His big party isn’t until next week, but Johnny Rapid’s actual 21st birthday was last weekend, so why not start the celebration early? Here’s Johnny Rapid enjoying some adult beverages with his manager, Tee Gates, and his wife, Candie Rapid. Cute couple!
Lets not forget that Kurt Wild was also married with SEVERAL children, and still a very convincing sexy bottom. A job is a job.
did you HAVE to tell us he has a WIFE?!?! I just wanted to have this one little fantasy in this cruel, cold world
Actually, Johnny Rapid is straight but he’s just young and confused.
Oddly enough, I’ve never seen another straight man get double penetrated as much as Johnny Rapid. Strange ‘straight’ behavior.
Unless he’s also doing it in his personal life, I don’t see how it’s strange. Stunt men don’t normally hurl themselves off of building in their personal life but they do it for work every day.
lol ‘Candie Rapid’.
That brings up an interesting question: if your significant other is a porn star and you are not, do you also automatically get a porn name?
Zach made that name up.
Johnny only introduced her as “the boo Candie” in his tweet, didn’t mention a last name.
Trolling at its finest.
Since she is allegedly Johnny Rapid’s wife, how is it trolling to simply give her his (porn) last name?
It’s ridiculous, that’s it, and you know that full well.
We know it’s an alias and the wife isn’t in gay porn and does not usually get involved. One picture of her has been posted and all hell broke loose. Insults, snarky comments about their relationship, demeaning remarks about her looks, etc…
It proves once again that gay people’s extreme misogyny and the fact that they have the lowest ethics. No surprise there.
Half Porco, the real absence of surprise is in your constantly homophobic commentary and how regularly you find something wrong with gay people (or as you like to call them, fags). Queen, you are tired. If you can’t find a laugh in the objectification of people (especially porn people who are the refuse of society) after they put themselves into a spotlight to be judged, then maybe you should get on before you get spit on (or shit on).
Are these threats??
I won’t lower myself to your level, sorry. I have standards.
Happy belated birthday Johnny Rapid from a fan of yours.. NOT to be snarky here but his wife looks much older than him. She looks like she is in her 30’s.
She looks like she was in her 30’s in the ’80s.
@Tony Yeah I know William Levy is, a soap opera actor and he’s straight and married I guess.
Jordi Lim, William Levy isn’t married and yes he’s straight, damn. I’ve heard rumors in Miami, he’s bisexual. Yes is in a Mexican Soap Opera on Univision network. The man is drop dead gorgeous.
these porn stars amaze me every time. ieve meet few women i would let know about me but none ive dated. how did these two find each other. and what did he say to him–and herrrrr. and how is she ok with this. and that manager looks so random–how do they even know each other. this needs to be on a reality tv show to really see it all in full swing.
Is that Sherri Shepherd in the photo?
August 29th is ‘Dancing With The Stars’, William Levy’s birthday as well. This is one hot gorgeous man with a phat ass, fat thick cut cock, and a nice damn body. I would rock his world, if I had a chance. LOL
If Johnny Rapid is straight who had experienced sex with countless men in diff. positions, What Am I who happens to be a virgin at 33 years old Now Im so confused?
you’re just a virgin. number of sexual partners and age have nothing to do with sexual orientation.
Wife?! Are you fucking kidding me?
I hope you all rot from untreatable gonorrhea and the bubonic plague you sacks of shit.
WHy the abuse towards his wife? She hasn’t spoken a word and I’ve read at least 10 insults about her above.
Says more about your insecurity as an older fag than about her I think.
Thats not a wife, Full Porker, its a freakin security detail!
Shut the fuck up, Pat Robertson. Anything you had to say lost its validity once you busted out the word “fag,” you fucking bigot.
I have to wonder why is it that you’re in a blog that discusses gay porn, since you always use extremely homophobic language and seem to harbour extreme animosity towards gay men in general.
I case you hadn’t noticed it before, people are allowed to express their opinion and, since the overall tone of the blog is rather jocular, when not downright irreverent, they are not to be taken too seriously in the majority of cases.
