Liam and Luca Rosso are sort of like Bel Ami’s Peters Twins, except for the fact that they don’t actually fuck each other, and they’re actually physically attractive — and maybe they’re not actually twins?! Here’s their new trailer for Spitting Image.
They’re always thisclose to rubbing cocks or sucking each other off or doing something that resembles full on incest, but they never do it! Not that I’m complaining (the tease is half the fun), but it’s obvious they’d be willing to “go there” if you offered them an extra thousand or two. Oh, did you think they have “boundaries” and that’s just a line they aren’t willing to cross? Ha. OK.
[C1R: Spitting Image]
they wont cause whos gonna go first?
When they have sex with Brent Everett, they actually do rub cocks.
I’ve also seen them smack each other’s asses before. It’s so hot
Go Chi Chi! The trailer looks really hot. I love the sexy / creepy shots of the twins, especially with the balloons, that’s awesome! Sex looks really hot too – and those twins, omg, yum!
Even if they wanted to it’s illegal to film incest (even gay incest)in the US. Don’t know where the law is but it’s why we can see the Peters Twins –they film in Europe
Why do some performers not bottom, then there’s a big announcement that they’re bottoming for the first time. To build anticipation and interest. I think the Rosso twins, or somebody managing them, is making the right decision to delay their inevitable action together. What I want to know is whether their family is aware of what they do? That’s got to be awkward.
With the black balloons & quick cuts & weird filters over voices and film, this looks like somebody watched Twin Peaks and decided to get cute with the production. I’m kind of intrigued.
Hot trailer, good cast..then again considering all that its a chi chi movie and looks can be deceiving. Damn Dylan Roberts looks so fucking hot tho each and everytime I see him
With Chi Chi Lapband in charge you know its gonna stink.
haha – oh so sad but so true. apparently the only thing worse than fat drag queens wanting to be IN a porn movie is an old drag queen directing porn.
I just discovered that a guy at work, who is about 6’5″ and built like the proverbial, is gay and has a twin brother who is also gay. I couldn’t get up from the table after I heard that.
by proverbial you mean like what a normal gay guy of his size would be? big and muscly???
did you happen to ask them if they did anything together? lol
So I’m confused. If the tease is half the fun, why have them break it? I say keep the tease.
maybe i want to experience the other half? ;)
You would hate it! :-) Unless Ethan was involved.
Being with hot identical twins has always been one of my fantasies……and I’d def want to seem them fooling with each other and me at the same time!…..
I don’t think identical twins having sex is like incest, more like having sex with your clone!….