I’m bored and want to make one lucky porn star’s day by buying him some dumb thing from his Amazon wish list. But as you surely know, The Sword NEVER plays favorites, so you’ll need to vote for the porn star whom you feel is most deserving of a gift.
There are a lot of these lists, but I went with the five that were the most entertaining/ridiculous:
Those are all linked to the wish lists. Does seeing the contents of a porn star’s list influence your decision, or are you just going to vote for whoever is already your favorite porn star? Depending on who wins (voting ends in a couple days), I’ll then have a poll asking you to choose from a selection of gifts currently on the winner’s list. I’ll buy whichever one gets the most votes. Seriously. It’s shaping up to be that slow of a week.
does cliff even count as a gay porn model anymore?thought he was blacklisted in the industry..
If I had to choose, it would probably be Anthony Romero, because anyone who bundles Mean Girls, knives, and food together is clearly doing it for the lulz.
There are only 5 porn stars with wish lists? That’s not bad. I would think all of them had one. I think if someone wants to buy them something, oh well, it’s their money.
Get Jensen his fucking beanbag.
how come I didn’t even make the list. damn, boy!
Make more twitter drama?
I’ve never seen such a bunch of bitter rigmarole over something so non serious.
I mean seriously, whimsy is free, y’all all need to add some to YOUR wishlists.
I can’t possibly imagine what could be offensive about someone who isn’t you buying someone else who isn’t you something with money that isn’t yours.
Why would you care enough to get offended?
If folks want to buy stuff for porn models, how exactly is that any skin off your nose or cash out of your wallet?
No one is compelled to participate.
I think it’s hilarious and completely harmless.
Everyone should have a wishlist just to see what they get (and excuse me but what the hell is a wedding or baby shower registry if not a big old list of GIMME! so clearly it’s not just something for children) ;p
It’s call “fun” folks ought to try it some time.
Getting offended because someone asked someone to buy them a giant bottle of ketchup? Seriously?
Sometimes I think folks just get mad about stuff that other folks do because they wish they could do it and can’t.
Now I’ll get off your lawn and go see what ridiculous item I can send to Mr. Anthony Romero because from his wishlist solely because he’s a sweetheart who makes me laugh!
You should buy one item from all their wishlist’s and send the guy’s pictures of you burning them.
Razzafrazzin’ unnecessary apostrophes.
that would be overkill. and surprisingly, a very nice idea
Can’t you just send Colby Keller some money?
sure …..and perhaps a bottle of Laphroaig Scotch ??
Ugh. What about my amazon wish list? BUY ME SOMETHING DADDY!
you are not relevant.
Oh snap! LOL! It’s your money Zach, spend it as you like. Just don’t expect much in return.
geez honey i didn’t know that YOU had a wish list….that’s different (EVIL TOP DADDY GRIN)…so what do you need today? oh and what do you want from your list?
LOL…these post are too fuckin funny and rite on the money :-)
gosh evan i hope you were referring to me!
ive had lots of friends in the pormn biz over the years, at first i was soo in to it all, wanting to leaving my boring life for theirs. only years later have i realized how much i have, first of all an education, (while they needed some “time off” i went back to school) second of all stability which i first mistook took for boredom. and money, not the quick money, the kind i saved over years, the build up of equity in a home, thinking of saving for a long away retirement…money like that….ive seen so many guys like this they don’t “get it” yet, “stuff” isn’t going to make you happy. stuff gets old you throw it away, then you sadly end up looking for more “stuff”. in the end my friends blew every dime they made, on stuff, lots and lots of partying, trips to circuit parties etc etc. it almost seemed as if they were afraid to stop running from one thing or place to the next. they never finished their educations (because they “needed some time off” blah blah) anyway..in fairness i did see a few (very few) that actually had a day job and understood the proper prespective this line of work has to be kept in..theres nothing wrong with porn per se…i love it hee hee…but its a lot like candy, its fun, tastes great but you can’t really live off of it…
I vote we buy Jimbo that End of the World seed pack, under the condition that he actually try and care for them.
We? Jimbo? LMFAO!
I figured you’d be one of the fifteen people who voted for JaMESSon…
It’s not despite the fact he’s a mess, it’s because he’s a big mess. He reminds me of the guys I used to know in college who were all into eating hallucinogens, listening to electronic music, and reading esoteric texts instead of studying. It’s endearing in a thank-god-I-don’t-have-to-pick-up-after-this-one kind of way.
Tell me you don’t want to see him doing video updates from his post-apocalyptic victory garden.
If these porn stars sell their cum stained underwear on Ebay they can buy new cloths themselves. Some fans pay big money to own something of gay porn star. Whose underwear is going to make the most money?