Get down of your high horse and learn to treat others with respect, you insufferable homophobe.
Oh come on…he’s so not straight.
See ?? Cute couple ! …. it’s those little comments that make the difference and make me giggle. Viva Zach !!
He has a wife, I thought he was the gayest pornstar of them all?
I got info on this dude. HMU.
I think Zach is making a funny. That can’t possibly be his wife.
There is a post about him on thedirty.com. If what was written was true, he fits right in with Sebastian Young, Robert Van Damme, and Jason Adonis.
I just read it. Why does gay porn attract so many crazy folk.
The Dirty? Are you kidding me?? That shit hole gossip blog is nothing more than an online bullying site that anyone who has a picture of someone can go on and post any made up story. This is a site that regularly allows minors pictures to be posted and stories about them from jealous classmates to be put on there for all to see. The Dirty should have been shut down a long time ago. Anyone who believes what they see on the Dirty shouldn’t be at all surprised if they end up on there as well.
I just noticed all of the negative comments on that page have the typing quirk of capitalising every word, so they all seem to be from the same person.
Yeah tell that to anthony wiener, Richard nanula, and the guy from vh1s tough love show.
Wow! I looked up the Steve Ward/VH1 drama on there; it was definitely interesting and did not surprise me for even a second. That’s exactly the type of douche bag behavior I would expect from a guy like that.
He’s got lovely silky hair. And only 21, wow….
Wait i thought her name was Sara?
Looks like Johnny, his mom and a fan.
StaceyGoneWild asked him what his type is in that interview she did with him and he said:
“In a female I like sexy long haired brunnettes with a very pretty face and defined cheek bone. An athletic body with good sized breasts and an ass to match. Equal to my height.”
I saw him post this photo on twitter
and I thought this one was his wife. I didn’t think it was a photo with a fan because the body language looks a bit too cosy.
Johnny Rapid looks stunning and sexy in that photo. Maybe Johnny is just happy to take pictures with all his fans? He does have a lot of female fans you know, not just gay men who are fans. Johnny Rapid is one of the few superstars in gay porn who embraces and acknowledges both his male and female fans. There is no denying that Johnny Rapid puts on great performances on screen and is a truly believable bottom. So convincing on screen that there are some who don’t believe that he isn’t in fact 100% gay. Now that is what I call a great performer if he can convince you otherwise that he is gay in real life.
And he looks fuckin normal as hell in that pic. Daddy like.
She’s a beautiful girl but looks older than him.
Geez, check out the traps on “her”! Bitch is built like a linebacker… LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!
That fan who tripped her was brave. He’s lucky she didn’t knock him out.
>Have you had any bad experiences with fans? Do you enjoy interacting with them?
>I love interactions with my fans. The fans are amazing. One fan did “accidentally” trip my girlfriend at the mall. That’s never cool.
Aww a polygamous relationship!
So Tee’s the one responsible for never making a dental appointment for one of his “stars”? (Boy, those bucks must be rolling in by the truckload.)
His teeth are gleaming, and he just has the Madonna gap so shut it!
Porn Stars need managers? They don’t just show dick picks to the web-master/owner and show up?
I wonder if the Manager take 10% of his ass at night, a sorta finder’s fuck.
That is not his wife, that’s his mother or sister…right?!
Last I checked he had some major snaggle-teeth going on in the front. Just a fact, not opinion. Tell the guys in the gang-fuck bathroom prison line to watch their pubic hairs.
she looks like she could dominate and abuse jonnny too
Candie looks old enough to be his mother. Seriously, I think she was legally drinking during the Reagan administration.
Still better than that guy from Kick-Ass who married his mother.
Candie? I thought her name was aMANda. :/
Be careful Johnny!! One false move and it will eat you.
Which one? The beached orca in the white tee or the tranny in the spangled halter?
Who ever made this comment (Loki)…FUCK YOU!
Is it weird to want to see them all in a sweaty threeway, with Johnny used with no mercy?
Happy Birthday Johnny! he looks adorable in this pic.
i wonder if Tee Gates can make me a star!?