The former reality star turned ri-fucking-diculously hot model has a 2012 calendar out that you can definitely use to jerk off to/find out what day it is, but what is going on with his face?
It takes a lot to distract me from a body and an ass like Jack Mackenroth’s, and Jack Mackenroth’s bizarre facial hair pattern is doing it. It looks like something a SIMS character or a mannequin or possibly a gay robot would have? It’s almost too perfect, and his chin looks oddly naked? Not that I ever would mind Jack Mackenroth naked? I’m confused. Turned on at the sight of his massive bulge and equally massive ass, but confused.
Here’s Jack Mackenroth’s 2012 calendar, and here are the new images with the weird beard from West Phillips (via Manhunt). Click to enlarge:
And, in case you missed the more explicit shots over the past couple years (when his facial hair was normal or non-existent):
he needs to stop the juicing for awhile, that stuff will mess you up in the long run.
Do I think he looks less hot with that beard? Yes, I do….
Looks like a drag king but with a perfect waistline and butt.
He looks like a brave, fairly successful FTM. He should quit it with the “I’m hot, guys!!!! Look at me!!!” photography and gay styling and just be himself.
Could someone please interview him about his designer skills. We never got to see his talent on the reality show!
Never liked dudes with tattoos on their lower backs…too fem :-(
Did you guys see the photo at the bottom of the calendar page link,, that shows him with the same beard mowed down to a stubble… HOT!
Ridiculous ink shit indeed. Otherwise (too) perfect? The spray-on beard doesn’t do it for me.
Seems kinda like he may have had some Botox and/or injections of some sort – guys should just age naturally in my opinion ( his beard isnt necessarily weird, suddenly it is his face ( he may be a guy who fears growing older is all )
Nice body.
Too bad he fucked it up with all that ridiculous ink shit.
Nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, could distract me from that ass. Not even the patent overembellisment with the tramp stamp.
Thank you! Beard? Tattoo? All I can see is that ass, that ass, and THAT ASS!!!
It sort of reminds me of The Joker’s grin for some reason.
I have to say, he looks better in real life. The photography is dramatic, but waaayyy too posed and artificial looking. I’d much rather see him shirtless in jeans in a shot that looks less planned. Frankly, he should just stop it with the homoerotic photography for awhile. We get it, he’s super hot. But he seems desperate to constantly show it to everyone…. which isn’t hot.
All Odd!
He has a bit of a gay face , enhanced by a faggy beard .
faggy beard as opposed to what, a straight beard? Perhaps he used Nair (as he probably did on his chest) on a Q-tip. I’ve seen it done before….
IMO you either have a beard or you don’t .
Overgrooming it above the neck usually looks stupid , as exemplified here .
He has a great body though ! I ve just found out who he is – he’s 42yo – wow !!
Someone took a stippling brush with a deep colored eyeshadow and filled in the area within the perimeter to create the illusion of a densely grown beard.
…or was that a rhetorical question?
LOL! Yeah, it was the “fullness” of his bead that looked strange to me.
Hot guy, nonetheless. And that’s without having a hardon, doing a full split, and showing everyone your “Mr. Winky”…