blown Away/Falcon Studios: The Guys Next Door]
I have lost all respect for Paul-Wagner,Anthony-Romeo, and Landon-Conrad do they need money that bad that they would put the dick of a homophobic-fruitcake like Cody in their mouth. After all the bitches he has fuck with it no thank you I would never put that disgusting thing in my mouth let-a-long up my ass no-way. And let me say I agree with the other who said that Cody is no ( icon ) to me and never will be either beside that he is not gay only [ a-G4per ] why any gay men in his right mind would stupid enough to continue to pay money to support this jack-ass. Who has made anti-gay remark in the past and present and go home to his girl-friend and laugh at the stupid gay men who continue to support him with their money all the way the bank. I’m sure he thank all of you gay idiot for your money because he will spend it well while giving you nothing in return except his dis-stain and dis-pleasure.
I don’t know if it’s fair to frown on the guys paired opposite Cody Cummings. They’re all good performers in their own right, but it’s the directors & producers calling the shots.
Asenath is right Paul, Anthony & Landon did not choose who they want to work with. All 3 of them are exclusives to either Falcon or NDS so in a way they are obligated to work with whoever the studio owners and/or directors choose. I’m sure they have some input who they want to work with, but in the end they don’t call the shots. And this may be porn, but it’s still work. Do you go around doing whatever the hell you feel like at your job? You probably don’t, unless you’re the owner of that company.
That’s not true, everyone can deny to work a scene or with a scene partner. I was asked to be in this movie. I said no.
However, as a result, you will probably never see me cast in a Falcon/RSS film ever again. I have my morals but it does come at a price.
It seems like Chris Ward has given up on creativity and dignity. It’s only about the money now. It is also surprising that Steve Cruz is supporting this movie so much. I used to be a big fan of his, but this has made me lose a lot of respect for him.
1. CC IS NOT I REPEAT NOT A GAY ICON and to call him so is BLASPHEMY. That sentence needs to have a line drwn through it ASAP.
2. Agree with everything Bull,cider,J,nikko,Estelle,sxg,Asenath,geoff,Samuel Colt and others are saying. If I didn’t mention you my bad.
3. People who film this GO BACK TO FILM SCHOOL. You KNOW BETTER/OR SHOULD than to be using a homophobic jerk as the main character for a film. IDIOTS in positions of power. Pathetic and Sad. Hell if anything DVD sales need to HIT’EM where it hurts. I know Steve and Chris can do better than this if not GET OUT OF THE WAY and LET SOMEONE WHOM is ACTUALLY GAY take a stab at it SERIOUSLY
Wow this is so boring.
I wonder is Steve Cruz or Chris Ward ever get bored of being talentless. I don’t mean that in such a bad way, it’s just I assume they aren’t that dense so they have to get this is just bottom of the barrel, creatively vapid, boring, moronic tosh with all the sexual heat of an ice cube on an iceberg. So I have to guess that they are aware they are making bad, low quality films for self-loathing fags, I mean Cadinot or I Want Your Love it isn’t. So do they ever get bored of making such bad boring porn? I mean come on, they have to know this is 10,000 shades of shit.
I can’t believe they are that thick, or completely void of any creativity or originality whatsoever, I don’t know maybe they are, I’m sure I read Steve Cruz was an artist in his spare time, I have never seen any of his pieces so maybe they too are bland and bad. I would be just really interested in knowing that if the people who make this type of bad, boring, unoriginal gay 4 pay porn are fully aware how shit it is and they are OK with that.
BTW I don’t want my post to read as if I am making a personal attack on Chris or Steve or anyone involved in the film and I don’t want and I am not trying to be deriding or mean to anyone. I am fully aware this a product made for a certain type of gay man and I am not one of those gay men, so maybe I simply won’t get it. I get someone will say, “it’s only porn.” but just because it’s porn it doesn’t mean it has to be boring.
Cody Cummings stars in “Blown Away” huh? I was hoping he was standing on a pier in a hurricane. I’d have paid to see that.
I always enjoy reading the hate for Cody. It’s not that I don’t agree with a lot of it, it’s just that I don’t think he’s worth the time, effort or vitriolic creativity…
Damn, Zachary Quinto is really getting to you. I think maybe you love him.
