Jayden Grey retired from porn back in May of 2011 (read his controversial exit interview), but you can’t keep a good bottom with a bad haircut down, because now he’s back having sex with his sugar daddy boyfriend on their new homemade porn site, “Real Beach Boys XXX.” Here’s the trailer.
The sugar daddy boyfriend, by the way, calls himself “Big C.” That’s short for Big Cock, of course, because he has a big cock. And here they are, “The Perfect Couple.”
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you to turn up your speakers. The music is my favorite part.
And here’s Big C’s desciption of RealBeachBoysXXX:
The site will be a reality/porn site of our lives and relationship together, incorporating ALL aspects of our lives (not just sex). Members will have access to countless pictures, video’s, informative history about us, and interactive components such as Q&A as well. It’s not going to resemble any site you’ve seen, as we are exposing our real selves and relationship. And despite what shittalking or low expectations you may have of Jayden [Ed: I love Jayden!], you can rest assured that I have my shit together and don’t do anything half ass. I graduated UCSB in the top of my class and started a successful business 10 years ago which I own and operate daily — My abilities are not to be underestimated as this plan has been in the works for over 6 months. Make sure to visit the website when it’s up and tell me its not freekin awesome :-P. Launch date is August 25th.
I’ve never done porn at all, nor would I ever consider working for someone else in the way 99% of porn stars do. I had no idea what Jayden did when I saw him the first time. I really just liked his ass, but he turned out to be an amazing guy. My porn name will be Big C. Oh ya, pretty much everyone I’ve met says I have the hottest cock they done seen lol… but if you feel otherwise please feel free to shittalk me in your blogs- In my position its purely comical but a positive review will put you on my good side. :-P
Thanks, Big Cock.
Suprisingly, I found the site pleasant and a great starting point for the guys to develop their vision.
– I personally find Big C attractive and look forward to him becoming more confortable in front of the camera.
– The text is interesting but needs to be expanded and a bit more revealing.
– The raw footage could use some editing and the camera work needs help but each of these can be addressed over time.
I hope the guys stick with it while they refine the site. Remember, the big players on this ‘reality’ market have spent years perfecting their sites.
Good luck guys!
^^^^^^big c must have written this lol
lolololol hilarious! i just think all the arguing is tacky. if i wanted to hear 2 gays fight i’d just go to any bar in NYC after 2a.m. i lobe how on multiple videos jayden tells big c that he acts like he knows more about porn then he does. haha priceless.
I paid the 19.95 and was disappointed by all the pages with text, did anyone notice that but me? Do they really think we give a fuck and want to read all that shit? I just skipped to the sucking and fucking part, and that was just ok.
I sadly paid the $19.95 to join the site and can I tell you that was a COMPLETE waste. The section called, “About US” is just horrible. Did we really need to know that Big C was spoiled all his life coming from money and was very successful (and divorced from a chick). Clearly, we know why Jayden is dating Big C…for the Big Bank Account. The picture section looks like a random collection of pictures they had on their phones before they met each other (one picture of Big C in blue paint looking like grandpa smurf).
The video sections is semi-hot because we get to see Jayden’s amazing ass BUT some of the videos are just plain horrible.
First video which is 28 minutes just shows us Big C jerking off and taking FOREVER to cum. Seems like he had performance anxiety. You can hear Jayden (the cameraman) mumbling things like why do you keep switches positions.
The video on the 6th row (#3) is 6 minutes long and would be semi hot IF THE CAMERA WAS FOCUSED ON THEM. You can’t see any of the actual sex until Big C brings the camera over. And at one point Jayden’s ass farts and Big C says, “Did you fart?” and Jayden’s reply is something like, “Don’t fuckin ruin it.” LOL In this video Jayden DOES NOT seems interested in the sex at all. Oh and no cum shot. LAME.
