The story comes to us, naturally, from the National Enquirer, which also splashed the palimony story on its pages in an attempt to cash in on the titillation of Liberace’s BIG SECRET about his sexuality.
In 2004, the Enquirer also printed the EXCLUSIVE story Scott told them about having sex with Michael Jackson–a story Scott suddenly “remembered” probably around the time he was coming off a three-week meth bender and realized he needed some cash.
Below, left we share with you a picture of Liberace and Scott together in the late 70s, during their 5-year relationship. At right, the Enquirer’s overly watermarked mugshot, which we could probably find un-watermarked on The Smoking Gun if we weren’t feeling really lazy right now. Anyhow, the years and the meth haven’t been too kind, so who needs a clear shot anyway.
Mom Thought They Were Straight?: The Series
Five Haunts with Gay Ghosts
Phyllis Diller on The Liberace Show, 1969
Mom Thought He Was Straight?: Liberace