Here are lists of gay porn studios that use condoms in their productions and gay porn studios that do not use condoms in their productions.
It used to be that bareback gay porn studios were in the minority. Not anymore.
Now, it’s almost evenly split. Some have converted from condom to bareback (Sean Cody, College Dudes), some have gone back and forth over the years (Active Duty), and some seem to have reverted back to strictly condom porn (CocksureMen)…for now. As economic pressure continues to mount, expect to see more “condom only” studios cross over into bareback porn production.
This list does not include every single gay porn studio in existence, but it does represent the top producing and most relevant gay porn studios today. Note that studios currently producing a mix of both condom and bareback porn are under the “bareback” category, as most of them produce more bareback than they do condom. Feel free to add any studios that you believe should be included in the comments below.
Bareback Gay Porn Studios
Sean Cody
Kristen Bjorn
Broke Straight Boys
College Dudes
Alpha Male Fuckers
Raw Fuck Club
Dark Alley
Lucas Kazan
Corbin Fisher
William Higgins
Helix Studios
Butch Dixon
Maverick Men
Active Duty
Tim Tales
Bel Ami
Boy Crush
Treasure Island Media
Condom Gay Porn Studios
Dominic Ford
Dirty Boy Video
Ray Dragon
Colt Studios
Hot House
Raging Stallion
Falcon Studios
Channel One Releasing
Randy Blue
Kink Men
High Performance Men
I find it strange you didn’t list none of the black bareback studios. Why is that?
I think all gay porn should be bareback. I want to see real guys lovin each other. Bareback is the ultimate. When you’re ass gets pumped bareback that’s the most intimate you can get
So true
ericvideos is bareback only too
Fuckermate makes as much bare porn than condom porn
Machofucker is a bareback only studio too
guysinsweatpants is very bareback.
hi dear m vishal from India .i want to be gay porn actor please guide me .
thank you.
UPDATE: Next Door Studios is doing bareback now
I am madly in love with the beautiful D.O.), so I wanted to order his films from Falcon, but I have seen that they made some bareback films, however it was in 1985-1990. I also read that they are planning to remove condoms digitally. Now I don´t know what to do. I don´t want to give financial support to any studio, which does bareback. But if it was so long ago, and they stopped now, maybe it´s ok for me to order. Don´t like this story with the digital removal, though.(
Where would some of the black studios fit in this list? Papithugz, DawgPoundUSA, Flavaworks, etc. I know Breed It Raw would go in the Bareback category.
I have to disagree that porn does not influence one’s decision to practice safe sex, or not.
I have been weak enough to go there, unfortunately. Thankfully I wasn’t “penalized” for my actions.
I do enjoy bb videos, however wouldn’t engage in unsafe sex just because I watch them.
What Sean Cody Jarek video is that? The (hot) bottom doesn’t look familiar.
Here are a few more to add to your Bareback list:
Broke Straight Boys
Lucas Entertainment is also condom-only
Yes but that studio and the washed-up duckface that comes along with that name is never to be spoken of again on this site.
Not anymore they’re not…
This is true, unfortunately.( They do bareback now.
I watched plenty ‘pre-condom’ bareback porn when I was younger, more naive, and more impressionable. I also saw plenty condom porn back then. 20 yrs later I’m still HIV negative. I still use condoms for anal sex.
I think the kids will be alright.
I only buy / pucrhase bb porn. It’s hotter. The best site for me, which you even left out, is clearly Machofucker.
That’s news to me about Alpha Male Fuckers (now known as Alpha Males) and Butch Dixon. Not disputing it just not aware of any bareback scenes they’ve done. Here are some sites to add to the BB list: Dudes Raw, Breed Me Raw, Sweet & Raw, Red Hot Latinos, Jalif Studio, Scary Fuckers (though no new content from them in several months), Bareback That Hole, Bare Adventures, and Badpuppy. And I’m sure there are lots more.