It’s like Pavlov’s dogs with Cody Cummings posts here — which, obviously, is the point.
I’m glad I knew better as a teen then to care about illusions like sexual orientation or I would have missed out on a hell of a lot of fun. If anybody here wonders why so many gay men are attracted to the fantasy (and often reality) of some straight guys, just read these comments and ask yourself why anyone would be attracted to the reality (and often nightmare) of some gay guys. Would you rather be with the no-bs guy who’s only there for the fun (and/or the paycheck) or the judgmental, world-revolves-around-me queen throwing a hissy fit?
And really — porn starring Cody Cummings is supposed to be somehow more degrading and less holy than any other porn? Besides, I don’t know for a fact what any porn star does in his spare time and I can’t imagine why I would care. My waitress could be going home and beating her kids for all I know, but that doesn’t make my dinner any less delicious.
You wouldn’t be so happy about your meal if you knew she spit in it, then laughed derisively as you plunked down a huge tip on her table!
Really? Illusions about sexual orientation? I’m under no illusion. I simply want to watch/be with guys who are into guys. That is no illusion. And I don’t like being played for a fool by handing money over to people who despise who or what I am.
You call it a hissy fit? What’s so hissy about standing up for yourself when it seems that all the porn is inferring that being str8 is better than being gay?
Porn starring ANYONE who abuses, degrades and disrepects my orientation is degrading. And I for one refuse to spend my money or keep quiet about it.
How’s that for hissy fit? Hissy enough for ya?
Agreed, BULL.
Attention KMART shoppers, blue light special, self loathing queen alert on isle 7. X probably believes the “straight and looking” guys on Craigslist are really straight, that Ted Haggard was really just needing a massage, and Dr. Reckers really did just need someone to carry around his luggage for a bad back.
Putting all the that aside. If you want to pay for sub par gay porn starring a limp dicked model who is quickly approaching his expiration date then be my guest.
So it has come to this for Falcon and Chris Ward? Just when you think they couldn’t get any lower…..
The waitress doesn’t make the food though. If you knew the chef was a lepper would you still want the dinner?
Lesson learnt: don’t multitask on a computer or you make stupid mistakes like that.
Just because she doesn’t make the food, doesn’t mean she can’t or won’t do anything to it before it arrives at your table….good point about the lepper tho!
Anyone who’s seen at least of couple of Cody’s vids get over their ‘excitement’ very quickly. I can only imagine the ‘excitement’ comes from those for whom Cody is ‘new’. Otherwise, he’s so played out. He’s got a shelf life of a few more years, and then he’ll be an old has-been who nobody wants. Maybe then, he’ll appear on Jake Cruise getting a ‘massage’.
Something nice about the scene….uhm how about…At least Johnny Torque isn’t the biggest douchebag in the scene.
Or how about….AT least they let Cody stand on the hot tub wall so that he looked taller than 5’2″.
Or how about…Cody looks pretty good for a 52 year old.
Cody doesn’t really do it for me. I am not really sure that EVERY gay guy would worship at his feet either. Would we call him Exalted Lord Cody or King Hottie Cody?
There was a comment in the story that said”Cody’s sexual evolution is a source of great excitement for his followers,” ” and trust me..its not evolutionary. He’s not an evolutionary breakthrough…well except he likes to have sex..a lot…over and over which a lot of guys do (and gets paid to do it).
As for evolution, he’s no X-MAN. For evolution breakthroughs, I’d put WOLVERINE, CYCLOPS and a bunch of others up against his butt any day :)
I used to hate on NDS but this is brilliant marketing. The promotion is right
And everybody is buying into the hate. Only gays would keep
Buying a hot guys product hoping for day he will do more in front of camera. Every scene He does I can see
A guy biting his nails waiting for the next scene saying…
Maybe this time??
No?? Well maybe next time..
I love you Cody Cummings…
Give the hungry people something to tide them over..
Lick a guys ear or something give them more to hate on.
Say something nice. Say something nice.
. . .well, Marcus Mojo’s stopped looking like an anatomy textbook. And that’s good.
