He won’t talk to me.
He won’t answer me.
Mick Lovell hates me.
I’ve come on too strong.
I’ve ruined everything.
He started doing webcam shows again, but even there I felt like an intruder, as if I didn’t belong.
It’s as if I don’t even exist.
My Mick…
Don’t leave me, Mick.
I will never forget when I first saw you…
[via BelAmi]
I am here for you, Mick. Turn off your webcam and call me, maybe?
We’re meant to be…
You know, Paul Bookstaber never used TheSword.com to sexually harass, stalk, befriend, socialize or ingratiate himself with porn stars.
But why care about professional distance or objectivity? It’s the porn industry! TheSword gave you POWER and so you’re going to use it to make porn stars like and fuck you!
Meanwhile, you’ll never have what it takes to be what they’re attracted to sexually or what they’re used to getting.
Check in with reality sometime, and maybe try a little dignity.
Or keep sucking up to Mick Lovell and pretending you’re what he’s looking for.
You’re not very good at this detecting humor thing, are you?
it’s because you haven’t written about him lately :( on the sword. you probably hurt his feelings. you have to write another great piece espousing his manly virtues
Guess Sean Cody’s Ethan’s Days are over…….
Did Mick get peepee slapped by Bel Ami for doing this? I note that tweet’s been deleted (the F4F reference….)
Damn, I have a huge sex crush on Daniel Marvin but you don’t see me Posting his name on ALL OF MY TWITTER POSTS
Sweet baby Jesus it would be so great if the Mick above was the real Mick.
HAHAHA oh wow.
Haha wow did you really post all those messages?
I didn’t think Bel Ami models were allowed to get drunk and go on Flirt4Free.
The restraining order is about to be served.
poor zach~~
Zach, you are Mick’s personal Candyman. That’s why he’ll never say your name three times in front of a mirror.