” Wilbur Sneed ” and ” sxg ” wrote exactly what I think about it. I’m not influenced by a a bareback scene, I always thought that no fuck worths my health but I’m afraid dumb, ignorant or naive people will try to emulate what they see in porn. I can’t help them so it’s bettter let them do what they want, get an incurable STD and deal with it.
I do see that that’s your subjective point of view and I feel like you are totally entitled to it, but objectively speaking, do really want all the gay kids following what their favorite porn performers do and getting infected as teens and then perpetuating the virus ad nauseum?
Dumb, ignorant, and naive” as you put it pretty much sums up what it is to be young and we all were there once.
Maybe you should have made a third category of studios that do both condom and bareback scenes. William Higgins has filmed some bareback scenes in the last year but the big majority of his scenes are condom (my guess would be 75% condom scenes, not counting backstage videos of bb scenes).
I didn’t realize that Tim Tales had so many bareback scenes already. What’s a bit scary though is they almost look like you’re watching a Treasure Island Media scene, in fact some of those performers have been in TIM movies.
For me it’s gotten to the point where it no longer matters whether it’s condom or bareback porn. There is so much good bareback porn it’s hard not to deny the quality of it. Speaking for myself my sexual life does not get influenced by porn because I’m smart enough to realize that it’s porn and does not serve as a form of sex education. I use condoms because it is the safest thing to do for me. Fine for me if the pornstars want to risk their own lives just to entertain me.
But like I said before it all narrows down to quality. As far as barebacking porn goes, I try to always avoid sites such as William Higgins, Helix, Bel Ami, and Active Duty. The majority of times the models are twink-like at these studios. Sometimes they’ll have models with a really great body, but overall the performances just suck, especially from European bareback studios. The moanings are so fake, the blowjobs are terrible they might as well be done by bull dykes, and the fucking is just so bland.
Same thing goes on the condom porn studios. Sites like NDS and have a lot of hot guys, but the problem with them is the guys are either terrible performers or are directed terribly.
“Fine for me if the pornstars want to risk their own lives just to entertain me.”
They aren’t risking their lives to entertain anyone though; they are doing it for money and fame and presenting a bad example for the younger internet-porn generation. Like you mentioned, porn is definitely not a form sex-ed for you and me, but for the younger more impressionable (read: have seen less traffic) kids, it is.
…and also, yes, I’d even go as far as to say MOST porn performers are terrible and passionless: but did they learn that from watching porn as they were growing up? (…or creepily, by being sexually abused and disconnecting at an early age)? Porn is definitely not what it used to be plus it represents a lot more in society than it used to and therefore it bears much more need for monitoring and perhaps even supervision.I’m very liberal but I mean, is making bareback porn illegal THAT BAD? No one is telling anyone what to do in their own bedroom just not to set a bad example for our children.
You’re really naive. If making bb porn illegal in the USA, American studios would film it in Canada, Mexico, Brazil or in a European country. Plus: the USA has no judicial power in for example the Czech Republic so studios like BelAmi can continue as usual. Furthermore, where is the scientific evidence that watching bareback porn leads to practicing unsafe sex? Please quote some scientific articles published in reliable academic journals so I can read them. It is very tempting to use bareack porn as a scapegoat for one’s own unsafe sexual behaviour.
In my opinion the central problem in relation to the alarmingly high number of new HIV infections in the USA is not bareback porn but a culture within the gay community that is characterized by hedonism, promiscuity and drug abuse. And as it is very difficult to change this culture I do not have any illusions about the future statistics for new HIV infections among American gay men.
You also obviosuly dont give a fuck about what happens to anyone.
I do but I also know I can’t take the toil of this world or the gay community on my shoulders. Just being realistic.
I am an agnostic re condom use. I only ever have “safe sex” (as it’s called over here) myself, but if an adult wants to take a stupid risk, who am I to stop him? There are people who jump through windows or drive a Formula 1 car for a living. And there are people who eat fast food every day. Foolish? Yes. The end of the world? Perhaps not.
