Disco Dosing (gerund) pron. dɪ́sko dósɪŋ
It’s when HIV negative men ingest a comprehensive anti-retroviral drug, like tenofivir, before having risky bareback sex in an attempt to lower the risk of HIV infection. The theory is that anti-retroviral drugs prevent the HIV virus from attaching to healthy cells and replicating. There’s even a cocktail out there that’s nicknamed MTV because it combines all the good stuff: meth, tenofivir and Viagra.
Fags who are more frightened of condoms than they are of lesbians have been scoring anti-retrovirals from their poz friends, or buying them from dealers at clubs. Some even wrestle prescriptions out of sympathetic doctors, but no doctor will publicly admit giving HIV anti-retroviral medication because it is widely assumed that negative men who take anti-retrovirals sporadically develop resistance to the drugs over time. (Maybe they should consider an anti-microbial mangina gel instead.)
Usage: I’m high as fuck on crystal right now, and I had a pretty unhappy childhood, so, yeah, sure, I’ll try disco dosing.
New Gel May Stop HIV Infection In the Mangina
Porno Glossary: Caverject
Porno Glossary: Reverse Cowboy
Study: Suck All the Poz Dick You Can
The Next Condom Conundrum (The Advocate)
Safer or Stupid? Some Gay Men ‘PrEP’ for Sex (Edge Boston)
image via Junior Jack
This sounds like a quick way to test positive
Retro Virals or Post Exposure Profolaxis are NOT ways to guarantee prevention of infection.
Currently there are multiple products, including a vaccine, in the works right now for prevention, but NONE are yet to be accepted for use in the public.