The penultimate episode of Wilde Road (trailer below) finds Christian Wilde fucking Jessie Colter in a wheelbarrow and then also fucking him in a hammock. If you could fuck Jessie Colter (you can’t), where would you rather fuck him?
The wheelbarrow has wheels, so I’d be afraid that Jessie would roll away. The hammock is suspended in mid-air and highly unstable, so I’d be afraid that Jessie would fly off the side. Maybe it’d be safer to fuck him on a bicycle.
You’ll remember that last we left him, Christian Wilde was high out of his mind after eating pot brownies, and he had started to turn into a gay person. Jessie Colter’s ass seals the deal:
is that safe?
I’d rather fuck CHRISTIAN, not Jessie. If you guys can’t get him to bottom, why the hell did you even make him an “exclusive”? What a waste.
Something about Jessie just has never worked for me. Great performer and ok to look at but overall …it’s just…something doesn’t work! Christian on the other hand can rape me.
I have to hand it to Mr. Pam, this scene was actually pretty hot- I think it’s mostly because Jesse and Christian have good chemistry, so Christian put a little more energy in this scene than he usually does, and I like the fact that Jesse did not GRUNT as much. I also liked the dialoge, very hot
Their scene together on was a scorcher. They have great chemistry.
OOPPPSSSS…I meant at!
Christian has one amazing cock and great body but those tattoos are way to much.
No more Jessie Colter please!! he is everyfucking where I can’t stand his fake ass hair , plucked eyebrows and Chipmunk queen stare, it kills me!!
The tattoos kill it.
Want to fuck Colter, but I’m old fashioned. A bed, room, and great room service!
He’s got a great cock, and he’s an amazing performer, but the real star of the scene is Jesse’s perfect ass
Photo Shop madness!!!
Christian Wilde’s cock is NOT that long…. photoshop strikes again!
Nope – No Photoshop!! His Cock really is that big!!! mr. Pam here and I prepped all these photos and I swear I did not photoshop his dick. Its Folsom week here in San Francisco and I barely had time to slap the logo on these hot photos. Christian Wilde has a great dick!
I will admit, it was a really hot day, like 95 degrees, and his balls were hanging like I had never seen. Monster balls! So I think his very warm testicles are helping enhance Christian’s big juicy cock. woohoo!
This scene is hot!!! Great energy, a million different positions and really fun dialogue – check it out boys, you’ll love it!
mr. Pam
Umm, then where is the condom in the last pic or was it half bareback? Or is that a fake shot(posing for the camera)
But I finally see C Wildes appeal he does look cute (his face) in these pics, Jesse’s ass is amazing photoshop? Working out? Fix a flat?
YOu think it looks amazing o_O ? He is arching his back like crazy to make his flat ass stick out .
About as natural as what he does with his hair to make it look like he is not balding. #Fail
I love these… they are just dreamy! They are kissing like they are in man love!!