I respect the right of everyone to make the kind of movies they want to make, but how do movies like this turn a profit? (How do they break even?!) People actually pay money to watch movies like this? I want to know who these people are. Announce yourselves.
(Also, wasn’t there just another one of these, like a month ago?)
The first one was pure gold, one of the sweetest and cutest movies ever, hot too. The second one was ok but not as good as the first. These others are awful, and your right in the last 2 months there was one called eating out:gay camp or something like that and sexy Steve Daigle was in it for all of 5 mins.
I watch the EATING OUT movies for the eye candy and to pass the time in a gay-friendly way.
The scripts are awful, the stories inane; these are some of the most laugh-free “comedies” you’ll ever see. And Denis is right — it’s Butterface Dairy (though I would STILL lick every inch of them, Robert).
Truth is, EATING OUT casts hotter guys than most of the miserable “gay indies” on the market.
The ANOTHER GAY MOVIE franchise paid for its production costs with HEAVY PRODUCT PLACEMENT EVERY THREE SECONDS. Just watch — they ram ads down your throat faster than dicks. And that’s a BAD thing.
Really? Some posters are calling these guys ugly? Wouldn’t touch them with a five foot pole? A butterface? It’s so easy to be judge-y all anonymous sitting in a chair in front of the computer. It would be interesting if commenters had to post photos here. Maybe we wouldn’t be as nasty about the way other people look. Not everyone may to your taste, but are these guys really ugly? I’m not saying this movie is good, but these guys look fine and have nice bodies. The only thing that disturbs me is all the women in a gay resort in Palm Springs. That’s a bone killer!
Still, I’d rather watch this than any Matthew McConaughey movie.
so far all the eating out movies were solid fun and by that much more fun to watch than most hollywood comedies. dont see the problem.
I like the these movies. I always have a problem when then stop and don’t go all the way with xxx in a scene. I just wish porn actors had these scenes for build up to the sex. I like the Michael Lucas Movies that do that. I hope he shoots us another big story with sex. A better story this time!(it doesn’t have to Lucas to pull off a good movie with sex)
I have never seen a pair of eyebrows like that at 0:38. I bet they’d give Chi Chi a nervous tic.
Two words: CHRIS SALVATORE !!!!
I think the first one was made for under $100k but did several times that number in rentals and DVD sales. They all are made with a limited number of locations — here, I’d guess it was donated for the exposure — newbie cast, simple plot, lots of bare skin, penis and nudity, and a very, very short shooting schedule. Too, at this point the “Eating Out” name is the real star, a “franchise” as certain for the viewer of its contents as is the James Bond series. The revenue on this will be great, even though the artistic merit is non-existent.
Expect to see many more of these over the next few years.
I say the same thing I every time I see a trailer for another Bring it on movie. WHY? HOW?
You might know this already, but Bring It On opens in Los Angeles at the end of next month as a stage musical. Follow LA, it heads on a limited nation-wide tour. I’m so intrigued by the show, since music and lyrics come from the people behind “In the Heights” and “Next to Normal”. “Next to Normal” was brilliant, so there’s hope.
Very sad …back in the day we had John Waters to make gay-themed movies…now this…*barf*
If John ever decides to make a sequel to “Cecil B. Demented,” I suggest that he makes these kinds of movies as one the his targets.
You know who else does “Why? How?” movies? Check out most anything by David Decoteau. All of those homoerotic horror movies that share the same titles as Poe’s short stories. They are (no exaggeration) filmed in one weekend, paying the actors $100/day and have them provide their own pairs of tighty whities. Whether or not they still break even is a good question though…
I love the Eating Out series. Guilty Pleasure fun.
I love them too, it’s fun, mindless fluff with some nice eye candy.
There’s so much butterface happening in that clip, my cholesterol level has gone up. You can’t friggin paint hot on, not matter how hard you try..
I know. I also wonder how they break even. The budget for eyebrow trimming alone probably bankrupts the whole production.
Also. I mock and I wouldn’t touch any of these guys with my five foot pole in real life but I wish they would all do porn rather than continue to delude themselves into thinking they have futures as actors