10. Foreskin accounts for as much as half of the skin on the penis. If unfolded and spread out, forsekin would take up the size of an index card — 3 x 5 inches.
9. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Paul Rudd, Tony Danza and Prince William are all uncut.
8. 70% of the world’s male population is uncut.
7. The American Academy of Pediatrics stopped endorsing circumcision in 1998.
6. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, inventor of the corn flake, recommended circumcision as a “remedy for masturbation” in small boys.
5. In a recent study of adolescents, only 69% of cut and 65% of uncut young men correctly identified their circumcision status.
4. Martin Luther King, Jr., Harry Truman, Elvis Prestley and Rock Hudson were all uncut.
3. Ancient Greeks, who did not practice circumcision, did not consider a man to be truly naked unless the head of his penis was exposed.
2. Foreskin contains 10,000 nerve endings and several feet worth of blood vessels.
1. Dick cheese goes best with a dry, aged merlot.
His Royal Penis: William’s Willy Says Cheerio
Artificial Foreskin Anyone?
What to Do If Your Penis Breaks
I’m gay and have played with both and women formally too. Uncut is for most the best. Yes, some guys have foreskin troubles but these are best taken care of with frequent retraction and soap and water. We need to bathe our privates every day anyway. Uncut men have more sensativity and can fuck more slowly without loosing the hard on and so they can last and last. Circumcision was started in the English speaking world by quacks out to make a fast buck and those that thought penises were disgusting from the start, that masturbation debilitated a man both mentally and physically and that sex more than twice a month would ruin a man’s vigour and health. I think we know better now. Both kinds of dicks work, but differently. I’d prefer to have been left uncut.
Gee … I think I’ll go to a doctor and just have him lop off the rest of my worthless circumcised cock !! Wow I’m inspired !! Can I keep my balls are they ok !! ~~~~~~~ oXo♥♥
Really Justin? I think you might have been with two mingers then. I’m in the UK and nearly all my shags are uncut and I’ve never ever come across one who smells. I’ve also been with circumcised guys so I have a comparison. If you wash yourself properly each day, then there shouldn’t be any smells. That said, i have a phobia about guys who can’t retract their foreskins. The very thought of what lies under there makes my skin crawl. But if they can pull it back properly then I’m fine with it all the way…
Poor Justin! I feel for you boy. My only recommendation is that you move to a country where soap and water are used in bathing.
Actually, I am circumsized and secretly thank my parents everyday for it. I have been in 2 relationships with uncircumsized men and it was completely horrid the entire time. The stench was unrelenting and nauseating, and while they may have enjoyed sex, I found it disgusting. Not to mention the constant infections one of them had. Now I refuse to even consider dating anyone who is uncircumsized. I know that may rule out a perfectly wonderful man, but I refuse to get involved romantically with anyone whose penis smells and looks so horrendous that it makes love-making something to dread. One shouldn’t have to spend their married/partnered life dreading something so wonderful as that sensual connection.
Christine is obviously another ignorant American woman that has only slept with circumcised American men. She’s probably talking out of her ass when she says that foreskin is disgusting since she’s probably never even slept with an uncut man. And it’s obvious that’s she’s full of bs when she says that nobody wants uncut dicks, when women in South America, Europe, and Asia all seem to enjoy uncircumcised men.
It’s ridiculous that she thinks that any person who doesn’t circumcise their sons is limiting they’re opportunities for “peen play”. Circumcision always causes a decrease in sexual pleasure. An uncut man will always have more sexual pleasure because the foreskin has thousands of sensitive nerve-endings. Masturbation is also incredibly easier and more pleasurable with a foreskin because no lubricants are needed and less effort is required. There is no need for harsh, severe stimulation like with an insensitive circumcised penis.
Most of the men in the world are uncircumcised and it’s been that way forever.
Circumcision is carried out for religious reasons by Muslims and Jewish people. The only reason non-religious circumcision became popular in English-speaking countries is because of negative attitudes toward sex and masturbation. Circumcision was hailed as a way to “cure” masturbation and make sex less pleasurable.
“In the 19th century the role of the foreskin in erotic sensation was well understood by physicians who wanted to cut it off precisely because they considered it the major factor leading boys to masturbation. The Victorian physician and venereologist William Acton (1814–1875) damned it as “a source of serious mischief”, and most of his contemporaries concurred. Both opponents and supporters of circumcision agreed that the significant role the foreskin played in sexual response was the main reason why it should be either left in place or removed. William Hammond, a Professor of Mind in New York in the late 19th century, commented that “circumcision, when performed in early life, generally lessens the voluptuous sensations of sexual intercourse”, and both he and Acton considered the foreskin necessary for optimal sexual function, especially in old age.”
The practice of circumcision declined sharply in the United Kingdom after the Second World War, and somewhat later in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
The only excuse Americans have for continuing circumcision is medical reasons. However, nearly every proposed medical benefit of circumcision is disputed. Ultimately, decisions about circumcision are highly personal and depend more on social and religious factors than on medical evidence.
I’m sorry, Christine, but you’re wrong. Less than 56% of baby boys are circumcised now, (less than 34% on the West Coast). Also, 85% of the world’s men are intact. And your last statement is also completely false- many women actually prefer intact genitals.
Uncircumcised men are absolutely disgusting. Nobody wants uncut peen. Period, end of story. Any American man (or woman, for that matter) who chooses to not circumcise their sons are severely limiting their children’s opportunities for peen play for life.
Elvis Prestley?