A comment left today by someone who works for…Next Door Studios.
His commenter name is “Nude Gringrich” (hence the photo–sorry), and he’s been commenting here for a long time, always in defense of Next Door Studios. But it wasn’t until last week—when fellow Next Door employee Tucker Scott admitted that several of his co-workers have been leaving comments on The Sword from the same Next Door computer and the same IP address—that I was able to confirm that “Nude” (who had the same IP as Tucker) was actually a Next Door troll (though I had always had suspicions). Anyway, the headline above is from a comment he left today, and I apologize to any of you who have been duped into debating him in that post and/or previous posts throughout the year.
The Next Door employee’s comments have included defending the decision to not re-sign Mason Wyler (“an HIV-positive model” who “compromise[d] their strongest business ethnic”), picking fights with other commenters (“You’re an idiot. Sorry, but you are a complete idiot”), clarifying the sexuality of his studio’s performers (“James Jamesson is BI, bro”), and, perhaps most disturbingly, repeatedly praising himself and his employer–usually while writing in the third person:
—Hmmm, I have to disagree. I think their direction is stellar, creatively speaking.
—Dude, it’s like you’re allergic to good porn.
—Thought it was great how they crafted this one
—Yeah, there are definitely a lot of other studios, but none are really as good as Next Door Studios
It’s not exactly shocking that a studio rep would take to the internet using a pseudonym to defend his or her product, but the egregiousness with which this was done is worth calling out. In addition to “Nude,” other commenters from the Next Door Studios office using the same IP address in Santa Rosa, California ( include “The Man” and “Urethra Franklin,” and all of them have been banned from future commenting–unless or until they decide to identify themselves as Next Door employees before they start talking about how amazing Next Door is while calling other commenters “idiots.”
Way to go Zach. You MAY have just come up with a new category they can award at the CYBERSOCKETS!! Most original nickname for a studio who has WAY too much time on their hands…or something like that.
p.s. and if you don’t like Gay for Pay people then that’s how things go. I’m sure all of us have been on many different porn sites and hear how models react sometimes off-camera or on candid video clips. Gay for Pay guys do not bow to gay guys in any way, shape or form. They know that they are doing it just for the cash and some of them will have no qualms about talking about their prejudices. This is just how “gay for pay” models work and some of them know how to play the PR game good and others don’t. However you really can’t fault the people for having their opinions when they aren’t truly “gay” and are just doing it for the cash, can you?
I wonder how many NDS employees posted on the Johnny Torque thread that popped up on thedirty.com a few months ago?
i guess if ndb did better videos they wouldn’t need to take such desperate measures. look at the latest cody cummings video: 50 minutes of oral action with overused models and not even cumeating at the end. one epic fail after another lately.
He doesn’t even bother cumming at the end? Wow.
Aww. I was kind of hoping NDS had a sad, pressed fanboy to make a matched set with its sad, pressed fangirl. I’m disappointed that he’s a shill.
This is gross.
LMAO! I guess when you need anonymous psuedonyms(sp?) to defend your product, maybe your product ain’t so good after all? Get some balls, stand up, defend your company, but IDENTIFY yourself.
BTW who crowned CC the reigning king of porn? Sure, he’s hot, maybe even a nice guy, but he certainly doesn’t deserve that title,IMHO. of course I’m not a big playmaker in the porn industry so my vote doesn’t count.
WOW, this is amazing! I don’t have anything prepared! There’re so many people I need to thank…I wanna thank Tucker Scott for his fearless dedication on Twitter, James Jamesson for his breathtaking recent performance as Ginger, the leprechaun werewolf kitten, Cody Cummings for being the all-time, hands-down, balls-out reigning king of gay porn, and of course my friends here on The Sword. And as far as an official, Next Door Studios PR response, you won’t get one. Our PR team is busy defending Cody’s sexuality 24/7.
-Editor #2 @Next Door Studios “Nude Gingrich”
p.s. You know you absolutely love us. Thanks for all you do. We love you too.
Maybe you wouldn’t have to resort to shady methods and “defending” your models sexuality, if you hired used actual gay performers and allowed them to film hot scenes but then that wouldn’t fit into you bosses fucked up “forbidden fruit of the straight boy” fantasy. No one under 45 is buying that bullshit anymore.
Spend less time catering to homophobes and a littel time allowing the few gay4payers you have that are willing to actually perform are allowed to and you might actually put out some decent porn. When your exclusives have turned out better scenes with other companies than they have on their own websites the fault lies squarely with your company.
Start by cleaning house. Get rid of trade trash like Cody Cummings, Tyler Torro, and James Huntsman. Fire that worthless videographer. He has never shot anything worth a shit and NEVER encourages the performers to show any passion. He’s only interest in getting it done. If the performers aren’t comfortable kissing or sucking dick then why the hell would you ever want to sign them to an exclusive. Unless they are doing it…just they are only doing it for your boss. Otherwise why would you sign Torro and Huntsman to exclusives and have them only fo trade and fuck chicks. You already have enough of that with two of your exclusives.
It is time you reevaluated what your doing. Yeah maybe you were successful at one time but clearly you have over extended with the number of straight men you signed as exclusives and you have watered down what was already a weak product into something that at this point manages to be both offensive and boring. So yeah I guess if you think that is worth of praise you should pat yourself on the back.
You should be is embaressed that instead of making a great product that celebrates gay sex all you are doing is funding baby daddies and pot heads. Fire the entire line-up and rebuild around Austin and Anthony. If you have to hire gay4payers then how about hiring ones that won’t use homophobic slurs in public like Marcus, Rod, and Kevin are know to do.
You know that you’re responding to a parody “Nude Gingrich” post right? All you say is true and you make good points but the post you are responding to is a very funny take-off on the real Nude (the real one wouldn’t likely admit to being @NDS.)
No, that was really him. IP address was the same. I wouldn’t have published it otherwise.
Whaaaaatttt???? I’m so sorry and I stand corrected! I never would have thought…..I mean, that is crazy!!
Which is why I responded to it. It was pure arrogance to act like it was praiseworthy to be caught having to defend your inferior product. What they should be is ashamed and apologetic.
Not surprised. Though this might give the “you only love NDS trolls” pause.
Wow. Sort of funny and high-schoolish. No problem if you want to defend your company, but have some balls and don’t hide behind some made up identity. Good for you for calling them out. Can’t wait for their PR defense.