In his memorable live show for Falcon and CAM4 last week, Max Konnor pounded the hell out of Xavier Zane (who shot two loads!)—and also opened up in a revealing interview that was broadcast during a break in the action. Max talked about fighting the porn star stigma, embracing imperfections, his porn crushes, signing as a Falcon|NakedSword exclusive, and more!
And if you want more hot action, check out the show with Tristan Hunter, Evan Knoxxx and Dan, and read up on Cade Maddox’s interview and show with Luke Truong, followed by Cole Connor flip-fucking with Roman Todd! Check out these hot pics from Max and Xavier’s show as you read highlights of his great interview, then see more of Max at Falcon!
Porn with a purpose: “My whole brand is not just to serve people porn or serve people sex, but have a message behind that.”
Fighting the stigma: “I think one of the main things that I have wanted to accomplish by doing this is to show people a new or different genre of porn model. To fight the stigma. You know, when you do porn, everybody automatically thinks you’re unintelligent, you have no other options, it was a ‘resort.’ And I want people to know that that’s not the truth. It’s all a stigma and lies. There are people in this industry who are smart, highly intelligent, who have other options but chose to porn, who wants to do this.”
Paying it forward: “A lot of people think it’s crazy when I tell them this because they’re like, ‘Oh, it’s just porn!”, but in the future, I want to have some sort of resource—and I’ve already started to work on this through my company—but I want there to be some sort of resource where models can learn how to properly brand, how to budget, how to build a brand, how to market, how to use their brand to push something else that they can do in conjunction with it.”
Advice to new performers? “Be yourself. The things that you think are quirky, different, not fully accepted by other people—that’s the thing you need to hold onto, because that’s what’s going to make you different. You don’t want to be a caricature of someone else that’s already in the industry. I always suggest that you find somebody who has characteristics like yours, find out how and what they did to make that thing tick and to work—and then completely unravel it, change it and make it for yourself.”
On his weekly CAM4 shows: “It’s also been interesting to come up with different ways to present the show. So right now, what I do is like twice a month, I do like an invited guest show; and once a month I’ll have my Spain show. And then the other show in that month will be a cooking show, where I decide upon a recipe that I haven’t really made before, so I just really have fun with my fans. I try to cook this food and I give them a little sexy show to go with it.”
Embracing imperfections: “I call my social media fans and my CAM4 fans, I call them all my family, and they are important to me. I have some CAM4 fans and social media fans that will just contact me and tell me about their day. I like the cam shows for that reason; it’s a more intimate, personal interaction.
“Live is a lot different from produced or fan content because you kind of have to embrace flaws and mess-ups, and go with it. And again, which is why I love doing it, because it shows imperfection—and I’m all about imperfection. Imperfections are things that makes things interesting. If it’s too perfect, what’s the point? Sometimes, some crazy stuff happens. Sometimes the camera falls, sometimes the lube spills…and it’s those things that make it more interesting.”
His strong stomach: “I had appendicitis the first semester of college, and I didn’t go to the doctor until like one of my roommates just came into my dorm room and pulled me off the bed, put me in a taxi and took me to the doctor. They were like, ‘Your appendix has burst.’ They called my family, everybody had to come up to New York. I was in a wheelchair for like two months…apparently, I have a very high threshold. They were like, ‘No one could go this long with appendicitis.’ I was like, ‘I thought it was just a bad stomach ache.’”
On signing as a Falcon Exclusive: “When I got the offer to be a Falcon Exclusive, I was shocked. First of all, I never thought I would sign exclusive with a studio. But it just came at the right opportune time, because I was in the position where I was tired of traveling. I like to have like a family. I like to go to work and see people that I know and that I trust. I’m a people person, but I’m not very trusting with people, and so I like working with the same people. And I was ready to settle down and find one spot.
“At the time, I wasn’t thinking that would be exclusively, but I was going to limit the number of studios I would work with. And then my agent called me, he was like, ‘Hey, how would you like to sign exclusive for Falcon?’…we did some negotiating and I ended up signing. I’m happy I did; it’s been a great experience. I have no complaints whatsoever. I love everyone that I work with…being a Falcon representative means to me that Tim (Valenti) and the whole Falcon/NakedSword team has put their trust in me along with my (fellow Exclusives) to represent their brand, represent their company—and to do it well. And I think it’s a big responsibility, I think it’s a great responsibility, and I’m excited. I’m still as excited as the day I signed the contract.”
His porn crush: “I used to watch a fair amount of Hot House because Beaux Banks used to work in Hot House a lot, and I kind of have a little crush on Beaux Banks, so that’s why I watched.”
On who he wants to work with: “Dean Young. I used to talk to Dean before I even started doing porn, and I just remember he was on Instagram, and I would see his Instagram and be like, ‘Oh my God, this boy is so cute.’ And the minute I found out he signed with Falcon, I was like, ‘Okay, this has to happen.’ So here’s my fingers crossed…if anybody at Falcon is watching this, hook me up.”
On leaving a legacy: “I think just by me signing a contract, I’ve kind of made somewhat of a Falcon legacy for myself…I think I am the first African-American exclusive to be signed in a number of years…it’s been a while…so there’s a lot of people who look at me and say, ‘Oh, look at this!’ And there might be another Black model that will be like, ‘Oh, I can work for this company. If Max Konnor can do it, then I can do it.’ Which is really beautiful.
“But it also shows that somebody that has been doing this for a while, who has not been signed exclusively to a company, it’s still never too late for that. Because again, I thought that my exclusive days were gone. Especially in some aspects, you know even my agent would call me and be like, ‘Hey you’re over-exposed, you’re doing too much, you need to calm down.’ But here I am.”
*shit about it… typos
This dude is acting like he’s the guru of porn and is doing social service work. Fuck off.
You alienated your gay fans when you started fucking vaginas all over the place.
You engage in race play porn which is just fucked up and you try to play damage control by throwing some sad attempt towards POC in porn. Dude called your the N- word during your fan site fuck session and you didn’t do shut about it and you borderline defended him when you were called out.
Remember the whole LE debacle and you starring in Black Cocks Matter/Rules… you did the exact same thing. Stop thinking you’re the shit because you aren’t. Do us all a favor go find some more pussy and retire.
When did he start fucking women? I never heard of that.
Never mind. I found it
You found it?? Thoughts??
When did he get called the N-word?
Porn is porn no matter how you wrap it: get over it.
Delusional, this one.
A bad stomach ache is one thing. Appendicitis is friggin painful and dangerous. Thank your roommate for getting you to the help you needed. As for people thinking you’re not smart since you’re in porn, ignore them. All they are is dust in the wind.