I guess his site is making money or they would surely dump him – unless he’s doing more off-screen to someone who can keep him on-screen. And I have four scenes from yester-year in which Matt Ramsey takes it “like a champ” Cody C is no Matt Ramsey!
I love the not-so subtle looks of disgust on everyone’s faces in this scene.
haha you’re not kidding either! especially on Landon Conrad & Paul Wagner! Although for Paul Wagner it’s definitely not the bj I think it’s the whole experience!
It’s a waste, they’re 2 of my favourite porn stars. On an unrelated note, don’t you think Landon Conrad looks like Eddie McClintock?
Who does Cody Cumming think he is? Matt Ramsey (Peter North) One does realize that women keeps him entertaining and hot in spite of Gay men. No offense to you Zach.
I feel sorry for outstanding performers like Anthony, Paul & Landon… they are the ones that should be getting the props! I didn’t see a press release for them…
how much more money would a scene between just Paul and Landon make? I don’t know what’s worse, this getting made or people paying to see it. Blind leading the blind…
I agree…it’s disgusting that NDS would produce this blatant piece of exploitation, but what else is new with them? It seems like they get off on how much they can offend gay men with their various productions.
However, the thing that’s more surprising to me is that those 3 performers all agreed to participate. I’m sure there are contracts and stipulations yadda yadda, and everybody has bills to pay, but at the end of the day we all make our own personal choices. I guess it comes down to what’s really important to a person. For me, it’s disappointing that filming this scene was the choice made.
The sad thing is that this movie was not produced and released by NDS (whose virtues have been extolled multiple times elsewhere) but by Falcon.
so true Samuel!
Outstanding performers for sucking dik?….LMFAO
Can you install a *like* button on here for comments, Zach XD
Gotta love Anthony he is hot as fuck!
What a load of crap! I guess what my gramma said IS true “a fool and his money are soon parted” as evidenced by the hordes of self loathing queers buying this shit!
Just because you are not a fan, doesnt mean you can label people who are “self loathing”.
People like different things.. some people like girls, some people like boys.
You could even say some people like to watch gay men having sex, some people like to watch a straight man get head (he may be limp, he may not enjoy it, but thats the whole point isnt it?).
No that doesn’t sound at all self loathing. Sounds very affirming.
One question…Do you flog yourself in sublimation with a knotted cord, while you are watching, or do you wait and do it as punishment for spilling your seed outside of a vagina?
Um, well. Thats a bit over the top. I’m not a fan of cody cummings.. was just saying.
Anyway, most people watch porn for the guy on the screen. What a model does off screen isnt really a concern.
Im sure a lot of porn actors are complete tools off screen..actually i’m very sure they are.
LOL, Alex and Bull. Do you have two have to be so stupid and self-righteous at the same time? PATHETIC. It is people like you who make the LGBT community look bad. Your paranoid and sweeping assumptions concerning the private workings of the human mind just show that you are as rabid and presumptuous as the conservatives that have been dogging our community for decades. And if I were to think like you, I’d say that you’re just as SELF-LOATHING as the people who like Cody Cummings. Go flog yourselves, you old broken down queens.
If multiple people hadn’t called Cody Cummings out on his behavior, I’d be the first to say Your Kink Is Not My Kink – but, okay. Good luck with that. Cody Cummings the character appeals to a certain fantasy dudes have, and that’s fine. I don’t get it. But it’s not hurting anybody.
HOWEVER, Cody Cummings the performer has been caught out on multiple occasions being disrespectful and bigoted and gross. Do you want to give That Dude your money?
Maybe it’s just me, but I would have thought the point was that they did enjoy it after all and it wasn’t as horrendous as they thought.
Can’t say I get the appeal of Cody, he seems to have made a career of doing very little in the way of gay sex (which strikes me as a fundamental point of gay porn) and has made his preference for the ladies abundantly clear, yet viewers seem to lap up the crumbs he deigns to throw at them.
Just check out the trailer to see his limp dick staying limp in the mouths of all those hot guys and seethe with rage.
Falcon should be ashamed of themselves for putting those actors in such a degrading situation and for asking money to us to watch it.
yeah, Falcon. That wasn’t a NextDoor production, Falcon shot and produced that scene.