Former bodybuilder turned singing sensation turned gay porn mega hunk Zeb Atlas has undergone a shocking and surreal physical transformation to play the role of a seductive male stripper in Raging Stallion’s Stripped. But at what cost?
Did the grueling workout and grooming routine pay off, or has Zeb Atlas transformed himself into someone you no longer recognize?
Will Zeb Atlas ever be the same again?
Which Zeb Atlas would you rather: The Zeb of yesteryear, a fitness model with a youthful appearance and clean-cut persona?
Or the Zeb of today, a sex-crazed, musclebound gay porn stripper in a bowtie?
If there’s a cure for this, does Zeb Atlas want it?
If there’s a cure for this, does Zeb Atlas need it?
If you were Zeb Atlas, who would you rather: Pearly Gates or Marcus Ruhl?
[Stripped 2: Zeb Atlas Fucks Marcus Ruhl]
I want him 2 fuck me soooooo hard and suck his dick into my mouth like gay guys would I pefrer regulare sex or any kind of sex with dude
He looks like he’s developed acromegaly. He has a very simian look to his features. The same thing happened to Tom Katt, but not to this extent.
Someone at RS forgot to finish coloring in his abs…
I like muscles but I have my limits. limit exceeded here. I’ll pass
With Zeb, the bigger the better. Twinks physically repulse me — I like big, strong dudes and Zeb fills that bill for me. My only complaint: the head-to-toe waxing is gross. I’ve seen Zeb naturally hairy in several movies, and he is unbelievably sexy that way. Gay porn stars, put down the Nair!
Photographed mid-stroke as usual.
My dog just threw up as he walked past this image on my comp: screen…:-(
While I think Zeb’s muscles are too big, I would still fuck him. That man-steak between his legs looks fun to nibble and ride on.
Get to it quick, before the balls disappear…
Gross and grosser.
What Has Happened to His Face? Can Someone Please Tell Him How to Properly Make Expressions? Why Does He Always Look Like He’s Shitting Pinecones?
Let’s introduce him to Nicole Kidman. They can try to out-Botox each other.
This is the most unattractive guy ever ..UGH . put your clothes back on and try something new ..
Zebs body is amazing. I like a natural guy and no one should bother with roids because of the damage, but he is going to do them anyway.
The stills do nothing for him, he still looks good in the video, I watched the music video and at first I was cringing and but as it went on, he did not sound bad and was having fun and committed to it (which is the main thing, don’t go halfway) I rate it a success, I ended up liking the video
Committed? To what? He fucks worse than Mark Slade (and doesn’t look much better, but at least a good bit of Slade’s size is legitimate fat rather than roid-generated bulk). At least here he kind of kisses a guy. Outside of that, he might as well be fucking a hot dog bun.
he seems like a nice enough guy but yikes his body is so out of proportion, it looks awful, plus his poor liver with all these roids. i have nothing against using roids a bit but never so much to kill your liver or make you look freakish.
Is he even legally allowed to be wearing that Chippendale-esque outfit? Will Chippendales sue Ragging Stallion? Controversy!
Yea he looked way hotter when he first came out. Although he was pretty damn big back then, he was still pretty attractive. But now all this muscle is just too much.
Also I love the idea of gay stripper movies as I have a thing for strippers, but can we at least get guys who actually know how to dance seductively? The first one had some great scenes but the dancing was just plain shit.
Talented strippers are too busy to make gay porn. At least straight porn stripper girls are doing porn to promote their stripping, which they’re pretty good at.
At the same time, doing stripper porn is kind of an oxymoron in a sense. The fantasy of doing a stripper in the club is ruined by the bright lighting that low-budget/fast-turnaround porn requires. No time to do a bunch of lighting design and work out the camera within the lighting. Just scads of florescent tubes and klieg lights and GET IT THE FUCK DONE. Hot guys, disappointing film (Zeb excluded, because he’s just an all around dud here).
The combination of about 25 lbs. too much muscle, the awful haircut, and the silly tattoo gauntlet really make me miss Zeb Atlas’ old days. I also kind of wish he’d take some kind of porn acting class. I like the guy, but in all his scenes he winds up sounding exactly like Sienna D’Enema’s Jiz.
On the one hand, it’s not sexy to hear him make those sounds. And on the other hand, I’m disappointed that he’s not groaning “I’LL KILL YOU” or talking about abortions and shitty panties.
The cock photo shop is so funny. It is so magnified it looks silly.
I think he looked great before but now the hair and the bigger muscles are kind of off..
Zeb is pure fantasy. So hot.
Hmmm, I wonder if he’ll ever grow a nice gaping rosebud like Erik Rhodes had? Full bloom just in time for Spring.
I don’t like it. I prefer him in the before pic. I once saw him in a film years ago where his body was unshaven. He was so hot.
The pic on the left in the white briefs he looks pretty damn good. All the others he looks so roided out, he looks hideous!
Regardless his scenes are just plain bad.
No doubt.
This scene bores me to tears.
If Zeb Atlas had to do over , would he fall in love with himself again?