Discovering a voracious gay porn star power bottom for the first time is one of the only authentic moments in life that truly makes me happy, and right now I am thrilled to share one of those moments with you. In case you’re not familiar, please meet Troy Daniels, my favorite porn star of 2012 (so far). He has already been around a while though! I’m a little late to the game, seeing as I was so caught up with Mickapaloozza and Ethanmania, but…better late than never?
Today, while catching up on all of the times that Troy got fucked in 2011, I wondered: Can Troy Daniels make 2012 as much of a power-bottoming and cock gobbling cockfest extraordinaire as he did 2011? I suspect he can.
But tell me, whose cock did Troy Daniels ride the best last year? Was it Colby Keller’s (judging by Troy’s expression above, I’d say yes), or was it one of these other two gargantuan cocks?
First, Colby pounds Troy on HardFriction:
[Hard Friction: Colby Keller Fucks Troy Daniels]
Or, did Parker Perry cock slap Troy better in this Hot House Backroom scene?
[Hot House: Parker Perry Fucks Troy Daniels]
OR, does Barrington Brooks (GULP) take the prize for impaling Troy Daniels with over nine inches of big black cock?
[Lucas Entertainment: Barrington Brooks Fucks Troy Daniels]
Colby Keller has such a nice body. And he’s been at this, what, five or six years? They (gay porn stars) usually start looking worn and haggard by that time.
Ooh, Troy’s tattoo… IIRC, in the language of flowers, yellow roses symbolize jealousy or hate (or maybe it’s friendship). I wonder what the story is behind that.
On the other hand “beauty” and “beast” on its clavicles? I can’t with that sh*t. I really can’t. WTF does not even begin to express my puzzlement as to why somebody who looks like that naturally would come up with such an inane … Never mind.
Parker Perry is the only hot guy out of all 4.
false. Colby Keller > Parker Perry.
I started noticing this guy when I read a blip from another performer that Troy Daniels had the best caboose he’s ever seen. Whatever happened to the focus on the beautiful ass? Not one pic of it in it’s solo glory. Anyway I think I read Troy did some scenes and moved to Berlin for school. And promises to return and resume. Hopefully someone will showcase his moneymaker.
What do you call a bottom who bottoms for bottoms? Tops.
I too adore when a guy unapologetically loves getting it up the ass. It’s a beautiful thing. I just don’t want them to take any stupid and unnecessary risks over it.