Yes, that’s Jeff Stryker, throwing his hands in the air and “giving it up” to Los Angeles, where you can get a fresh new start (as a gay porn star turned failed Playgirl model?) after…uhh, filing for fake bankruptcy on a fake website!
News of this site and Stryker’s involvement spread over the last 24 hours–the story being that Jeff Stryker is now a pitch man for an L.A. bankruptcy attorney. This would be so weird, if it were true! It’s not. The video he appeared in (it’s since been pulled–or it isn’t loading) on the insane website claimed to be an advertisement for a lawyer named Jennifer Aragon, and while Ms. Aragon is a real person, this website is not. That number in the ad above? Call it and you won’t get the law offices of Jennifer Aragon. You’ll get Jeff Stryker’s personal voicemail. Oops.
Here is what appears to be Ms. Aragon’s real website, which includes her real telephone number. So what does this all mean? [UPDATE: I’ve just been told that Aragon is Stryker’s wife??]
Does the fact that Jeff Stryker went to all this trouble creating a phony website claiming to represent her mean that he and Jennifer Aragon are in some sort of feud?
Why does Jeff Stryker hate Jennifer Aragon so much?
Did Jeff Stryker “win” the internet today for tricking so many naive bloggers into believing he was a bankruptcy attorney’s pitch man?
Is Jeff Stryker on acid?
When you look at his website, do you feel like you are on acid?
For some fun Friday laffs, scroll down to the very bottom of Stryker’s “” and note that all the links point to other weird sites having to do with the Peyton family (Peyton is Stryker’s real last name). They redirect to other lawyers specializing in DUIs and bankruptcies, commercial property leasing, and, uhhh, this:
“What do you call 5 alpha males from the same clan?” I’d call them a family of 5 douchebags. Anyone who actually refers to themselves as an alpha male is a sad wannabe.
I’m not sure of the backstory behind this, but Jennifer Aragon is Mrs.Jeff Stryker. She is a lovely woman and a crackerjack bankruptcy attorney.It sounds like some sort of bizarre outing scheme, but I’m not sure who would be hurt by this other than an innocent person.
“Elton John is another star who has a terrible time managing money. While most of us would be satisfied with cheap supermarket floral arrangements, Mr. John spent $205,774 on flowers alone in less than two years. Isn’t that painful to read?”
What the fuck…lol. I went through the website and just wow.