Despite how wildly unrealistic this is for a couple hot gay boys of their generation, we congratulate ATWT for bringing gay sex to the masses, complete with post-coital ice cream with grandma–and with twice as much nipple nudity as, say, Will & Grace or Two and a Half Men. The actors (actual gay Van Hansis as Luke and possibly closeted Jake Silbermann as Noah) look like they’re really into it!
Conservative America may embrace us just yet! Well, as we’ve also noted, soaps have long been the stages for such groundbreaking, Christian-friendly fare like serial killers, evil husband-snatching twins, witches, exorcisms, child rape, and lurid hetero affairs with gratuitous lingerie and softcore makeout scenes.
And really, for all we can tell from the before and after shots, Luke and Noah may as well just have shared a couple of vanilla HJs as had full-on butt sex, but we can dream.
The full clip, complete with ice cream, below.
CBS Gives Gay Soap Opera Supercouple a PG-Rating, Everyone Else Blueballs
This Week In Gay Teens Kissing on TV: Gossip Girl and As the World Turns
Gay Soap Teen Not Really a Teen, Actually a Gay, Possibly a Clone
Harry Seltzer’s Blog (The Daily Beast)
A heterosexual couple had to intervene to get a gay couple to fuck eachother?
Makes total sense.