A more insidious development IMHO is the way in which drug companies are basically brainwashing people into believing that HIV/AIDS is no big deal. How is that even legal? Fuck Big Pharma, bunch of ghoulish profiteers.
Furthermore, I suspect that many performers (especially young guys) will be poorly informed about the significance of a negative HIV test (i.e. you will have to take another one in a couple of months’* time AND not have had any unsafe sex in the mean time to be reasonable sure about your actual status). That the bareback studio bosses seem little inclined to remedy their ignorance is a matter of questionable ethics, to say the least. Or perhaps they don’t know any better themselves. To what extent are naive bareback performers taken advantage of? We’ll never know, although there must be countless anecdotes.
And like Common Sense I’d rather see a hot condom scene than a boring bareback one. The quality of the performers, sound, camera work/lighting and editing will always be key (as with all movies). In fact, you could add costumes, sets and music to that list. How could one little condom outweigh all of that?
* A doctor friend informs me that this period (incubation?) can be as long as TEN YEARS in exceptional cases. This fills me with fear.
PS Sorry about the long posting; I didn’t have time to write a short one.
Quality of the performers and scenes still trump the condom/bareback issue in my opinion. I’d rather watch a Cockyboys movie than anything Treasure Island releases.
Then you’re a boring ,finicky queen who thinks a man has to be pretty to keep you amused. *yawn*
Tim Tales is in sè NOT a baraback studio, Tim Always uses condoms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lucas Kazas isn’t batreback either, get your sources right, this issue is to sensitive to mess up with
In the bareback studios u forgot Staxus
“Note that studios currently producing a mix of both condom and bareback porn are under the “bareback” category.” :)
Lucas Kazan and Kristen Bjorn are in their own category. The only bareback scenes they film are between “real life” couples.
Well KB just had a 4-man orgy scene that was all bareback
Not sure if there is any barebacking going on with the other two models, but Wagner and Diego bareback with each other.
Knowing that barebacking may conduct to deseases, I cannot be excited watching BB scenes.
There are enough of “vintage” movies before the condom.
How many of the barebacking actors died? What happened to Josh Weston? To Eric Rhodes? Other?
Same in my pvt liife: condom always
Are you throwing names at random? because, you know, Eric Rhodes’ death had nothing to do with bareback…
Ya know, as I been thinking about the condom/bareback dilemma it dawned on me that a plausible compromise would be for condom studios to digitally remove the condoms in post production. I realize this may take more effort and money than most of the smaller studios can afford, but its certainly within the means of big-budget studios like Falcon and Raging Stallion. Since they already employ editing techniques to minimize the appearance of the condom, it seems to me that is a tacit acknowledgement that their audience prefers not to see the condoms.
Maybe you should put “big budget” between brackets. There are few studios these days that can call themselves big budget. I think that there are only three studios that make real money at the present time: Corbin Fisher, Sean Cody and BelAmi. Not surprisingly these studios predominantly produce bareback content.
Sounds like a AHF troll to me. Mixing phrases like “Ya know, I been thinking” with “plausible compromise” and “tacit acknowledgement”…not buying it man.
Using lighting/shadows and camera angles to avoid focus on the condom is one thing. But, which studio do you think has the resources of Pixar to digitally edit out condoms, frame-by-frame!? Not even Playboy or Hustler or huge mega-studios can do that. Your suggestion is utterly outrageous and it clearly illustrates your complete ignorance of how the industry actually works; I’m tired of hearing it because it’s not at all plausible. Now tacitly acknowledge that, Nathan G.
I’m not certain what AHF is, but I’m certain you’re a douschebag. Cheers.
That would be “douchebag” to you, sir. Double-cheers.
Nathan, if they remove condoms digitally, only one goal is reached (to protect the actors). But what is with the other one? People who watch a film with digitally removed condoms assume there are none and it encourages unsafe behaviour. So as for me, I am against it.