“If want everybody out there, if you are gay, be proud of it. Don’t let some domestic terrorist filled with hate take you from being the person who you are. Don’t let them win.” ~Diesel Washington
Diesel Washington is provocative and entertaining even when his words don’t resonate with you. Today, a raw, impassioned Diesel takes on the tragic events of this past weekend. This is likely to be one time you find yourself in total agreement with both what he says, and how he says it.
When it comes to the Pulse nightclub massacre, Diesel Washington Has Something to Say …
“Hey, Politicians. Your ‘thoughts’ and prayers go out and the money from the NRA goes right in your pockets. Stop with the fucking bullshit and enact some gun laws already.”
To support the victims of the Pulse Shooting, click here for the GoFundMe page. To contact your elected representatives about gun control, click here.
Hear what else Diesel Washington has to say about; Being Infamous, the 2016 Grabbys, internet trolls, overzealous bareback performers, ‘Gay 4 Pay’ models, begging porn stars, and lack of diversity in gay porn.
“I Have Something To Say” is a feature at The Sword offering those in the adult industry a public platform to express what’s on their minds.
If you are in the adult industry and have something to say,
we’d like to hear from you.
Thank you Diesal for expressing what is in many of our hearts, you not only hit the nail on the coffin you fucking pounded it in! I love you and hope that together we can rise up and show these Gun Nut motherfuckers and the N.R.A. that yes, we are going to take away your mass killing weapons and we’re not going to let you continue your motive for profit above human lives. Assault Rifles have no place in our schools, movie theaters, streets or clubs. The violence has to stop NOW.
Diesel, I love Tuesdays because of you. Today you reduced me to tears as you expressed what’s been in my heart. Thank you