The DEMONICSEX trailer (here’s an introduction to the $400,000 project) will be unveiled at the Folsom Street Festival in September. In the meantime, enjoy our satyr sex tips video, followed by a gallery of Samuel Colt with his new surfer boi hairdo, flanked on all sides by his amazing technicolor dream-rapists: Jake Wetmore, Ed Hunter and Conor Patrick.
‘DEMONICSEX’ The Movie: This is Some Fucked Up Shit
Craigslist Post of the Day: Lord Pan Seeks Satyr Faun
Why Wasn’t the Pirate Allowed to Watch the CGI Porno? Because It Was Rated ‘Aaarrr!’ (NSFW)
Is this out on DVD yet?
i hope there are orgies and guys shoving crucifixes and other religious objects in their ass, pissing on them, spitting — all satanic shit!
DRINK ME why don’t you get a clue how to convey thoughts before putting yourself out there, its not like you represent EVERYONE’S personal taste, I sure as hell don’t agree with you. So would you fall into the catagory of “Poor Taste” ?
I was always brought up that if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all. Don’t be mad just go away if you don’t like it, no one is forcing you to watch or be a part of the video. I’m glad that there are people with guts to do something differnt, and put themselves out there on the edge. I’m ashamed too that your gay, I hate to call you my “brother” for being so closed minded.
Hey Drink Me:
Eat Me!
so much budget for such a cheap “thing”…
looks like a big cheesy turn off…
wrong wrong wrong…
but it may gonna work really well,it may sales yeah, like all the cheap dance music you guys are listening to,because you 85% gay guys you have such a Bad Taste in everything… or I would say , most of you guys, HAVE NO TASTE…
I’m ashamed to be gay when I see “THAT”.
but I guess everybody has the right to express himself…
I agree…but your language is a little rough. I’m sure that there is stuff you like that other guys, gay and straight, would think are unsophisticated or dumb.
quote: “I’m ashamed to be gay when I see “THAT”
Why on earth do you allow other people’s proclivities to influence your own self-esteem?
Methinks that it is time for you to get yourself to a decent psycho-therapist… with haste!
If this is what demons in hell look like then sign me up for a first class ticket!
Words cannot serve to function what I love about these photos. HOT– cannot WAIT to see the film
Awesome stuff we are about to get.. I can hardly wait for the preview.. too bad I am not going to be at FOLSOM this year. How soon will we get to see it? Here on line? Please keep me up dated.
I got an email some time ago about investing, was not able to find it again, I don’t have much but would love to have my name on as a contributor, is this still possible. Damn.. you folks are making me want to go get some man meat! Oink. Thanks for sharing …
LOL this is great!