So me and Chace Crawford are going to be going on a shopping spree in Dubai next month and we’re looking for places to go. I want to suck some dick and he wants to gak himself to pieces. What’s our best bet in Dubai?
Apartment is full of young, hip, wealthy Gulf youth and wild Iranians
escaping repression and lack of clubs in their own countries –it’s is also
full of Eastern European and Russian prostitutes. It’s not a gay club but there’s plenty of Iranians doing coke. The “gay” club we
could not get into because we had more men than women in our party, and there’s a rule about ratios.
You might try Acid, a gay club, which is full of young Lebanese gays and a few
wealthy Gulf Arabs that go in traditional garb looking for boys to pick
up on. There are also many straight women, lesbians and a few
“straight” men. There is no men to women ratio door policy, but women
are let in for free while men pay $20 which includes free low end
liquor until 3am (by 2am most people are trashed). Dress casual
fashionably, look hot, and flash your American passport for quick
Outside of the bars, where can I go to find a little action?
Anywhere you go you have to be discrete, but hanging out in the area where all the Lebanese restaurants are can be quite cruisey since many Lebanese, especially gay Lebanese, left Lebanon during the war two years ago. Another place to go to take a look at locals and westerners alike nearly nude is at the Wild Wadi water park that is attached to The Jumeirah and Burj Al Arab.
The Mall of The Emirates of course! But be very careful about picking up guys at the mall; it may be very gay cruisey, but gays must be very discrete and definitely not outwardly gay nor should any advances be outwardly gay. Last, but not least, gay acts should never occur in public locations. I’m sure the jail in Dubai is not as attractive as gays may portray in their heads.
Are there better places in the Middle East for gay men? I know you shot in Lebanon, and Michael Lucas is always singing the praises of Israel.
Lebanon is definitely the most liberal country in the Middle East thanks to a strong Christian influence. The men are gorgeous and there are numerous gay clubs and bars in Beirut, but they usually do not advertise as exclusively gay. You might try Wolf, a gay bear bar in Hamra, which is the Sunni Muslim part of Beirut. It is
filled with Lebanese “bears” with martini glasses (total oxymoron!) and
they try to keep they young fems out and I have never seen a woman in
Syria’s gays meet discretely at hammams or coffee houses that are not advertised or promoted as being gay, but it is easy to find gays especially in Damascus or Haleb in the north where my model Jacko is from. Jordan and Egypt have even more discrete gay scenes and many gays avoided places that are overtly gay as not to be harassed or criminalized. Israel does have the most liberal and vibrant gay scene in the Middle East, but is uniquely Israeli which is quite different from the rest of the Middle East or Gulf.
OK, that sounds a little more promising. Who are the hottest guys in the Middle East?
Lebanon! Not only are they extremely hot, but they are extremely abundant. They may not all be gay, but they come in all shapes and forms from blonde hair blue eyes to rough looking, bearded Shias.
Who are the most repressed?
Egyptians! Lately Egypt has cracked down on gays and the government does not seem to care about worldwide pressure to let up. I do not consider Iran as part of the Middle East, they are in fact Persians, but Iran easily takes the cake on human rights abuses towards gays; the Iranian government hanged to teen agers not too long ago.
If you were to give advice to a gay man going to the Middle East, what things should they absolutely not do (or not go?)
Do not act overtly gay and never assume someone that looks at you intensively is giving a signal to you; Middle Eastern men seem to look very intensively at other men and especially foreign men, but mean nothing by it. Do go on websites such as manjam or gaydar before going and try to ask locals for advice. Definitely put seeing sights as a priority over partying since there is so much to see. Last, but not least, do NOT bring any drugs to the Middle East and avoid drug use since you do not want to be caught on drugs nor being sold drugs by an undercover agent….didn’t you see Midnight Express!
Collin O’Neal’s World of Men: Lebanon (NakedSword)
Collin O’Neal Retires from Porn
Dubai, Bahrain and Back Home (Collin O’Neal’s Porn Blog)
Please: it’s “discreet”!
Hey guys, Acid is the big gay club in Beirut, not Dubai.
Also, Lebanon is very liberal, but maybe Ricci has Israeli stamps in his passport or has an Israeli passport so he has never been there and will poo poo Lebanon. In fact Roman Ragazzi’s sister (who is an Israeli like him) said one time that “the only good Lebanese is a dead Lebanese,” so I really would not suggest talking to Israeli’s about or getting recommendations about their northern neighbor.
this is CRAP, avoid the middle east to all costs for matters gay. Lebanon is NOT a liberal country, it’s even downright dangerous. The ONLY liberal country in the middle east is israel and that’s it.