Before he became a gay porn star, Jett Black was an award-winning dancer for Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet.
Here’s Canada’s CBC News on how Jett Black (one of The Sword’s Top 10 Gay Porn Stars With Amazing Hair) was asked to leave the company earlier this year once they learned of his work with CockyBoys:
Jeppe Hansen, 22, had danced on stages around the world and studied in Montreal, New York City and his native Denmark before joining the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School in September 2012. Hansen beat out thousands for a spot and a scholarship in the prestigious dance school’s professional division.
“My identity is built on being a ballet dancer,” he told CBC News. “For me to come there was a big opportunity for me.”
But earlier this year, Hansen appeared in his first pornographic video — a side project and an opportunity, he said, to express himself in a new way — and RWB officials found out.
“They told me … they didn’t have any space for me because I did porn,” he said.
According to Hansen, school administrators asked him to sign a letter stating that he voluntarily withdrew from the program. Hansen said he never wanted to leave the RWB, but he felt that officials had already made up their minds on the matter. He accused the ballet company of unfairly trying to define what constitutes art.
“You cannot be in a company or with the school or whatever because you’ve decided to take a different standpoint artistically — not because you physically can’t do it, or because you’re not good enough,” Hansen said.
The CBC also reveals that Jett Black once danced for the Queen of Denmark, which is possibly as high an honor as riding Gabriel Clark’s cock. So why the switch from ballet to gay porn? Jett Black tells The Sword:
Expressing yourself as an artist, and allowing yourself not to create art in a box made by the viewer, but by you as the artist, is the most liberating way of expression, and allowing myself to be me as a person and as an artist is what made me decide to change artistic direction and explore my other creative interests.
Jett also explained that he chose to participate in the conservation and spoke to CBC openly because “[t]he information would have come out if I wanted it to or not. I thought it was important to shine a light on the sometimes rather misunderstood adult industry that is rapidly changing.”
While we’re a long way away from someone ever being kicked out of gay porn for having a side job as a ballet dancer, the fact that the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (equivalent to PBS here in the U.S.) went out of its way to publish and also broadcast on television (tonight at 6 p.m. Winnipeg time, whenever that is) such a flattering portrayal of a gay porn star is a welcome surprise. Canadians are so nice.
That ballet company kicked Jett Black out because it is unheard of to have a gay guy doing ballet.
I guess Jett Black was the first gay ballet dancer in history.
sweet and noble Creature !! I hope to come back in the Ballet, because Gay Sex is a Gift from God!
Hmmm. So it was his first year at RWB, and he was at most an apprentice to the company, a member of the corps. He’s still young, and if he’s not COMPLETELY stapled to being strictly about ballet (which is getting rarer and rarer these days, with all the cross-pollination guest choreographers bring to ballet companies anyway), there’s plenty of companies out there that will hire him without much concern for bad press. Of course, he won’t be as individually famous as he is in porn now — what serious dancers are anymore? — but if his life is as much about dance as he claims it is, it won’t matter. He can be an artist all day and get as much dick as he can handle during his down time. He’s too young for that “sex as the great equalizer” period during the seventies and eighties, when high culture was taking it up the ass from blue collar at the Continental Baths, but the principle’s pretty much the same even now, though the Internet has made things a tiny bit more discreet.
Unfortunately, the younger generation has been raised to think that they can do anything they want (aka “express themselves”) and none of their actions will have any negative repercussions. They’re idiots. The world doesn’t work that way and when life bitch slaps them, they start whining about how they’re victims.
He spends his life training to be a professional dancer, gets a JOB with a prestigious company and then decides that’s not enough for him. What he also wants to do is porn. Yeah, his judgment is state of the art.
lol what a bunch of repressed bullshit.
I should expect as much from a generation that specialized in shifting blame and making terrible decisions.
The only bullshit I see in this situation is Jett’s claims of his work in porn as some form of artistic expression. Also, before you denigrate a generation, it might serve you well to recognize it’s that same generation that has worked and fought to secure the rights and privileges we have today as LGBT persons.
Your an idiot. Apparently you can’t read:
“Jeppe Hansen, 22, had danced on stages around the world and studied in Montreal, New York City and his native Denmark before joining the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School in September 2012”. He was not being paid. How is he supposed to pay for room and board and school and eating? Hmm.. fantastic looking gay guy.. should he make easy money doing gay porn…. or work for minimum wage 40 hours a week as a slave… or perhaps become a criminal?
In al seriousness ballet dancers have been prostitues for many years. Read about how royalty in France and Russia had many of them as mistresses. Catherine Chislova is a great example.
Oh no! He fucked someone!
Art, today is a fucking business without rules that can define it so it’s easy to say that someone sucking dick, licking a butt hole, giving the ass, jerking off, etc is “expressing himself in a new way”. Does it make mom and dad artists too? I think it doesn’t because they are only ordinary people. Does it need to be a ballet dancer to see a way to ” explore other creative interests ” spreading the legs in a porn set instead on a stage?
Too bad for him because ballet with all those big marys, sissies and swans are a respectable activity that I suppose is full of gay sex…a kind of sex that he’ll have now working for ” O’Pussy & Dickson “,” Crotchseller & Sons ” or other porn companies.
Gee, thanks for making us look like assholes Winnipeg.
Firing somebody for doing porn is such a boring holdover of old christian stupidity.
Dumb, dumb, dumb….
This will be a future regret for this foolish kid.
Too bad.
As much as I may enjoy watching porn, I cannot begin to imagine what would motivate someone to make the choice that Jett has. What could possibly be so appealing about being in porn that would make a gifted dancer even think about it?
I agree.
Doing porn closes a lot of doors for you and prevents you from receiving opportunities. Sad but true.
The same thing goes for coming out of the closet and be open about your sexual identity.
Sadly we live in a world where a great deal of people use any excuse to judge, doubt, and mistrust others.
Porn is adult entertainment and its artistic value is still considered subversive, smutty, or sleazy by most people when you ask them in public and broad daylight.
I find him very out of place in porn, saw him at the grabbys and other then his hair I wanted to barf, he’s not at all cute, very cunty, things he’s some huge celebrity that owns the place, stuck up snob that somehow made cockyboys…hope jake jaxson dumps him soon cause he needs to go. Too much makeup
Yet another Cockyboys douchebag. Choices have consequences, why feel sorry for this kid?
Sounds like sour grapes to me! You wouldn’t happen to be in the porn industry yourself and be seething with jealousy that Jett Black is one of the hottest new models in porn right now? The porn industry should be looked at as an alternative artistic platform. Some productions more so than others. Who’s to say that artistic creativity is not possible or apparent in adult entertainment?
He really made a stupid decision. Porn will never give him the life or opportunities that ballet would have given him. He will end up regretting this in the future.
Right, because the life of a dancer lasts much longer than that of a porn actor. With injuries and bodies breaking down most dancers don’t have careers past their late 20’s – early 30’s. Also, the pay for dancers is generally shit. Do what you gotta do kid. Live your life for you.
Ballet dancers and porn stars tend to have short careers. The difference is that a career as a professional dancer OPENS doors (personally and professionally), while a career in porn CLOSES them.
Unfairly or not, when you do decide to do porn there are opportunity cost that mean giving up other certain avenues. It kind of sucks that the ballet career was sacrificed. I feel if one is going to be sex worker you have to come to terms that some jobs (teaching kids, running for politics, etc) will become harder to get into or continue. Choose wisely.