The best thing about Dominic Ford’s upcoming gay porn parody of Silence Of The Lambs is a cameo appearance by Cole and Hunter Maverick, the latter of whom gets to recite one of the best lines of movie dialogue of all time.
Silence Of The Cams stars Tate Ryder as Hannibal Lecter (which I guess sort of makes sense), Angel Rock, Bryce Evans, Topher DiMaggio, and more. But it’s Cole Maverick as cum-slinging prison inmate “Miggs,” Hunter Maverick, and Trenton Ducati as Clarice Starling (no, really) who get to have all the fun.
Who said it better?
Trenton Ducati as Clarice, or Hunter Maverick as Buffalo Bill?
[Dominic Ford: Silence Of The Cams]
Dominic, I applaud you for taking a stand for your work. I stand with you and I thank you for being creative, being quirky, being the Mel Brooks of Gay Porn — lest we forget the bestselling Whorrey Potter and the Sorcerer’s Balls — and most of all, being an innovator who’s always trying something new! Not many can say they are doing the same. Never mind the fools — let them cook in their own jealously and self-loathing juices. It can be hard to ignore, but use them to power on. Remember, sticks and stones will break your bones, but “boner killers” will never hurt you.
Hunter sounded so gay lmao
And I don’t mean that in a bad way.
I just didn’t expect him to sound feminine lol
A purse could have fallen out of his mouth. “put some fucking lotion on your basket, GURRRRL!”
Get a sense of humor people, or do something better.
You can always count on commenters at TheSword (who are mainly rival studios and other industry people) being bitches and unsupportive to the rest of the industry. Use your real names the next time you comment so we can at least see what studio you work for. The funny parts of the movie aren’t anywhere near the 10 scorching hot sex scenes starring every a-lister in the industry working today, so it’s not a boner killer. The real boner killer is your attitudes. If all you can do is troll, shut the fuck up and do something productive with your life.
I didn’t think it was possible to love you even more.
Love Dominic Ford and the work he does! One of the very few pushing into new territory and being creative. Keep doing what you do, don’t worry about bitchy comments…they come with the territory!
Awful! I agree BONE KILLER!
Mouth opens, purse falls out. This would have been better with no speaking.
It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again!
Hose or hoes?
Way to ruin a good boner, Dominic Ford.