The worse of all the videos is on the 1st row (#3) 23 minutes long has to be the worse. You can tell that Jayden is not enjoying Big C’s lack of professionalism. They get into a little spat on camera because Big C wants to jerk his dick while Jayden shows of his ass and Jayden is not happy about this because Big C’s job is to be the cameraman. LOL. As Jayden is showing off his ass Big C wants to come over there and fuck him, just stick it in for a minute, but Jayden tells Big C (ON CAMERA), “No, save it for another video,” & “Focus. Be professional if you want to do this.” I mean hello did they forget the camera was on? Did they not think to edit that part out before posting it on the site?
This site shows that 1) Jayden still has an amazing ass, 2) Big C is no parts attractive especially when you see the thinning hair on the top of his head, 3) Jayden is a bitch to Big C and most likely dating him for his money because in the videos he doesn’t seem that into him and 4) Big C seems like an overgrown kid who went along with this site because Jayden wanted to do it.
Send the $19.95 just to see the attitude Jayden gives Big C on video for all to see.
haha. how did i know this site would be a big FAIL
Big C is very ugly
you’re ugly
My favorite detail by far is “I graduated from UCSB.” Lol.
Big c is ugly
no he’s not
Well that was a bust! So far their launch date has come and gone and still nothing.
That was so bad you would think that if they really wanted someone to pay who the fuck knows what ungodly amount to sign up that they would have a hot scene in there to show off and give someone a reason to buy this piece of shit.
I wonder if the big c went broke how long Jared would be around.
I’m glad he told me how flawless and inevitable he is — I almost wasted my money on him.
I’ll be paying the earth-bound porn stars who are here to serve the audience.
But good luck, DOUCHEBAG! You have the most stuck-up, delusional boyfriend in the world so you’re a perfect match.
Hahah. It may be too early to tell you this Gavin, but I may just be in love with you!
Laughably bad. The “movie spectacular” trailer music is instant kitsch. Jayden’s mouth appears to be the major star of this epic. The bf is cute, but obviously not very prudent with his money. The average YouTube video of someone’s cat is better shot and edited.
The music sounded like the theme from a Michael Bay action movie. I was waiting for Shia LaBoeuf to pop his irritating little head up. OPTIMUS!!!!!!!!!
“And despite what shittalking or low expectations you may have of Jayden [Ed: I love Jayden!], you can rest assured that I have my shit together and don’t do anything half ass.”
Oh my, talk about damning with faint praise…
I will not push the egos of former commentors. I will however advice that Jayden and Big C upgrade their videos. They can take alot of cues from AustinZane site. And make it their own. As for the “Maverick Men”. That is what Big C wants. Is to be Unique. No two sites are the same. If this is the future of Porn. Best of luck for them.
OMG haha. Perfect couple…okay…I guess. I dunno- if you’ve ever met them in public or at gyms or “saunas”, the thought bubble that appears about Jayden’s head says “Oh, people are looking at us, lets kiss so they see”. The one above Big C’s says “Come suck my big one”. Only a matter of time before a third gets invited into this perfect couple and all hell breaks loose. Pass the popcorn please!!
That may have been the most painful 1 minute 43 seconds of my life.
I could not tell WTF they were doing during when I watched this. It felt like this clip was assaulting my eyes and it gave me a migraine. When you have to tell people you’re the “perfect couple” its like tattooing someones name on your ass. You’re setting yourself up for failure kids. I just hope the pressures of fame and their new found fortune will keep them real and they can continue being healthy role models for us guys still looking for love.
I am intrigued and look forward to the site launch. Jayden and Big C have invested so much effort into this project I hope it is a success. I must admit, I will be interested in learning more about Mr. C, (handsome and has a nice body), and watching him in action.
The sad thing is, this is actually something that could work. It would just take a little bit more experience in HOW TO DO THIS SHIT RIGHT and proper advertising. People watch Big Brother all over the world, so why not watch two semi-hot guys living their ordinary (what little I know about Jayden, queeny) lives. Especially if there’s “real life” included with the porn, this has the potential. Sadly so does socialism and Christianity, it just always boils down to the morons trying to make it happen.
Hey, you take that back!
The morons ARE MAKING Christianity work. Talk to anyone from Minnesota lately?
That was the greatest trailer for anything I’ve ever seen!!!!
