Taormino asserts, “Queer is often attracted to queer first and foremost,” and goes further to elaborate on the world of butch dykes about which we know very little:
Gay porn gives them a range of masculine desires to relate to or lust
after. For those dykes who themselves identify as fag-or who like
butch/butch, boi/boi, or transman/transman sex-they can see a
hyper-masculine version of their own sex lives and/or fantasies
performed on the small screen.
She also quotes Nerve.com writer Kera Bolonik, a straight women who observes something vaguely feminist in the whole videotaped boy-fucking enterprise:
There is something really admirable about gay male porn, at least in
principle: it’s egalitarian. Everyone gets a turn at the top as well as
at the bottom. Everyone comes, and often they do it together.
While it’s generally true that everyone comes in gay porn (the male orgasm ain’t as elusive, or as fake-able, ladies), we’d like to inform Ms. Bolonik that flip-flopping really hasn’t been the norm, ever, except in the odd twink title. We note, however, that Hot House has been featuring it quite a bit lately, and so has Titan, in movies like Breakers, and Telescope in which Rick Van Sant and Andrew Justice both get to be on top in their scene– NSFW picks here and here.
Falcon Unleashes Straight Chicago Dogs With Relish
Gay Porn and the Women Who Love It (Gay Porn Times)
Watch Telescope on Nakedsword.