But perhaps none features quite as hot and manly a cast of hunks than the Australian rugby and football leagues’ “Gods of Football” calendar, which we mentioned back in December mostly because of the down-home natural beauty of coverboy David Williams.
Capitalizing on their success — and their hotness — and following in the footsteps of Dieux du Stade, the boys now have a behind-the-scenes DVD that was featured on Entertainment Tonight this week. A couple of preview clips have popped up, and judging from the hot, softcore, jockish wonder of it all, we wager this disc will be a perfect stocking stuffer for the porn-averse homosexual in your life. Enjoy two clips below.
Nipple Nudity: David Williams and Some Other Hot Aussie Footballers
The Best Sportraits of 2008
Hot Rugby Player Interviews Hot Rugby Player
Dieux Du Stade 2009
Gods of Football DVD Released in North America (OhLaLa Mag)