Damn, Big C: Rihanna and Taylor Kitsch just called, complaining that you ripped off the theme music from Battleship. LMAO
Also: If I wanted to watch _really hot_ couple’s porn, I’d go to Austin Zane…
Well. That was craptastic.
I wonder if they’ll add clips of Jayden fucking a raw turkey like he did for Grant Roy. Or maybe clips of Jayden and his “clients.”
As someone said earlier – ego the size of a mack truck.
What the fuck was that????
its quite sad. i think a 7th grader could edit better than this
They’re the immersed generation. My nine-year-old niece could edit better, but I couldn’t let her see the smutty bits.
Dafuq did I just watch? o_O
Oh my god, where do I start?! The description from “Big C” was HILARIOUS, almost as much as the preview video. Seriously, if there is 1/10th as much making goo-goo faces at the camera on the finished site as there is on the preview- I mean it was cringe-worthy guys.
Both good looking guys, big fan of Jayden’s earlier work. But he should never talk or give interviews or reveal anything about his “real” life- it just ruins it. Spent about 20 minutes chatting with these two in LA and that was enough; Jayden’s ego is the size of a Mac truck and “Big C” just seems distracted by shiny objects. Quit trying so hard guys, Cole and Hunter already got this gig down pat.
“Quit trying so hard guys, Cole and Hunter already got this gig down pat.”
I dunno ’bout that. I’m only ever really interested in the third party in the MM videos. I’d be down to watch these two by themselves – if it were filmed well.
Wow. I read the comments and still didn’t expect it to be that low budget. I kept waiting on Sharon Kane’s name to appear in the credits, and they are trying way too hard to look cute. I thought this guy was a sugar daddy which implies he has money. ??? If I were going to release my staged sex videos for money online, I would damn sure not go out like this.
Sharon Kane, even in her dotage, is still too upscale for this.
She used to be smokin’ hot once, you know? Now she’s a den mother. Not that that’s a bad thing. A porno soccer mom.
Could it all be a performance art piece? Mocking bad intros?
Are they trying to jump on the “Maverick Men” craze? I’ve never really seen anything but clips of them, but they do seem to sell. But their appeal is always having a new person each episode. These two every time and nothing but would get boring fast.
Invest in a proper HD camera, some lighting, and iMovie themes and get back to me, guys. Seriously, most YouTube vloggers have better production values. Could be hot though…
Hell, even Windows Movie Maker themes would be an improvement.
They seem sweet together tho; I’d be curious to see what the full site will be like
Their narcissism is a many splendoured thing.
that video looks like it was made in 1998
They’d be best advised not to give up their days jobs, whatever those may be. Oh, you mean THIS is their day job? I wonder if they should apply for food stamps?
I saw him in a hot clip with Brent Corrigan. His take on all the past drama sounds reasonable (like the unprofessionalism during porn shoots). I wish him good luck with this new venture (the Dolce and Gabbana gig didn’t pan out, I presume?).
I apologize. I had a total brainfart. The hot clip I was mentioning was with Brent Everett and not Brent Corrigan for Brent E.’s site.
They may call themselves ‘The Perfect Couple’, but that is far from ‘the perfect website’. That badly edited preview does not have me rushing to joing. And I’ll laugh perfectly when ‘the perfect couple’ breaks up.
Party on the Web like it’s 1998! Those credits almost make me pine for my old VHS porn collection, long consigned to the dust bin. I give them 6 months; the website, three (assuming anyone is dumb enough to give these guys their credit card numbers).
THAT is the grammar of a college graduate? Atrocious.
Great to see them inspired by the wonderful directing technique of the Maverick Men with the weird looking video quality and where everything is filmed unstably and at bizarre angles where you can tell the sex is hot and you can’t quite see anything of it.
urgh. Am I just a bitch or does everything suck these days?
What the hell was THAT ?? Talk about bad editing. That ‘preview’ would NOT have me running to join that site at all. Perfect Couple ?? When anyone calls themselves that, I just think to myself, “Awwwwwww…. I can’t wait until the break up !”
Websites with sugar from daddy ALWAYS work out!! Some of the biggest waste of bits and bytes I have ever seen.