Next Door Studios employees, including several models and President Stephan Sirard, have been traumatized after finding a dead cow on the company’s ranch!
Watch (below) as the Next Door team discovers a dead calf, which wasn’t just murdered, but was also horrifically mutilated by an unknown assailant. The calf’s mother was also injured in the deadly attack.
The gay porn mega studio is no stranger to hate crimes, as employee Cody Cummings was the victim of his own separate hate crime late last year when his truck was vandalized. Do lifeless animals and Cody Cummings have anything in common? Are the two attacks related?
Lol…I thought this would be a post about one of the female hookers used in their fuck videos or that dude who does the make-up.
They should have been calling a vet for the poor injured mama cow instead of doing nothing. Or put her down if she was gravely injured and suffering. To leave her there like that is cruel. I feel like reporting them to PETA!
Calving for cows is fraught with many different problems, including not able to push the calf out, usually because the unborn calf is too big(usually this one) or not in the right position. The birth size of calves is statisticly kept by reputible breeders. If a bull produces an inordinate amount of over sized calves, then he is not used for breeding. Commonly the cow is helped by vets and farmers by “pulling” the calf out. Sometimes this results in death of one or both. Once the cow has been treated with medications, then they are left to rest and recover on their own. The only issue I have here, is that the calf was not removed immediately. The protrusion of her vagina is also a common thing after such an event.
Ah, dead fetus, and cow vagina…This was more sexy then some of the scenes and content being produced on the porn side of NDS.
That’s pretty evil if someone did that on purpose. I hope they catch the person who did that. I really detest homophobia, and people who kill animals for no reason. :(
Who could guess Cody is into pedonecrobestiality!
It starts with hand-licking, it ends with pedonecrobestiality.