A real article:
A showdown over whether San Francisco should ban public nudity is looming as the issue again rears its head. This time the tipping point may be due to naked men wearing cock rings. District 8 Supervisor Scott Wiener disclosed to the Bay Area Reporter this week that he is open to introducing legislation at City Hall that would ban public nudity.
“People are absolutely repulsed by [cock rings],” said Wiener.
I’m absolutely repulsed that a politician (named Wiener!) is talking about cock rings!
Depsite all the homeless people, crazy people, drug and/or alcohol-addicted homeless and crazy people, people taking a shit in the middle of the street, naked fat people jumping on top of cars, and people murdering other people every day in San Francisco, there is a bigger problem to be solved and a bigger debate to be had. A debate over cocks!
His reviewing of whether stricter rules are required is being driven by an increase in the number of naked men wearing cock rings in public, said Wiener. His office has been fielding calls all summer from constituents upset with the practice.
The openly gay supervisor, who joked that he never imagined when he ran for public office he would be asked about cock rings, said he agrees that the penile accouterments are inappropriate in public.
“People can have whatever view they want to have on public nudity in general. But to be walking around with a cock ring on or something similar is just not acceptable, responsible behavior,” Wiener said. “The whole purpose of a cock ring is to draw attention to that area.”
The thing you don’t want to draw attention to…and yet here you are, drawing attention to it by talking to a newspaper about it, at length.
Many nudists, in turn, contend that sporting cock rings is similar to wearing earrings or bracelets.
They have reported that the police are informing men who wear the genital jewelry that they are in violation of city codes governing being undressed in public.
“Men have been told they will be arrested on the spot if they are wearing a cock ring,” said Mitch Hightower, a nudist who runs a website about public nudity and organizes a yearly Nude In at the Castro’s Jane Warner Plaza the Saturday of Folsom Street Fair weekend. “Since Pride people have reported to me of being hassled for wearing cock rings. I don’t wear one but I have observed men being approached by the police.”
Hightower, a gay man who lives in Miraloma Park, said he recently changed his views about the wearing of cock rings in public. He did so after he conducted a poll on his site that found the majority of respondents consider cock rings akin to jewelry.
“So I feel comfortable subscribing to that belief system,” said Hightower.
Ha. Now it’s a belief system. In Cock Rings We Trust. It’s not just jewelry, it’s a way of life.
A cock ring, or cockring, is a ring that is placed around a person’s penis, usually at the base, primarily to slow the flow of blood from the erect penile tissue, thus maintaining erection for a much longer period.
The purpose of a cock ring is to trap blood inside the penis in order to maintain an erection, or encourage a stronger erection. In order to do this it must be placed at the base of the penis.
Nothing on the page about jewelry.
You have to hand it to the nudists, who are always so good at portraying themselves as the victims and making everything out to be so innocuous and never about sex, when of course it always is. The nudists are always the vulnerable and naked victims. Hey, wait a minute. Isn’t the whole point of being a nudist the act of being completely nude? Why do they suddenly want to put things on that would cover up parts of their bodies? Why do they want to wear jewelry? Adorning yourself with jewelry makes you an inauthentic nudist to me. You’re a disingenuous nudist.
“There is a difference between being naked and making a political statement and then wearing jewelry that brings attention to one’s genital areas,” said gay San Francisco police Sergeant Chuck Limbert, the LGBT liaison at Mission Station, whose jurisdiction covers the Castro neighborhood. “We have been getting a lot more pressure from the community to do some enforcement in regard to the public nudity and what is going on up there.”
Limbert insisted there is no specific police department policy regarding cock rings and denied that there were “cock ring patrols” on the hunt in the Castro.
Nonetheless, he said he personally believes that the usage of a cock ring while naked in public violates the city codes on such behavior.
“Wearing a cock ring, when you are aroused or getting aroused, that to me has kind of moved over or stepped out of the realm of being a political statement,” said Limbert.
Kind of!
With September and October historically being the warmest months of the year, Wiener said he is bracing for even more complaints on the issue. He has no concerns with the police taking action against those wearing cock rings.
“I am one hundred percent supportive of SFPD citing people for being nude with a cock ring on or otherwise drawing attention to their genitals,” he said.
Phony nudists with phony jewelry taunting the police with phony political statements, and a limp city supervisor who is more than willing to keep talking about them (even though he keeps saying he doesn’t want to talk about them!) and more than willing to say that this is how police officers should be spending their time—going on penis patrol.
“Over the last year and a half the situation has gotten more extreme. There are more of them out there,” said Wiener. “And it is not just the plaza. I have gotten reports of them walking by elementary schools and walking by Girl Scout troops. They are doing really obnoxious, irresponsible things.”
Rather than “be responsible and maybe self-edit or self-regulate,” said Wiener, their behavior has “gotten more extreme with things like cock rings. That is why I am considering the next step.”
Yeah, it’s really too bad that you couldn’t control your nudists, and that the nudists couldn’t control themselves and walk by the Girl Scouts with flaccid cocks as opposed to erect cocks. But you know what they say: Give a man an inch…
[Bay Area Reporter: Wiener open to banning public nudity]
“With September and October historically being the warmest months of the year” Really? Wow, you learn something new everyday. Is San Diego the same way?
SF Weather is weird as hell.
I’m not much for being naked in public, though I do enjoy nude beaches and nude resorts.
That being said, I find it ironic that many of the comments here would be fine with public nudity as long as everyone was as beautiful and hung as the commenter wishes. That’s kind of the point of the nudist movement: it’s okay to be nude with what ever body you have. People have all kinds of bodies. We all get old. We’re all ugly to someone and beautiful to someone else.
We need to accept that and move on.
You’re free to see as much ugly nakedness as you want, so long as you can keep it away from everyone who *doesn’t* want to see ugly nakedness.
Well there’s quite a few of these posters here who are not going to age gracefully….
Which is the entire point about not flapping and jiggling around in public if it’s not pretty. That kind of delusion and self-ignorance is best saved for reality talent competitions.
“Seeing only what I want to see” isn’t a right. It’s also a pretty childish and self-important expectation to have about the world, too.
Add me to the petition to just ban ugly. We should adopt Hooters’ position, whereby only fit and attractive people get to be nude in public.
Also, “Disingenuous Nudist” is now the name of the imaginary band I’ll never start.
Better ban it today than tomorrow.
Ewww. Why those old guys want to show off their flabby unattractive bodies in the public.
Sales of cock rings generate tens of thousands of dollars in revenue for San Francisco. You think he’d be a little more appreciative.
oh well, what kind of freak wants to walk around naked in public with a cock ring anyway? seriously, this is why gays can never be taken seriously bcuz EVERYTHING is hypersexualized. i think we should worry about the other rights being taken away from us as opposed to the fat nasty old dudes’ right to walk around the streets wearing a cock ring. how very righteous of you, zach
I’ve just come back from the Castro and I’m sad to report the cock rings so nothing for the real problem on the street. Shrinkage!
Sigh. Can someone please tell me why it is the one’s you want to see are never the one’s putting on the show.
I’m with the Weens! BAN IT.
what a dick.
For crying out loud. If you are repulsed by naked men wearing cock rings at SF street fairs (Folsom, etc.), DON’T FUCKING GO TO THEM. Problem solved. I believe Wiener protests too much. Just another politician trying to maintain his “morals” by outlawing the things that tempt him the most. IN this case, cock.
After viewing that pic and those bodies… i would ban nudity too~~~