Whoa: Marcus Iron For Treasure Island Media

There are two reasons why this story is kind of a big deal. First, Marcus Iron is my favorite gay porn star ever. Second, this footage offers further proof that big studios need to start forcing their models to swallow cum now.

It was Treasure Island Media director Ryan Sullivan who posted the preview clip on his indispensible blog of Marcus Iron sucking off a “straight man” named Gordon at the Powerhouse in San Francisco. The cum-chugging begins at 6:26. (Need I say “NSFW”?)

I’m not sure whether this oral scene marks a one-off performance or whether Marcus will soon become a bona fide Treasure Island cum-bucket. Either way, watching the industry icon worship ejaculatory fluid with his esophagus is something I like. Welcome back, Marcus.


Marcus Iron in Mustang’s Iron Works


The Top 10 Oral Cumshots in the History of My Masturbation
[NSFW] The Sullivan Brothers Saga Keeps Getting More Fucked Up
The Sword Tour of San Francisco Gay Porn Locations

Episode 45: Shadowbox (Ryan Sullivan’s Island)

18 thoughts on “Whoa: Marcus Iron For Treasure Island Media”

  1. I met Marcus (under his real name) in SF. Shocked when I saw him at this party. I offered him a ride and got more than I bargained for when I ended up spending the night. Bareback! I’ve gone to heaven. Or hell. Best trip to SF ever.

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  3. Hi, i just saw a clip with Marcus Iron sucking a straight guy named Gordon. Will that ever be put in a vidio for sale? Watching Marcus Iron suck a big dick is something to see for sure also if there is anything like that with Marcus Iron sucking dick comming out,please let me know. He is freekin hot.

  4. First off to all you Bitching about TIM and how sleazy it is. FUCK OFF. Your probably the same ones with white only and no this or that in your online profiles. What happens when someone gets HIV or Then Aids should they move off to a colony and die alone? I’ve noticed that more men bareback because if they do get HIV they are treated like they are modern day lepers sexually if they are honest. So to have some intimacy and human interaction they are more than willing to risk bareback sex. You know what at least I know the guys in the TIM movies are gay. They aren’t some straight for pay asshole sucking up money from gays and spitting on them the next. They aren’t clones who wouldn’t look at you twice on the street they are usually HOT HUNG MEN who you know are going to fuck you that you can believe they are going to have sex with you. Sorry to those of us who have to deal with the reaction and rejection of having HIV and the nasty profiles online and the constant barrage of maybe dying. This is our escape. Knowing that guys can have sex. Real sex not some plastic coated sugar clone sex. This comes from some one who lives with it every day and didn’t have the choice because an ass hole cut the condom and infected me. If you don’t like it. Don’t watch. I may not partake in BB sex but at least I know if I watch porn the guys doing fill the fantasy of someone touching me and being intimate with me.

    1. xakeimx, I can’t even go into how lonely and pathetic you seem when you type things like “Real sex not some plastic coated sugar clone sex” and follow it up with “because an ass hole cut the condom and infected me”. It is as if you are saying the only sex that is real sex is bareback sex and in the same paragraph you complain about being infected.

      First thing, that plastic coated sugar clone sex is the reason why we are no dealing with a pandemic in the gay community. Furthermore for your statement ” fantasy of someone touching me and being intimate with me”, if a thin sheet of latex is preventing you from being intimate, there are major problems with you as person which involve low self-esteem and a serious confusion between sex and intimacy. I advise you seek psychological help for you deep seeded issues involving physical contact with another human being.

  5. let’s face it, guys, if porn-stars had any self-respect, they wouldn’t be porn-stars: marcus was supposed to be a landscape designer (in real life); so, tell me, how is it a designer has to do porn (now, with a sleazeball company) and sell his bod online? seriously, there has to be major self-esteem issues to get caught up in the sex-trade; there is no place to go but D O W N.

  6. I’m more disappointed that Marcus, who was also an all-time fave of mine, has aligned himself with TIM, a company that has the skeeviest, nastiest, disease ridden-looking guys, which promotes unsafe sex. If he’s making a comeback, then Yay! Unless it’s for TIM, HDK or SX or one of their equivalents.


  8. to alex s.: excuse me for having an opinion. but, to tell me to fuck off who the fuck are you to tell me anything you motherfucker. i can say whatever the fuck i want when i want to. SO FUCK YOU AND THIS FUCKING WEBSITE. I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO SAY WHAT EVER THE FUCK I WANT TO SAY AND YOU HAVE A RIGHT NOT TO LIKE IT BUT TO TELL TO FUCK OFF YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW ME. SO BEFORE YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT YOU BETTER FUCK OFF YOURSELVES.

  9. Bernard, I didn’t see a gun next to Marcus’s head, while I was watching the video, and I think he’s an adult so, I think he’s well aware of the “risk” involved in swallowing a load. So kindly, MYOB, STFU, or simply…fuck off.

  10. wait a minute. did i say anything that deserved that remark. yes, i read the advocate and i also read unzipped and i have a lot of porn in my house but to tell me if i do not get turned on by cum swallowing then that is not my problem. i like the kissing and the moments leading up to the actual sex. i am now pissed off that you think i am some kind of hermit who does not know what i am talking about well i do. i love porn and i love the industry but to me the industry has changed and i think we forget that it is to be presented as a fantasy. swallowing cum maybe a low-risk activity but the point is when you see a star whose movies you love watching do something that is different you can not understand why he is doing it.

  11. i think you are missing the point. to me it is a statement to anyone to think hey it is okay to suck cum and swallow it and think nothing could happen to me. i mean come on are you serious! what do you think treasure island media is a very clean and welcoming company that promotes safe sex and not sex that could kill. listen as a gay man it makes me angry when i hear or see people write “oh, it is just oral sex” well how do we know what the partners in each scene has done to each other and whether they have been tested for the virus or not. i just don’t get it. i had a friend who worked in the industry and he was a wonderful guy full of life and he died because he did things thst should not have. i miss him and his smile and is laugh and to me when i see companies like treasure island media make money off people who could die from what they do in these movies to me makes me even more angry. so say what you will “sword” to me marcus will never be one of my favorites.

    1. I’m sorry your friend died but that doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that swallowing cum is a low-risk activity; and if you don’t get turned on by cum-chugging then you should probably go read The Advocate instead of The Sword.

  12. i am really disappointed in marcus for doing a unsafe video. i do not understand why porn actors think it is okay to do gay porn under the guise that what they are doing is okay. this films are just a testament about how the industry has not learned about what happens to guys who deal in unprotected sex. i am really ashamed to say he was one of my favorite and to me this is a real let down and he really needs to understand that he lost a fan in me. i was a fan of some of these gay porn stars who were doing these films but the suddenly now they think barebacking is the way and to me i just do not understand. do people think that AIDS has suddenly disappeared, that HIV never existed and that deaths from both never happened. this to me is living in a fairy tale world and i think barebacking companies need to wake up and realize what the hell they are doing. i am very disappointed.

  13. “Gordon” has his own str8 porn website/line of videos as “Whitezilla”. He’s also done a solo for Next Door Male – can’t remember the name.

  14. If I’m not mistaken, “Gordon” the straight guy has been on another site before. And I’m dubious a hot guy like Marcus would be this hung up over a straight guy. But I guess it makes for a good porn fantasy. And Marcus’s scene with Dean Phoenix from Buckleroos is one of my all-time favorites!

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