The first ever “Gay Flight,” courtesy Air New Zealand, took gay American sex tourists from San Francisco to Sydney for Mardi Gras yesterday, where they were encouraged “to show up at the airport ready to party.” For $1,000 ($5,500 for first class) what did they get?
-A “bawdy performance” by “official hostess” Kathy Griffin (and the chance to have your extreme gayness captured forever on her Bravo series, who will also be filming on the flight).
-Live performances by four drag queens no one has heard of: Miss Ribena, Miss Tess Tickle (GEDDIT!? BECAUSE SHE HAS BALLS?!), and Miss Venus Mantrapp.
-screenings of classic gay-themed films
-“Goodie bag” filled with (we’re guessing): Lube samples, Absolute vodka samples, coupon for two-month free subscription to
Basically for a grand you get all the things you would get for at the local video bar. We’ll wait for the made-for-Logo TV movie.
(Thanks to YouTube user “mkolodny” for recording his TV screen to bring us this clip.)
When the Rainbow is Not Enuf: A Dispatch from Sydney Mardi Gras
The Pink Flight (Air New Zealand)
Gayest Airline Flight Ever Takes Off (Towleroad)
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