Well, the movie opens this weekend, and Billy was just chatting with family-friendly Parade Mag about all the attention that’s been paid to his computer-enhanced cock and balls:
I’m not saying how much the computer helped. Actually, I didn’t fully expect the interest that Dr. Manhattan’s genitalia has received. But I understood his motivation for baring it all. Why would the guy with all this power really care about a uniform? He doesn’t need to obey society’s constraints because, if he wanted to, he could destroy society. So I think he kind of feels like, ‘You know what? I enjoy a good breeze on my private parts.’
Billy also reveals that despite his character spending much of his screen time naked, the actor himself was not so much naked on set.
I wore a pair of what were pretty elaborate pajamas and they were studded with about 1,200 blue LED’s so that Dr. Manhattan would glow blue. There were also motion capture electrodes on my body and I had over a hundred on my face. They all sent data into a computer that really created the Dr. Manhattan you see on the screen.
Below, we provide you with a close-up of the Antonio Biaggi-sized (link NSFW) bulge Dr. Manhattan sports in a thong, worn up and to the left, as well as the nudie screencap originally spread around by Defamer.
And here’s the full trailer, for those of you not among the 4 million on YouTube who’ve watched it already.
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