There’s a fine line to walk when describing your ideal sex partner on a Craigslist ad. Not enough specifics will flood you with undesired responses. But too many specifics will turn away men who may just be a good fuck.
One top man with an average giggle stick is sick of pressing the back button on his browser once he reaches the “HUNG++++” section that appears in most bottom boy ads. “Is a top with a BIG cock really more important,” he asks, “than a top with an average size cock that happens to be a great fuck?”
As a top I hesitate to respond to the postings placed by a lot of bottoms because they are so adamant that the top be HUNG. At 6.5″ I definitely feel excluded and rightly so, I am not hung, simply average, so I don’t respond. At the same time about 80% of the guys I top tell me I am one of the more memorable fucks they have ever had and I really don’t think they’re just being polite. Is size really that important?The man with the big cock will somehow or another make you shoot your load, if not by being adept, skilled or necessarily good, simply by having the size to sooner or later push a load out of you… I am an average man…yet I have no shortage of horny bottoms that I get together with regularly. The issue is always having to jump through hoops to get a new guy to check me out and give me a chance…
It is my personal belief that physical penetration is only a part of fucking another man, I truly believe that it requires a bit of finesse as well and I try to approach fucking or making love to a man as not merely physical penetration but also seeking a connection of mind and spirit as well. I know my body and I know how it works, I know when I am inside a man whether I am “touching” him or not and I know the positions that are best suited for me to make that kind of physical contact…
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although my head will always be turned by a big cock, some of the best fucks i’ve ever had have been by average-ish cocks. 6.5 is just fine. i think it’s because it takes so much blood to fill up a big cock, sometimes they feel like one of those long tubes filled with beans or something. the more average cock seems to get much harder and stay that way.
Oh, dear. Someone needs to teach his guy lesson the the trifecta of hot. It’s a three pillar system: face, body, and cock. (And for the graduate course it’s looks, money, and personality) You’ve got to get at least two out of the tree. Straight porn star Ron Jeremy has the cock but would you really want to be fucked with that body and face. This guy seriously needs to work on his body and face. The cock department will work itself out. Shave your balls and use a clipper w/a 1/4 inch guard to make it look bigger. By losing some weight via cardio and better defined abs, the illusion of a longer cock is also available. The bottom line too is that everyone is someone’s type. I mean there are better venues than trolling the internet to find your bottom for that oh-so average cock of his. Best of luck champ.