Choice 6 none of the above but if I had to pick one it would be Anthony Romero all the way.
here’s my vote: not a damn one. money’s tight right now. you really think i want to buy someone else who i don’t know at all and doesn’t know me something? fuck that. let me get a car out of this and then we’ll talk
Zomg! I miss Chris Porter so much!! It’s not faire. Why doesn’t he not have a wish list to? I would loves to buy him anything. He is the most best porn star ever. I mis him! ;(
I love how there are so many posts that seem genuinely offended at the thought of you buying some dumb wish list item. The horror that Cliff Jensen might actually get those $11 knee-high Batman socks, complete with a cape coming off the back (seriously, WTF?). Or that Anthony Romero is in the running to receive a 114-oz giant tub of ketchup, free of cost.
What I really don’t understand are Spencer Reed’s or James Jamesson’s wish lists. Why is there a need to add 57 different types of protein powder or vitamins? Isn’t it more effective to narrow it down to maybe your 2-3 favorite supplements so as to not pollute your wish list with such boring offerings nobody cares about buying you? I mean, I would at least assume that should some random fan peruse one of these wish lists, they’re probably going to be drawn into clicking on, say, butt plugs, leather whips, or underwear… you know, something you can entice them into buying you with the hope of a thank you picture emailed of said item being used, not that I would put much hope in any of them actually having such courtesy.
The point of this doesn’t seem to be to reward some porn star’s lame attempt at getting a free iPad, but rather to highlight of all the rest of the pointless shit they have listed.
My vote from my quick click-throughs is for Cliff Jensen. Those Batman socks are so fucking retarded that I think he somehow deserves them simply by opening my eyes to their existence.
The offence comes from the fact that:
A) They’re grown men
B) They earn thousands to do a porn scene
C) Should be able to buy the things they want themselves without asking some stranger to do it for them!
The only time it’s acceptable to come up with a “wish list” is if you’re an eight year old kid and your writing a letter to Santa for Xmas. Outside that example, ask your friend or a relative to get this stuff for you, if you either can’t afford it or want it in a hurry. Other than that, I’ll echo what everyone else has said on this message thread:
“Buy your own damn shit!”
So is this the CF shill or are you somebody new?
Spencer Reed doesn’t have any acne cream on his list?
I’d buy him that for his back purely out of sympathy.
The rest can go fuck themselves (and each other) and buy their own shit.
I would pitch in for that as well. The least he could do is have some humility, admit he has a bacne problem and find some solutions for him. I’ve never been to any vitamin/supplement shops but I’m sure that there is a section for such a problem, since it is a common thing for guys messing around with steroids and whatnot.
And here I thought gay porn couldn’t get any lower than gay for pay (and barebacking).
Buy your own damn shit!!!!
Anthony Romero is my vote. LED ninja sword, Jesus action figure, & Jif creamy peanut butter = HOT!!!!!
Too bad Amazon doesn’t sell Valtrex.
Anthony Romero has gun-oriented shit. Under no circumstances should anyone buy any of these guys gun-oriented shit. Or knife-oriented shit. Or karate oriented-shit. Or toilet lids.
Uhh, no he doesn’t.
5.11 Tactical Holster V-Neck Shirt, White, Medium
Lightweight Bulletproof Bullet Proof Vest Concealable Body Armor IIIA 3A Light S-XL
Do not buy him these things.
Black Ninja Folding Grappling Hook W/ 33 Foot Rope
SABRE Compact Pepper Spray with Quick Release Key Ring (Pink)
Special Folder Knife C-1130
Please don’t confuse Chris with something like facts. He believes Romero has “gun-oriented shit.” And his belief means it must be true.
I agree with a lot of people don’t spend a penny on any of these assholes. Let them buy their own shit with their own money they make per film. If anything,buy something for yourself on your own wish list. If you don’t have one, well just treat yourself to something nice :)
The most trashy of them?…Definetely wouldn’t pick Spencer Reed or Anthony Romero since both of them were in Europe a couple of days ago, so I’m guessing they have enough buck to spend if they make those kind of trips.
if i buy them a gift can i get about 10 fliks for free? Or wait.. dont we already pay ur fukn salary?
I vote none of the above. Dont have anything against them. I support them with subscriptions to porn sites.
um. none. These bitches need to learn to buy their own shit.
LOL…..yup, good thinkin’
OK, you’re right. But for this I’m going to say Shane!
absolutely agree. tell them to start acting like adult men and learn how to buy their own shit.
LMFAO!! best comment I’ve heard all day