Drama on Gay Twitter reached an all-time high yesterday when some of the industry’s biggest names started calling out Str8UpGayPorn for what they deemed an inappropriate tweet. The tweet was in response to a viral house party that broke social distancing guidelines. The blog tweeted out that “hopefully” the party attendees will “all die from an overdose before they have a chance to infect anyone.” Many popular performers quickly took offense to the tweet and started shaming the blog. You can catch up and read all the stars’ responses here.
After being dragged on Twitter all day yesterday, the blog finally published a statement last night that elaborated on their original tweet. While the blog emphasized that there was no intention to be insensitive towards those struggling with addiction, they also doubled down saying they hope the “Meth Gala” attendees “die before having a chance to kill anyone else.” You can check out their full statement here.
Chi Chi LaRue has been talking about the controversy a lot on their Instagram live talk show. Over the past two days, the porn director has publicly chatted with Max Konnor, Marc MacNamara, Nick Fitt, Brock Banks, Ricky Larkin, and Nick Sahara about the situation. Sahara opened up to LaRue earlier today about how he lost parents to both drugs and complications with coronavirus.
“As we all know, I lost my father due to COVID complications. So do I have any empathy for people that are throwing parties? No. It’s irresponsible. I think for those throwing parties, they need to stop and do the responsible thing,” said Sahara to LaRue on Instagram. “I lost my birth mother to drugs and alcohol… I lost my parents to both situations, so let’s pull our heads out of our asses.”
Watch Nic’s entire video statement on the “overdose” tweet controversy:
Having people die of an OD situation is seriously not something to take light of! I can’t stand by something that puts that much toxicity in this world @Str8UpGayAwards shame on you @falconstudiospr @Men @NextDoorStudios what can we do to make this toxic behavior stop? pic.twitter.com/LntGIDwac1
— Nic Sahara (@NicSaharaXXX) May 6, 2020
Nick Fitt has been one of the more vocal opponents to Str8Up’s tweet. Earlier today he clarified that just because he’s criticizing Str8Up doesn’t mean he’s giving a free pass to the party-goers.
“I texted Ian Frost and told him that was fucked up. I told him. I told other people when I found out they were at the party… Not only does it look bad, but people could actually die from this,” said Fitt on LaRue’s Instagram live. “So do I agree with Str8UpGayPorn saying this shouldn’t have happened? A hundred percent. Absolutely. But I do not with them saying that people deserve to die and putting a poll online.”
Fitt’s message of agreeing with Str8Up, but not agreeing with their “overdose” tweet was echoed by many other stars. Max Konnor clarified his stance on Twitter last night after some misinterpreted his and others’ views on the controversy.
“We’ve stated our anger and disappointment about the party and those in attendance,” tweeted Konnor. “We don’t, however, believe death by OD is just punishment.”
Other stars clarified their positions as well.
Most of the vocal opponents of the “overdose” tweet have said that they are not looking to “cancel” Str8UpGayPorn, but instead just want the blog to be held accountable for their tweet.
“I’m not part of cancel culture. I have no want in him to be brought down or to be canceled or to be taken off the web,” said LaRue on Instagram. “I don’t have any desire for that.”
During their Instagram live this afternoon, Fitt and LaRue both said that they were done talking about the “overdose” controversy.
“I’m done talking about it after today also,” said Fitt. “I think we’ve all said what we have to say.”
Yes, there was irresponsible behavior, and hopefully they will show more responsibility in using condoms now. We have one current epidemic and why allow another deadly virus to mutate again?
ha, that aint gonna happen. These guys love the wild side. In conclusion survival of the smartest
I don’t remember all this energy when the Miami white party happened, what’s with the fake outrage now? Is it because of your inner guilt since most of y’all partake into the same stuff on the downlow? All of this is the result of a community (the gay one) whose existence is based only on sex, drugs, parties and looks. And we wonder why gay porn is losing popularity…
Why do we have to magnify every fucking thing now? It was inappropriate to have a party, yes for sure. There was something sour about the whole incident. Call it whatever, Str8UpGayPorn was throwing shade. Not that gays aren’t used to that. It was probably a throw away comment, something you and I probably would say without a second thought. Ask yourself, how many times have you secretly said, I wish the guy with orange face make up would die from (fill in the blanks).
These people put way more energy at the overdose part than the party that reached the mainstream media. Now that people call them out on their hidden agenda and BS they doubled down on it. We know you’ve been dragged by SUGP and the blog’s readers a lot ChiCHi, don’t pretend we don’t know this is an opportunity you’ve been anticipating to both take down your enemy and raise your popularity.
The three of them are below average porn stars according to me and there are many better porn stars in Spanish and Latin gay porn and also in English gay porn and these aren’t one such and as a consumer of porn it’s my opinion and these are ones I’m least preferred to watch and again, some may be like to be nice all the nice , If you want everyone to be nice all the time do charity only don’t sell stuff to people or put up parties and gangbang orgies and stuff and get people AIDS and now it’s again I just don’t know this blog is shifting its posts from checking on COVID -19 to talking about this shit and 1.these porn stars are not well known and secondly they aren’t health professionals to tell this is okay and this is not okay and no one is special in this even the porn legends or whoever you call that is and again the same person has interviewed people like Alex Collack and other legendary porn stars who have passed away and then new ones come up they try to publicise whoever they like these days and not of people’s liking and bring their interviews and posts about them everywhere and if you had notice the same people own falcon and then they bring and support their porn stars and they seemingly are forgetting logic and I told you before and here it goes again if you do some BS thing what do you expect back? Do you expect people to praise and applause you? It’s very clear that those words told by st84gay blog are not going to cause anyone corona but the parties they threw as such is going to and these people do all the stuff they do and want pity? Get into porn and then it messes up with brain and some quit it and some become saints and some die out of suicide and then some get HIV and all these people come and talk about being kind and stuff! Be better first!
Nick fit needs to stop screaming wolf because when a real emergency happens no ones going to come and help. This is why porn stars are never taken serious.
Seems the sword is pushing this agenda that getting others infected with Covid-19 is okay. These men need to be held accountable and canceled for supporting the partiers.
Well, it’s the most comments they’ve had in years since the Str8Up guy (who used to run this blog) quit. Everyone knows that TheSword, these attention-starved porn “stars,” (who I haven’t seen in any porn, ever–seriously, who are they?) and Drunky LaRue don’t really care about the Str8Up tweet, but it’s been getting all of them more attention than they’ve had in a long time, lol. Whatever it takes, right?
Any press is good press but I’m for them I suppose more attention to their onlyfans
Different post same story ….
in the context of str8up tweets they condemn they partier but i m still waiting on those same videos/live/energy directed towards the partiers… they keep saying they don’t agree with what they did but they spend way more energy towards str8up vs those people…
I gotta say it almost feel like you guys are actually settling old issues you had with that blog …. (That’s just my opinion)
My personal opinion on the addiction matter too :
Do you guys know that us (community or porn consumer) aren’t responsible for your sobriety or addiction… coz again to me it feel this way … i hope that instead of directing your energy towards a blog u put the same energy on checking on each other and putting studio on blast or refusing to film with actors that i m sure everybody know are high …