Hot poll alert!! Or is that hot pole alert?! Vote in The Sword’s sexy serial killer poll below and weigh in on who you think is the hottest convicted serial killer of all time!
Mass murder can be a scary thing, but when it’s being committed by someone who is super hot, is it really so bad? The recent release of Catalina Video’s gay porn featuring real life porn stars-turned-hardened criminals, Criminal Cocks, got me thinking about just how sexy a murderer can be, especially when they’ve murdered more than one person! But, forget about Catalina Video’s gay porn stars who only committed one murder or who maybe could only pull off an attempted murder conviction; let’s talk about some hotties who went balls to the wall and perpetrated the greatest mass murder sprees in American history.
For me, the choice of sexiest serial killer is easy: Richard Ramirez, a.k.a. the Night Stalker. I can remember back to all of those steamy summer nights back in the mid-1980’s when I was discovering my body for the very first time while lying in bed, terrified that the Night Stalker was going to come through my bedroom window and slit my throat. Too bad the hunky Latino is on death row and married now! But as the saying goes, if you can’t be raped and then murdered by them, you can at least jerk off to them.
Right, Catalina Video?
Ripped from the headlines! Porn stars before they became real life criminals. Grand theft, attempted murder, serial rape, and 1st degree murder…these criminal cocks have done it all and now you can see them all on one convenient disc…compiled for your pleasure.
My pleasure, indeed.
Which SKILF (serial killer I’d like to fuck) do you jerk off to the most? Satan worshiper Richard Ramirez, convicted of killing and raping 18 people in 1988? Ted Bundy, who killed between 35 and 100 people before being put to death in the electric chair? Nazi cult leader Charles Manson, currently serving life in prison after his followers committed at least nine murders? Or is it blond bad boy Jeffrey Dahmer, who ate the remains of the people he molested, raped, and murdered?
Be sure to pick up Catalina’s new movie, but first, vote and weigh in with your comments below. Which serial killer really makes you cum?!
None! Psychos and Fatal Attractions freak me out.
Richard Ramirez?
Did you know that he deliberately cultivated rotting teeth and bad breath because he felt it “enhanced” his fearsome presence?
I mean, if you want to fuck him, fine. But you might want to pass on any kissing…
What not to say to jeffrey dahmer: EAT ME.
Have you no sense of decency? Are there no standards? If we had a real justice system, all of them would have been put down years ago.
You are sick!
Irresponsible writing. I love the sword but this is a monumental fail. The writer and the approving editor should be fired!
He’s not on the list, but I vote for Paul Morris.
Sorry Zach, but this is just gross! Both the Catalina vid and this poll.
I love The Sword, but this article is a new low. It’s an epic FAIL!
I’m way too dainty for all of this rough trade.
I think that Craig’sList killer was hot. too bad he killed himself in jail.
Zach, are you crazy ? That`s disgusting !!!!!
Serial Killer?….mmmm….Jessica Fletcher…… 12 seasons, 264 episodes and murder just “followed her” everywhere she went? I think not……….
I think Jeffrey Dahmer would find my tender, delicate flesh rather tasty…
Andrew Cunanan. FTW.
Maybe Mrs Van Damme should work the hybristophilia angle in continuing to promote Robert’s site. International-fugutive-armed-robber porn might appeal to a certain crowd.
Sal Mineo was not murdered by a trick. His murderer claimed he had no idea who Mineo was.
So? The hooker Hugh Grant picked up that time had no clue who HE was.
Peter is absolutely right about Sal Mineo’s murder. It had nothing to do with sex. It was a botched robbery attempt.
Ramirez has some impressive bone structure but Bundy all day. What a cutie. <33333333333
It’s not serial killers, but I remember the re-discovery of The Doors Jim Morrison I think it was back in the late 70s early 80s (?) with the Rolling Stone cover: “He’s HOT. He’s SEXY. He’s DEAD.”
I went through a little Sal Mineo phase a while back, couldn’t get enough of him. And he ended up stabbed to death by a trick in a LA alleyway. James Dean’s lover, quite the slut from then on, Peter Lawford’s lover later in life – would love to see the real life story filmed, which it never will be.
…. was killed by someone attempting to rob him in the driveway of the building he lived at. He wasn’t killed by a trick. Urban legend.
True that this poll appears to be in bad taste, but the message behind it us not. It’s attempting to draw attention to the genuinely distasteful exploitation and glorification of criminal behavior for profit by lampooning Catalina’s insensitivity with sarcastic exaggeration. Bravo.
no, its just poo taste. and youre an idiot for pretending its anything else than that.
I think what you meant to say was: “No, it’s just poor taste, and you’re an idiot for pretending it’s anything other than that.”
….Oh, Zach…..
I don’t think Chi Chi went any lower than public. When one of the most popular gay porn videos is prison shower rape of a boy who look like he just reached his puberty… well that can’t get any lower.
It was a close fight between Ted Bundy and Jeff Dahmer but I picked Jeff. I always thought he had a cute face (before he got fat in prison). I know this sounds twisted but I kind of feel bad for him. He had been a loner for too long and it drove him insane.
FYI.Jeffrey was killing in his teens and he himself was very introverted.He was always insane,but he atleast tried to repress his behavior at first.
I thought Chi Chi hit a new low with her movie, but you putting these pics up on the blog and a “poll” make syou even worse! I’m sure all the victims’ families are so proud to see you sexualizing the murderers.